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Posts posted by BillsNYC

  1. Word.


    And why the hell would any adult sign up to follow the twitters of someone else, especially someone they don't even know? It reminds me little girls in school passing notes to each other.


    Do you even know what Twitter is? Its one of the most powerful tools on the internet and in the world today, and its "following twitters of somebody you don't know"...seriously dude...you just look dumb and out of touch.

  2. Not saying he's bust yet....but here's my point:


    My boss just fired a new guy at work. The guy had a lot of promise and potential, but after a couple weeks just wasn't getting the job done. My boss said that every time he asked the guy how he was doing, the guy acted arrogant and said he was doing great and the guy even started spending money trying to impress people like buying lunch. My boss said If the guy would have admitted he was having trouble and needed help he would have worked harder to get him more time.


    Same with Maybin...the guy doesn't get that nobody cares about his haircut, Arrington, what he did in one year at Penn Statem or his partying. What eveybody cares about is that he couldn't get playing time and was the only high draft pick that couldn't start a game this year on a terrible team. Its time to show humility and be humble, not act like a celeberty.


    Hell...Levitre asks for bar recomendations but is at least low key about it....and actually earned playing time.

  3. If it pisses you off so much why are you signed up for his Twitter account to hear about his daily life? So you can get a rise out of anything he posts that isn't football-related?


    Give it a rest.


    Ha...that's like saying don't watch the news if you don't want to hear about Lynch's legal problems.


    Maybin cares more about image and being thought of as a football player...than being a winner. Ryan Leaf to a "t"

  4. I dno't quite think so, just on the basis that the Colts didn't lose to a journeyman backup QB. The Saints passing game just did a little more to win unlike in 25 where the Giants D and ground game took the Bills out.


    My point was more that Payton, like Parcells, outcoached what was probably a better team.

  5. wow. relax dude. while you and i and everyone else in this country was enjoying the game and the party that comes with it, you expect him to be serious at work? maybe let him wait until tomorrow to start training, is that really too much to ask?


    Yeah, it actually is. The guy was late to training camp, was a joke this season, promotes his "image" more than his play, and is tweeting about what a great time he's having at the Super Bowl. That, is a jerkoff defined. I'd rather hear my #1 draft pick talk about being ticked he's not in the game, not about partying after the game. If you're gonna go party, keep it to yourself, don't brag about it on twitter.

  6. Right after the game on Twitter:


    AaronMaybin58 - Liv is about to be crazy tonight. LET'S GO!!!!!!!!


    Me - @AaronMaybin58 Why don't you worry about getting our Bills to the Super Bowl instead of partying. You have a lot to prove Aaron.


    The guy you replaced, Hargrove, has a Super Bowl ring. Why don't you shut up, realize you have a long way to go, and get to work on 2010. I know NFL players are all partying it up, but Maybin was a joke last year, and it *(&^&(* me off that he thinks he's the man down there. What a jerkoff.

  7. I texted all my Bills fans friends in the 2nd Quarter that this was EXACTLY like Super Bowl 25.


    Like the Giants, the Saints kept the high power Colts (Bills) offense off the field with strong defensive play and a slow and steady offense.


    Watching Manning on the bench was like watching Kelly on the sidelines.


    Schefter or somebody reported that Payton asked Parcells to give a speech to his team before the game but declined. Wouldn't shock me if Parcells helped with the game plan.

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