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Posts posted by BuffaloMatt

  1. 1) I try to keep personalities out of this, but I think that Edelman turns my stomach even more than Brady.


    2) My prayers go out to Aaron Williams, and it was great to see the team praying for him.


    3) The special teams coach lost control of his players early on and it really hurt us. That said, Rex deserves blame as well. More on Rex to come.


    4) I know he gave up some passes, but Darby impressed me today once again. The 36 yard td to Gronk in the 1st quarter was a simply great pass. The coverage was spot on and there seemed to be little chance to complete that throw. It was just perfect. :(


    5) Cordy Glenn was beyond awful today and he was pissing me off. He looked out of shape, lethargic and generally indifferent as to what was happening on the field.


    6) I want to toss out some kudos to Felton. As Tyrod was rolling out on the 2nd quarter td pass to Clay, Felton held off a defender to give TT room and time to make the play.


    7) How did it happen? How did Rex Ryan suddenly morph into Dick Jauron? Look, we don't have great coverage linebackers. Bradham is a pass rusher (and a good one), and Brown is a top run stuffer. Putting them in the secondary didn't work. And please remind me why we gave Hughes millions of dollars. Never mind, I remember...because he is a pass rusher!!!!! Today Rex reminded me of Dumbo Jauron sending Schobel out on coverage. We had the crowd noise and should have sent the kitchen sink after Brady!


    8) It all rolls into one,

    and nothing comes for free.

    There's nothing you can hold,

    for very long.

    And when you hear that song,

    come crying like the wind,

    it seems like all this life,

    was just a dream.

    Stella Blue


    9) Gotta love Tyrod, no? The kid can truly get out of trouble and he has a nice spin on his passes. He never never quit. I know it's risky but I want to see him on more called running plays. It will loosen up opposing defenses.


    10) Speaking of out of control, even Bradham got lured in. Edelman got in his face and he shoved the little runt pretty hard. I was waiting for a flag but I suppose the refs didn't see it. We can't have this. We lost too much field position today with unnecessary penalties.


    11) Percy Harvin has a ton of talent, but in the 3rd quarter he short armed that long sideline pass. Hey, he would have got hammered but he could have caught it and didn't extend his arms. Please watch the replay and see if you disagree.


    12) Is there any such thing as a perfect opening drive? The Bill mixed things up, beat them up, and ate 5 minutes of the clock.


    13) Is anyone still concerned about Watkins and his numbers? If this kid stays healthy he will make plays. Period.


    14) Bottom line is that Rex has to take control and straighten things out. It looks like he has a lot to work with.


    15) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for this post. Spot on. Hopefully we will learn to talk with our play on the field and less with our mouths.

  2. I bet y’all are thrilled to have another thread about QB’s. Well, I haven’t posted since last year so I’m starting one whether you like it or not. :devil:


    Why should EJ Manuel be the starter in Week 1? It’s not because he’s the best QB on the roster, because right now he’s no better (or even as consistent) than the other two guys he’s competing with. It’s not because he gives the Bills the best chance to win in Week 1, because right now he probably doesn’t give them any better chance than either of the other guys. The reason he should start the first game of the season is because he gives the Bills the best chance to win a Super Bowl at some point in the next 5 years.

    I’ve been thinking about the dynamic we’ve been observing throughout this offseason and the one thing that keeps coming to the forefront, both with the fanbase and with the franchise, is that all anybody wants to talk about is making the playoffs this year. We’ve been irrelevant for so long that we’ve reached the point where just making the playoffs one time has become the Buffalo Bills ultimate goal. I think we’re so desperate to be relevant again that we’ve developed an acute case of short-sighted tunnel vision which is making us incapable of seeing the big picture or looking any further down the road than our own hood ornament. Why is this a problem? Because our narrow-minded need for the short-term quick fix of a single playoff appearance may well cost us the opportunity to win a loftier prize in the near future.

    For 2 decades the Bills have been desperately wishing for a “franchise” QB to lead this team. For the first time in ages we actually have a high character, blue chip athlete with a big arm and a world-class work ethic sitting right in our laps. He’s played less than a season’s worth of NFL football under an asshat of a coach and behind an atrocious OLine; yet despite that embarrassing lack of support we’ve all watched this kid steadily improve since the day he was drafted. And now suddenly we want to stick him at the end of the bench and stop his development dead in its tracks to take a flier on some other guy who might or might not be marginally better at the moment, just because we are so desperate to make the playoffs one time?! Frag that noise. I don’t want to make the playoffs one time, I want to make multiple championship runs over the next 5-7 years; and the Bills are well-positioned to do just that if they can smartly develop a “franchise” QB to go with the ton of talent they have accumulated all over the roster. Matt Cassell is not ever going to be that guy, Tyrod Taylor is not ever going to be that guy. But unlike those two, EJ Manuel has the god-given toolbox and the natural skillset to become exactly that guy. Do we really want to kick the potential franchise QB we’ve been waiting 20 years for to the curb for what may or may not be an incremental short-term improvement because we’ve become so pathetically desperate that our big goal has now been reduced to making the playoffs one time?

    I say the hell with being the scared, desperate little ninnies who are so afraid of mistakes that we’re not willing to dare greatly. The hell with playing it safe when there’s a chance for glory sitting right there in front of us if we’re bold enough to risk it. The hell with just making the playoffs this year when being resolute and steadfast might lead to the grand prize down the road. Put Manuel out there in Week 1 and let him make the mistakes that he needs to make before he can learn to eliminate them. Give him the realistic chance to continue the progress he’s clearly been making and to possibly reach the level that can get us over the top. If he stops improving, then we can turn to our Brad Johnson or our Doug Flutie and play for just one year. But don’t start with one of those guys at the expense of developing the kid that might be exactly who and what we’ve been desperately seeking for 20 years.


    "Asshat" it is now in my lexicon

  3. Two words bad timing. So this is the preseason boo hoo. Go back to last year and remember how many opposing starters the Bills put down for the year if not for a number of games. Luck, circumstance and the rule that sh*t happens needs to be applied and everyone needs to pump the breaks. All Monday morning QBing saying injuries in preseason blah blah. It happens when it happens. No rhyme or reason and when it does it sucks if it is a player on your team. But you have to take a big bite of the turd sandwhich and move on.

  4. Say what you want. I think Fitz played the hand he was dealt. I liked him and think he will excel in NY. Defense wasn't great in Buffalo and he was forced to play games from behind. As such, he had to throw more often than he would have liked. Flash forward, Jets defense may be better than any defense he has played with. Gailey certainly made him relevant and this year he could be something.


    I wouldn't over look the Jets this year. Just saying. As you all know I hope I am wrong. Go Bills.

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