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Posts posted by BillsNYC

  1. I just moved apartments this weekend and had my DirecTV moved as well. When I called they talked me into getting a 2nd HD receiver saying the multi room would be coming soon. She said it was going to be slowly rolled out though, only a couple markets at a time. Also said its 3 bucks a month and all receivers need to be hooked up to the internet. Does that mean I need a second modem in another room?


    Also, I got the newer HD receiver that is a touch pad, guy said its the first one he's installed, have yet to check it out. Anybody else have that one that can offer feedback?

  2. You don't need RSVPs, just show up. It won't be mobbed, probably a little more than a typical happy hour on a Friday in NYC.


    I am moving Friday/Saturday so can't go and ticked about it, Levitre seems like an awesome guy to have a beer with. He sends a tweet like every month or so from a random city and asks what bar he should go to. When he was in NYC I replied to him to go to McFadden's and ended up going there. Guess he liked it enough to have his Bday there on Saturday.

  3. When are you due? Newborns grow fast so the little one could be swimming in a 12 month jersey in September then have it fit perfectly in December.


    I remember getting the newborn Bills fan package from the Bills, came with a Bills fan certificate, mini football, and jersey onesee....do they still offer that?


    Don't buy the Bills bib, thing fades after one wash.

  4. And a reply, which basically confirms what I thought he was writing. Not many whites in tea party = tea partiers are all racist = people at the party are white racists.


    I don’t understand why you would be “annoyed.” The tea party movement with which Paladino has aligned himself has been noted – and criticized – for its virtual exclusion of blacks. Same thing again last nite with a crowd of more than 600.


    And if you follow NYS politics, I’m sure you’ll know that it is very difficult for anyone to win statewide office without African-American support.


    In addition, the description told you something about the candidate’s support.


    Thanks for writing,


    Bob McCarthy

  5. Here's the article:



    Here's my letter to the writer:


    Mr. McCarthy,


    I read with great interest your article this morning on Paladino's rally for Governor this morning, somebody I admittedly have never heard of being that I left Buffalo 12 years ago and now live in NYC.


    I also have to admit, I was a bit annoyed by this line:


    "The almost all-white crowd jammed into the same Ellicott Square"


    I don't understand why the race of the crowd is relevant to the story? I just looked up the demographics, and Erie County is 82% white, so not sure what you are insinuating with that line? I'm sure you have a good explanation, would just like to hear it.

  6. Dude played at Fordham for a reason. Just sayin'.


    Thank you. Just do a search and there is a thread identical to this one from a few short weeks ago.


    I went to Fordham, the football program there is a complete joke, they've had several 0 win seasons and have only had one decent team in 20 years. Its a glorified high school team, nothing more, and people want to use a 3rd rounder on a kid from there? Entrust the future of our franchise to a kid nobody else wanted and the only reason he got a chance to try out anywhere is because his uncle is a minority owner of the Texans?


    People said the same things about Kevin Eakin, another QB who came out of there recently, the guy bounced around practice squads and never amounted to anything. We don't have the luxury of wasting high draft picks on long shots from joke programs.


    I know we're desperate...but c'mon...

  7. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/03/22...-dem-lawmakers/


    Hmm....no proof of anything being said.


    Something smelled fishy when this came out that day, Twitter practically exploded about the racist comments and the media was covering this as a major story instantly...although there was no proof of any of this, and when Pelosi and the others walked through the same crowd the next day there were no similar incidents.


    Could it have been a Dem who came into the crowd and yelled an obscenity?

  8. I can't remember the last time I felt this way. Probably not since 9/11 have I been so worried for this country. I warned everyone this guy was a socialist and I was right.


    Alright, 9-11 reference is taking it too far...


    That said, I have the same worry. Not so much for the healthcare side, but for the financial side, 2.5 trillion in new spending with money we don't have.


    The good news? The majority of spending doesn't start for 3 years due to the budget gimmickry of the dems to get this to sound like it costs 900 Billion. Plenty of time for


    1) Republicans to win back the house and start dismantling this bill

    2) Obama to get voted out, as he's now going to focus on immigration (instead of jobs) which is only going to infuriate the country more. His negatives are matching Bush right now.


    Obama is going to keep steaming ahead, part of me admires him for that, but most of me wants to now see him fail after ignoring the 3 to 1 margin of citizens against this bill and reckless spending when he tells Americans they need to be wiser with their money.

  9. Yes, it is all about him, he's as arrogant has it gets, and people thought Bush was arrogant.


    He does have a point. If this fails, his power is going to shrink considerably and Immigration, Cap and Tax etc will never pass...he'll be a lame duck. Of course, if they ram this though I can't see those on the fence voting for yet another controversial bill with midterms coming up. Its a lose lose situation for dems in swing states. I read this morning that one of the Dems who was against the bill from the start is leading polls in a McCain won district....very smart of him.

  10. Can you imagine what November will be like for Congressional races if they do this? They someone think that if you can't tell who voted for it, then everyone can deny voting for it, when in reality, voters will take no chances and assume THEY ALL voted for it.


    This is getting pretty embarrassing.


    An article in Politico came out last night saying Dems are targeting our Congressman, Mike McMahon, as he's a moderate dem who voted no on healthcare and they're going to put a liberal up against him if he doesn't vote yes this time. He's a dem who won in our district that voted for McCain and has had a Republican congressman for 20 years.


    Dems are idiots if they think a liberal would stand a chance here, and McMahon loses his seat in the next election if he votes yes.

  11. Stick to bashing quarterbacks. Stone age technology-wise? Where the hell are you hiding?


    Won't happen in our lifetime if private companies do it?


    Yes, stone age, 100 million americans don't have high speed internet, that's 1 in 3. Ever been to England? Way more advanced technologically in every day life than we are.


    Yes, won't happen. Wiring for Verizon FiOS started over 5 years ago in NY and guess what? Most don't have access to it. I live in NYC and I don't even have access to it. You think they could bring access to EVERYBODY in 10 years?

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