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Posts posted by BillsNYC

  1. I can't imagine why the government would spend a nickel on this. If there is a market for faster internet service, the providers of these services will build out the infrastructure and sell the service to those that want to buy it.


    Because it would accelerate the US transition out of the stone age and into the information age. In 10 years everybody will have access to high speed internet, everything could move over to data. Letting private companies handle it means it prob won't happen in our lifetime. It'd pay off long term for growth in the US and create jobs, it'd have the same impact as Eisenhower's highway system.


    I marketed Verizon FiOS for two years when nobody knew what it was, I know the way they think.

  2. I don't argue. I just took offense to the original post attributing quotes to Obama that he didn't make.


    Not Obama technically, but Gibbs/White House, which IS Obama's mouthpiece:


    The White House has claimed, however, that the Senate health care bill will not change U.S. law on abortion or alter the status quo. “The president is not and will not change current federal law in dealing with abortions and healthcare,” asserted White House spokesman Robert Gibbs on Thursday.



  3. Peggy Noonan in her article today says that federally funded abortion in on page 2,069 of the bill, yesterday Stupak said it is in there as well.


    Also yesterday, Pelosi and Obama said that there is nothing about federally funded abortion in the bill.


    I honestly want to see who is right, and am trying to find the bill online but can't find it, anybody have a link?


    With Stupak and his followers, this detail could be what brings down the bill, so would like to read for myself.

  4. Anybody recommend programs I can use to backup my movies on a Mac?


    I had AnyDVD and CloneDVD on my PC, but that computer has died so looking to start using my Mac. I used Mac the Ripper and another program recently, but I'm looking for a program that allows me to select what to copy (previews, extra content, etc)


    I've researched online but there are a ton of options.

  5. I went to Fordham, the football program is a complete joke. It only went D1 in 1989 and in that stretch had 2 good years, the rest of have been mediocre (including Skelton's last couple years) and have had some 0 win seasons in there. They play in the Patriot League against and ivy league type teams and often get their rear handed to them. I'd say chances are slim that Skelton is much more than a long term project. Another recent Fordham QB, Kevin Eakin, got a lot of press and bounced around the NFL (including Buffalo) practice squads and never amounted to anything.


    Fordham was once on par with Notre Dame (Vince Lombardi played there, played in Bowl games, even the St. Louis Rams are actually named after the Fordham Rams who were originally the Cleveland Rams) but that legacy is dead.


    I'd say pass.

  6. This was actually sent by a very anti-war liberal friend who hates Obama for not being liberal enough. This is transparency huh?


    "President George W. Bush's longest stretch between prime-time, nationally televised press conferences was 214 days, from April 4 to Nov. 4, 2004. Mr. Obama tops that record on Monday, going 215 days - stretching back to July 22, according to records kept by CBS Radio's veteran reporter Mark Knoller."


    Which many don't count as a real presser as it was short and impromptu.



  7. The guy was a nutjob, and sounds a hell of a lot more like a anarchist than a right winger.


    If you're going to group him in with Tea Baggers, then you need to group Bin Laden in with liberals since his last tape shared many of the same arguments as them (blame Bush, America is causing global warming, global warming is settled science, praised liberal activist Noam Chomsky, corporations are bad, etc)


    Do I believe Bin Laden is a liberal? No, he's a psychotic murderer and that's the only label he deserves, same as the Austin guy who attempted to murder innocents. Anybody that tries to argue different either has an agenda or is an idiot.

  8. as someone starts putting up a sign on the nearby highway promoting the fact that the potholes being filled are your tax dollars at work, compliments of the Recovery Act of 2008.


    I actually saw one of these signs a few weeks ago driving through NJ...it was a metal/permanent looking sign. Of course there were a bunch of orange cones around and nobody working.

  9. That's tactical. It gives a shitload of jobs to Unions. The only enviros really bent out of shape over this are the extremes and they aren't going to vote for anyone but him anyways.


    The extremes actually now hate Obama, they think he's the 2nd George W Bush....that's how nuts they are.

  10. One of the best articles I've read in awhile:




    Whole thing argues this final point:


    "Can Mr. Obama still make a mid-course correction, a la Bill Clinton after 1994? Of course he can. What we don't know is whether he has the political instincts and nerve to do so. As a creature of Chicago politics and the legal class, he has lived his entire life in precincts dominated by the political left. On the other hand, he says he is not "an ideologue."


    Americans have already sent one rebuke to Democrats in the form of Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts. Now Mr. Bayh, a senior Member of their own party, has sent another by skipping town and putting another Senate seat in play. Our guess is that it will take one more repudiation in November before Democrats relearn that you can't govern America successfully from the political left."

  11. We Are the World should have been buried with Michael Jackson, and the "stars" of today should have made an effort to sing something original instead of ripping off another generation's idea and ruining it. First The Karate Kid remake, now this. And what the hell is Jeff Bridges doing in there?

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