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Posts posted by K8prisoner

  1. im sick of the whole "they would have won anyway" or "oh well" attitude.


    This is just what they (apparently) got caught doing. God knows what goes on week-to-week for these advantages. People wonder why this team gathers misfits, botches draft picks, suffers giant injuries, yet still can get 1st round byes and win playoff games. Their home record also raises red flags IMO.


    you just watch and its all choreographed plays that seem to do the exact opposite of what the defense is going for. Last night it was at like a 95% clip. Nobody guesses right with that much efficiency.

    Totally agree




    and of course as soon as the league says no crime committed.....folks will be screaming cover up.


    If they actually proved they cheated .. No good ratings for the puppy bowl . It will be squashed . Bellichick should be tarred and feathered and laughed at as a buffoon

  2. What's next ...... the Pats were also guilty of deflating the Colts DL which allowed Blount to run roughshod over them. :rolleyes:

    A tired line and luck completing 40 percent .. Yea brady must be that much better ..it's possible for it to look demoralizing . .. Point is you don't know .. Be just as careful to extrapolate to damage of a competitive advantage on the whole picture IF True . What would cycling look like if the postal team didn't having cheating down to an art .. Maybe exactly the same . Who f in knows



    I thought the ambient air temp. in Foxborough, particularly later in the game, was in the high 30s. Is that not correct?


    Also, how do you know a potential PSI problem was discovered by referees feeling or eyeballing the suspect balls?


    We don't know how the first ball was found to be low. It may have been a product of a normal test/check.

    It's amazing the access home teams have to everything . A little distraction etc. Again . You never know the degree to which this or that helped in such adverse conditions

  4. Oh Jesus Christ, they won by 38 points. They could have been using a marshmallow and this wouldn't have mattered.



    This is getting old and makes us look like jealous idiots.


    And for theove of God, enough with the asterisks askter the name Pats. It's childish, but more importantly MAKES NO SENSE. You're not questioning their name. If you want to use it after one of the Titles (should you mention one of those), it's still childish, but at lease it makes sense - if that's what you're going after.


    I think that is what any organization would count on in a conspiracy . We actually still live in a country where a coup de etat happened in 63 and simple idiots killed other people that made a difference etc. We are made to feel like babies about this . Why not a stupid football game . Even in the spirit of competition harbaugh was correct in taking a penalty instead of burning a time out . Not a lot anyone can do and the league won't embarrass itself . So aside from empty stadiums whenever the pats play...

    Or talk to coughlin and see that he evened the playing field by installing a frequency if his own in a linebackers helmet . It's amazing that we still want to believe they are straight up that good when the difference between a blowout is three or four key plays.

    No ?

    Green Bay blows out Seattle if they don't get fake field goal and McCarthy tries to score at mid girls instead of trying to run clock . Perception is a funny thing . I'm not saying Indy wins .. It's just that you never know. It's not whining to strip a sprinter of a win because of steroids or to strip lance of seven straight wins. It's simply that we and the patriots never know what really happened . Once the league swept it under the rug . It one .. Made them complicent and two .. Encourage the rest if the league to cheat as well . Who knows .


    Aside from searching all teams gear for radio frequency gear before they leave the field and drug test everyone from each side ... What can you do .


    I only think you can assume the worst .. It's just like the NSA doesn't give info out to "friends" .. Nah that would be wrong . This happens in life , why not football . I only a agree that whining doesn't help except to inform the next team that they are stupid not to prepare .. It's what us and the Russians have been doing to each other for years. It's why we sent pros to play sports in the Olympics . If you read the spy gate book it's hard not to believe it . We should have fun reminding them every game that they always cheat and try to fock em at every turn instead of expecting compliance . Do you think the NSA is gonna say .. Whoops .. Sorry let me stop having this awesome advantage over the world .

  5. A lot of drops in the first half .. They fixed that . If it's tru . It could swing the score quite a bit if colts couldn't function well with properly inflated footballs. We should turn our backs and cost em real money by ignoring any game the pats play in and find someone to admit they taped walk thrus. Baltimore should be playin, those three plays won them the game as well.

  6. This is like having a talk with my former addict trust fund baby girlfriend that buying lottery tickets may give her a few seconds of hope until she scratches .. Painful to watch .

    Get that gun out yer mouth and go to work .1.1 million won't take that long.

    Or an agents trick which ends in a record pay day and as he stays yells to the fans that bit


    If you want him , I might be able to picture it if you hired a bunch of Kobe's former girlfriends that know how to at least get paid and make a charge almost stick ..

    If you guys planted drugs and spiked his coffee to make the charge stick , then maybe Pitt would be us but I still think counseling before training camp .

    Maybe if you wacked him on the knee Nancy horse face style in his contract year and kidnapped dr Andrews so he only secretly fixed bills players.


    Other than cutting off a woman's head and putting it dahmer style in his fridge ( nah they would still sign him and send him to counseling, he's not a running for gosh sakes)


    Because I feel for you I tried . It ain't happening .

  7. Like a bad movie . I'm watching .


    Ok .. Give anyone 10 to 1 . Gonna get my 10g this way . And yes they have to pass the physical .. We can be la kings getting Rick Martin for two games .



    How bout beg Troy the home team rootin announcer with 20 mil to play here .. I'm gonna be ill ..

    It is "improbable" that the sabres will make the playoffs this year . That kind of improbable?

  8. You guys, for the most part, are pretty smart . Smarter than me at least .

    So, explain to me like I'm f in stupid, why do people put random threads that ask if that fag Brady or the rapist or pizza boy are gonna actually be let go in a league that all sees what we all do. That you can't win without a quarterback . Is this an epidemic .. Does the Arizona board think Green Bay will trade discount double douche to them for first rounder like hockey ?

    I'm pissed because I feel like sht but let me ask you this .


    Would we have traded Kelly ? Or not renewed his contract if he was even remotely healthy ?

    Could you imagine a gm letting a top fifteen quarterback go and not be strung up Alabama style ?

    Please tell me that Baltimore didn't choke as the paid flaaco but paid much like we may for a de.

    I don't remember this much of a drought at qb but I actually don't care that we don't have a first or we might reach for Hundley and have two of the same on the bench behind whoever we get . I feel your pain watching the that merc slide before the first down marker but he is proof the bad qb play is a team killer even if it's heart.

    I might as well whine , hey there's a lot if cash out there why doesn't some one just send me some because I really need it . Seriously .. I really need about 10 grand so we can live as we should . Any help would be great . Please?



    Last, have some self respect . Piss on the big rapist . I want to beat Brady until he retires (picture obnoxious joe fibula).and I never want him in a bills uni . Ever . Let's concuss Philip the should be sterilized and not moan for him . Own your misery . C'mon . Fock em all . If see a tanehill thread I'm gonna puke.



    Ps .. Thanks for the month of entertainment while I convalesce . You guys are probably smarter than most of the bills front office but ... These I don't understand .

  9. Griffin is light years ahead of ej in talent and looking at carson Palmer should be healed and confident this year and very costly to trade . Still a big risk like Palmer in Oakland .. Kinda like the risk I hope we have already back channeled to Bradford .. Rather take a risk there .


    With our luck we will end up driving up qb prices and watching ej hoyer / Sanchez and bryce petty in training camp . I hope I am wrong

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