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Posts posted by BuffaloMatt

  1. First thing: here's a basic diagram and explanation.


    There's a few things wrong, or not-Bills specific in that explanation. First of all, the NT lines up directly over center, not shaded to the center's left as in the diagram. In fact, the alingment is wrong in that what the diagram has as 3T and 5T are actually both going to line up to the outside of each G. (The only reason I'm keeping this wrong thing in this post is to explain where the "conventional 46 wisdom", shown here, is wrong WRT the Bills).


    Here's a better diagram with the right alignment, but no positions, that comes from here.




    And finally, a much better explanation from here:





    Bills Modified Explanation:

    1. You run 3 down lineman like you would in a normal 3-4, except neither of the outside guys are DEs and have those responsibilities. They are all DTs in effect. This is the run-stopping base. As you can see, the inside gaps are all clogged up, before the ball is snapped. In our case, Dareus or Kyle Williams is the middle guy, with the other being outside, and, either Bryant, Charles or Alex Carrington(remember him? Yeah, now this makes sense) on the other outside. You could also, using a shift, bring Mario in to play the other DT spot. Also, this is "cauldron of chaos": these 3 guy are going to dictate where the blitz/stunts/hell comes from in the passing defense. We have the elite DTs for this, and, no team in the league is going to win 1v1 much against them. Taking away the doubles from Kyle and Marcell is frightening. It all but requries teams to use their FB/H-Back, which, is one less receiver. We may see 3 WR sets against this, but 4 is suicide.


    2. Notice how there's 2 LBs to the left? That "stuntable" out of the basic formation. It sets up "who is going to rush the passer, and who is going to cover the TE"? Are both guys rushing? Do you dare leave one OLB unblocked, and send the TE on a rout, hoping the FB or HB can get to the block? How about if the inside of the 2 is Mario? This formation causes trouble in just lining up, and that's BEFORE you know the bodies represented by the dots. We have Manny Lawson, Mario, Bradham and a wide assortment of other players, any of whom can be shifted into this position before the snap, and either get to the QB, knock the TE off his release, or get off a block and make a play in the run. Again, you need all 11 to be elite to make this work.


    3. Notice how the MLB is shifted over to the left? That's who will get the TE, if he goes out, and both OLBs rush. He's also responsible for the inside if they run against 2 blitzing OLBs. And, he's responsible for whatever comes through on a sweep/down blocking zone scheme. Yeah: you better have a very talented MLB, because he may have to cover a TE, shrug off a tackle, and deal with a pulling guard. We have Preston Brown. Enough said.


    4. The right side DE needs to be a stud, because he not only has to play the run, he HAS to be able to apply immediate pass pressure every down, by himself. Jerry Hughes fits. If the opposition can run/roll to the right, then the whole thing is exposed. Hughes has already shown he can do this, with his quickness and his pass rush ability. AND, this is where the teamwork comes into play: the LT is on an island. He can't get any help from the LG. The LG has his own 1v1 matchup to worry about. This entire alignment removes O line double teams from the field.


    5. See the SS? He comes down and plays like a LB in this. Aaron Williams is a hitter, and as we have seen, is just as tough as a LB, but with decent cover skills. Against a 2 TE set, he covers the TE on his side, or blitzes, with Jerry Hughes dropping back. The 3 DTs can dictate a lot of this, because again, none of them can be double teamed.


    6. It's 6 D vs 5 O before you even start. The O is now relying on FBs and HBs to take on elite pass rushers/DEs and big/quick/fast LBs, for help. But, those guys are starting behind the QB, and are at a disadvantage to get to a spot before the D, who are all on the line do. Depending on who is rushing, and who falls back into coverage, the whole point of the 46 is to get 2 guys blocking 1 D, and nobody blocking 1 or more other D players == mass confusion and chaos. :devil:


    7. You absolutely positively MUST have shutdown corners at both spots. This should be obvious. (And, also why we drafted Darby)


    8. The FS? Well, he's a saftey. If we F up, he's gotta be ready, because he's the only thing between a stop and TD. However, if the CBs are elite, he can help with covering RBs out of the backfield, 3rd WRs, and TEs.


    9. As you can see, 46 requires 11 talented men. Each one relies on the other positions being elite, so that they can be elite. It's like the concept of a suspension bridge. If everything works, you get great results. One part breaks down, or is inferior, and the whole thing can go to hell..


    Now, back to the "faults" defined in playing the 46 against "today's" offenses.

    1. We have the players who can do the jobs listed above, and go out and cover a 3rd WR if necessary. Getting tired? Please. We also have the depth to sub in guys all game. In our case, this is backwards: when we line up in a 46, against a 3 WR set? :w00t: Rack that up as a sack before the ball is snapped. Now you have no TE, and 1 OT against 2 OLBs. (Remember #3) We stunt both of those OLB inside, have the left, outside DT hit the OT and push him away, and now you've 2 guys, in space, with a free run to the QB/RB, and the G can only block one. Running a 3 WR set against THIS team, playing this formation? All it takes is Nigel Bradham making 1 clean hit: and your franchise QB/RB is out of the game.


    2. Which brings us to the Patriots standard formation: 2 TEs and an H back, unbalanced line, etc. The 46, played with these Bills, counters that nicely. IF we are physical, every one of their guys gets hit on the snap, which disrupts their timing. And, again, you are forcing everybody into a 1v1 situation from the snap. It only takes one mistake from the entire 8 guys on O, and they've got real problems: too many bodies, their own included, and nowhere to go. Rather than laying back and reacting the Pats offense, we would be attacking it on every play. A statue like Brady can't move around in pocket, that is all 1v1 matchups, somebody will get him if he does, so you are taking away a great strength of his.


    3. Beyond just the Pats, this makes the read-option useless. You stand around in the backfield/move laterally against this, for even a second, and you're asking to be killed. Our guys are firing through every gap, and hitting everybody at the LOS, with the added advantage of starting at the LOS or very near it in the SSs case. Therefore, there's nothing to read but "Oh schit, here they come again". It's also a wildcat killer in that respect.



    Ultimately, as I said: this defense requires extremely good personnel to run. If we have the horses, it maximizes each of their abilities. It's difficult to say whether the scheme is repsonsible for so many Bears being in the HOF, or, whether their invidudal talent, allowed the scheme to be run in the first place, and that's why. This scheme allows, and requires, each player to play to his elite potential. IF they do?


    Look the F out.

    Thanks. That was great. Enjoyed the lesson.

  2. I guess I will just never get on board with worrying about the salary cap. I'm too busy worrying about winning games. The cap is fluid and so is our payroll. Teams find ways to pay players they want to keep. It is useless to worry about how they will do it, at least for me. They pay people a lot if money to figure it out. I feel like it's a waste of time for the average fan. I only care about whether the product on the field is good. But to each his or her own.

    Amen to that!!

  3. I can't stand them - because the local market radio mediots are always trashing Buffalo even when the Bills have has an equal or better overall record for the past 10 years with the exception of 1 playoff appearance when RG3 and out had his standout rookie season.

    Here ya! I'm sick of that too and hearing J-E-T-S . . . you get my point. And of course the divisional rivalry adds to the hate.

  4. I find it hilarious that people who are saying we shouldn't make Kromer guilty until he is proven guilty, but they are condemning this kids for underage drinking when there has not been a single report saying that they were drinking.


    "yup, they were 17 year old kids out past 11, they were probably drinking daddy's whiskey."


    Because you know, if they are teenagers and they are out and about at night, they have to be drinking. cause that is the only possibility.


    The kids probably paid off those cops so they didn't get in trouble for underage drinking. kids these days are loaded with cash.


    Maybe this isn't about beach chairs. Maybe kromer when out there to lecture these young people the dangers of alcohol and what it does to the brain. Then these little ***** got mad and went after him. Kids never listen

    Well keep laughing at the hysterics because your world of rainbows and unicorns doesn't exist either. Those poor innocent boys who were victims of an unprovoked attack by an NFL coach with no prior history of this type of behavior. Thank god for those boys exposing this evil man. You are right makes way more sense than spoiled expectant little turds getting their just desserts.

  5. I'll tell you this I will not rush to judgment until I know the age of these boys who were fishing at 1:30 in the morning. This seems like more irresponsible reporting. i.e hit a child. In all likelihood these were three loud mouth 17 year olds (technically minors) who were sipping daddy's whiskey and learned a life's not to talk sh*t to a man or f*ck with his possessions.

    I'll tell you this I will not rush to judgment until I know the age of these boys who were fishing at 1:30 in the morning. This seems like more irresponsible reporting. i.e hit a child. In all likelihood these were three loud mouth 17 year olds (technically minors) who were sipping daddy's whiskey and learned a life's not to talk sh*t to a man or f*ck with his possessions.

    life's lesson

  6. We had two season tickets at the palace to the left of where your eyes are now directed. My dad would have the kids pick their games lottery style until one year he realized we just needed two more tickets. I remember clearly the trip to the Ralph to pick out our seats for the new season tickets. This will be my first season without my dad, but over recent years we had few conversations that didn't include some Bills talk. That was our bond. When each of my sons turned 16 I took them to a Bills home game from Florida. We had been to Bills games in other cities, but it was the trip to a game at the Ralph that cemented their fandom. Huge fans. I hope we always have that bond, and I never had to tell them what to think. I just had to take them to a game.

    Really cool post.

  7. Excellent post!


    I have struggled with whether I should try to indoctrinate my small children in the ways of the Bills when they get older, or let them choose for themselves (likely Steelers, since that's where we now live). I think you make a compelling case for the family bond over the Bills, even that means years (decades) of hard times.

    Trust me. They will be indoctrinated whether or not you try to make them Bills fans. I gave my boys free will to choose what team they wanted to back. In the end they see my passion for the Bills and they wind up by my side watching every painful moment. They can call themselves fans of whatever team they want but they will always root for the Bills, their father's team. And I will always have the memories of them watching the games with me, high five-ing the good times and consoling me in bad. Go Bills!!!

  8. After his last tenth place finish he has visions of grandeur that he will win gold at Worlds and make olympic team (make podium because London olympics had crappy results) and a pro bowl(or at least a NFL) wide receiver. Looking forward to his contribution this year. As an olympian, not as a Bill!

  9. i saw it as a place where i can post something optimistic about EJ. Usually I don't bother because i know it will be just be followed by a snarky response. And I'm not into arguing. So I just don't bother.

    Snarky=Agenda. Right?

    Goodwin wins Gold in the long jump at the World Championships after missing the last week camp. Then has 45 receptions, 620 yards and 11 TDs for the season. This is fun.

  10. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. I'm a masochist at heart and I hate that I love this team so much. Or do I love that this team make it hurts so much to love them? If they suck again after all that has taken place this year I will still love them. And so will all of you! That's why we all post to this wall and most of you have been at it a lot longer than I have. Now that's a common thread.

  11. This might be the last push I need into offseason rehab. There is an article on Josh McCown being the one who got away during mini-camps. The practice before the practice. What is wrong with us? Are we just junkies at this point? Josh Freakin' McCown. :death:


    Robinson interview from last night.


    John Murphy ‏@JohnMurphyShow 15m15 minutes ago

    Complete audio: Charles Robinson: "The best defense in the league" http://ow.ly/30bAXc

    I ain't going to rehab! No! No! No!

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