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Posts posted by K8prisoner

  1. I was amazed to learn that McDaniels got busted taping a walk thru, as coach of the broncos, two years after the turd and he vehemently denied the suggestion of such an illegal act.


    Their success seems predicated along the lines of the turds philosophy of cheating. Which he still arrogantly defends .. It's sad for the league because only those willing to bresk the rules will get more wins that have little to do with the physical gifts and amazing play of the players and more to do with coaches' ability to illegally know the other teams upcoming play call ..

  2. Hopefully it wakes up the league and our coaches that Bellichick is never on the level and if you actually want to get out of the division for the first time since the turd took over in New England we must realize we have been abused and grab that cheat by the neck and stomp him and those around him into submission with the same work that teams put in to winning against them in the playoffs the last ten years. ..


    Honestly, I am pretty over this conversation, but I will just point out the obvious that for whatever reason you can't seem to understand.


    Pre 2007 he played 6 years. 2007 to present 7 years (8th one he was hurt).


    Guess what is included in those first 6 years? His first 3 years in the league. Guess whats included in the 7 years post 2007? The greatest QB of our generation playing in the prime of his career with some of the most talented offenses the league has ever seen in both talent and stats, including an excellent O Line.


    So do you think its fair to use your sack rate, which includes a lesser Tom Brady at the start of his career with lesser talent on the offense those first 3 years against the 7 years of the prime of his career with IMMENSELY more talent around him? To be fair, thats a trick question because there is only one answer...its not fair. And if you think it is, then you are just on a witch hunt. I have already showed you how Welker fixed his punt and kick return fumbles in NE (those are the other teams balls, not ones that could be manipulated by the team) yet you refuse to believe coaching can fix fumbling. That tells me you probably haven't played the game. Tiki Barber is one of many who fixed fumbling issues. Its factual, and no amount of preaching that it isn't is going to change the fact that fumbling can be improved through coaching and emphasis.


    This is why you have skewed and flawed data as not all is even close to being equal in the skill level of Tom nor the talent level of the offensive players around him in your two sample groups. To ignore the SIGNIFICANT difference in a young QB maturing and figuring the game out and a front office loading the team with talent like Moss, Welker, Gronk, Mankins and OL in general is grossly negligent in this discussion. And Brady fumbled a lot his first 3 years.


    But, to each their own...we will have to agree to disagree. :beer:

    It's like wicked haaard to ignore the gushing praise over the defense of your home town team .. The head scratcher for me is why not just post with yer homies on the pats board instead of defending the actions a rival that was convicted of actually taping the bills teams signals and it's obvious to all here except you and watkins that your Heros are tainted again and again trying to game the rules instead of actually competing on the field ..

  4. @BillSimmons: So the NFL mangled the pregame football inspection, but we didn't find this out for 12 solid days. Stay classy, NFL. http://t.co/7jqOcZbfhI

    Matters not ..


    Just compare pats balls to colts ..


    As the nfl tries to weasel out of having the Tonys Harding of football justify his right of his team to play on Sunday .. I like the movie where they kidnap the star egomaniac . If we are going to have anything goes ... Every idiot who can make it into a game can have more of an impact than the players


    There really are no words.


    Watch the comments section of PFT, there have been gaudy numbers of thumbs up for any comments pro-Pats..feels a little bit synthetic considering the majority of people that don't believe them.

    Exactly . Sickening the precision of it .. This is football not Isis ..

    And the amazing number of cbs articles trying every angle to just make it go away

    .. Bill says it will stop soon as long we hang tough little tommy .

  5. It's amazing what the hey look at this video will do .


    The turd actually came clean as to how he came up with the idea and almost told us how he carried it out .. He noticed to tire gauge on his car asked around ... Found some way to excite the air without heating or just blatantly lied like Brady ( as if he can't tell the difference ) and heated the air to pass the inspection thus staying inside the letter of the law .. They settled and dropped a pound and then the cold did the rest. . He actually believed playing with footballs 2.0 psi Lower isn't cheating .. Give me a break.


    And this mainly suggests they never stopped taping or relaying signals to whiny or he wouldn't actually bring it up himself . And he knows how tainted all of his wins are as a cheating coach.


    So now , on a bills board the pats lovers can pretend to be fans yet still forget the pats still stole at least one game from us considering the bills were one of the tapes his traitorish pal Walsh gave up according to oleary book. The best one is Manginis whine that he has no friends and it had no advantage but he "wasn't going to just not let them do it in his stadium " the most ridiculous proof that once a cheat always an insecure cheat is josh mcd keeping his secret but getting caught taping the walk thru of the broncos 49ers in London . Now together again . Anything to refute that trolls?


    Buff just needs to do the work, which is twice as much as they do with other teams and play spy vs spy even if the league decides veer away from becoming the wwf and make the rules leading up to play as important as calling penalties properly .. At this point they might just say anything goes and have every cheat openly because teams like New England have differentiated themselves less with play on the field and more with knowing the plays before the happen .. I truly wish this wasn't true and could look forward to twice a year playing the best as a wsy of measuring our franchise . Unfortunately tom brady revealed his character in a press conference by hiding behind the lie of not bring able to tell the difference of a ball he makes a living with . Don't be fooled by the speeding ticket and overlook the fact that the car is stolen and there are 14 years worth of illegal tapes and helmet radio equipment that is stashed in the trunk . Don't be ashamed to csll a cheat a chest as they make fools of everyone who watches the games . Card cheats are lucky to escape with their lives .

    Hopefully the rest of the league decides character is as important as the victory . Those that truly are the best don't need to cheat .. Which is why the balls are an important crossroads for the league....




    Two weird things about that...

    First: Brees seemingly confuses "ounces" as a unit of mass with "PSI" as a unit of pressure. He is stating numbers in ounces, Conan is ignoring that, and then saying "right, 12 PSI" or whatever.


    Second: Brees starts off by saying something akin to "Well in a game you get different balls" and he seemingly implied they are irregular inconsistent. Some have more pressure than others...some feel better than others...but then he says something like "it really doesn't matter...we are too busy to notice air pressure...we are reading defenses, trying to make throws and we are expected to move the ball down the field with no excuses"


    Or whatever he said precisely. He is basically saying "a PSI here or there difference in a game condition doesn't really matter" but then he goes on to perfectly nail the PSI of both footballs, without needing a heck of a lot of time to do it, suggesting great feel for the ball and that it WOULD matter.


    Also! Although he confuses ounces with PSI, he is clearly tuned into the right range of numbers and clearly tuned into the concept of air pressure altering the feel of a football. This is a guy who knows the rules governing a ball, knows the PSI rules, and has played around with balls/PSI with the help of his equipment guys 1,000 times to dial the ball in how he wants it. You can tell.

    That suggests they are all doing that...which in turn means Tom Brady is a lying ass and Bill B. too. I can't believe a HC in the NFL and one of the best, most precise thinking and controlling of all time would have no clue about PSI levels and all this crap.


    I.E., Drew speaks of this topic in the video with Conan with precision and familiarity...but Bill B. had to go to science class for 3 days to get a handle on the situation?


    Come on Bill. I hope they suspend you for all of next year you A hole.

    Keep it going .. Great . Maybe we get a fair game this century .. Maybe

  7. It's amazing what the hey look at this video will do .


    The turd actually came clean as to how he came up with the idea and almost told us how he carried it out .. He noticed to tire gauge on his car asked around ... Found some way to excite the air without heating or just blatantly lied like Brady ( as if he can't tell the difference ) and heated the air to pass the inspection thus staying inside the letter of the law .. They settled and dropped a pound and then the cold did the rest. . He actually believed playing with footballs 2.0 psi Lower isn't cheating .. Give me a break.


    And this mainly suggests they never stopped taping or relaying signals to whiny or he wouldn't actually bring it up himself . And he knows how tainted all of his wins are as a cheating coach.


    So now , on a bills board the pats lovers can pretend to be fans yet still forget the pats still stole at least one game from us considering the bills were one of the tapes his traitorish pal Walsh gave up according to oleary book. The best one is Manginis whine that he has no friends and it had no advantage but he "wasn't going to just not let them do it in his stadium " the most ridiculous proof that once a cheat always an insecure cheat is josh mcd keeping his secret but getting caught taping the walk thru of the broncos 49ers in London . Now together again . Anything to refute that trolls?


    Buff just needs to do the work which is twice as much as they do with other teams and play spy vs spy . Hopefully the rest of the league decides character is more important than a w .. Which us why the balls are a watershed event .

    A fake w .. Excuse ...

  8. Check it out , go to google search ,, type Rosenberg SI article patriots . . It won't take long and tell me I'm wrong AFTER you do a little looking .



    We have I guy we know thru friends that has a business that fakes tweets and swings the comments to a certain point of view etc . Mainly for politics . Tell me kraft who owns a toy in cbs and other media .. Check out the blanket opposition to the SI article ... I was amazed.

    I wish , I like properly cooked cocaine... Sorry . Sober . Unfortunately just want us the finally nail kraft, the turd and Brady to the wall .

    Cocaine is a powerful drug.

    Did you have 2 or 3 bottles of wine?

    Don't drink much anymore .. I barely feel it mainlining anymore as well , just couldn't sleep and my wife is annoyed.

    Just tired of payriots and amazed at an owner using influence like a toy , makes you wonder . Maybe we figure it out this week and send them to the bottom if the division where they belong when they started taping

    Dude, you have lost your mind.

    Wish that was true . Amazing what the unscrupulous would do with a toy like print media blogs and cbs . . I can't make you look thru the search on the article but when you do you may amend your response . I felt like I lost my mind reading it .. This football not life or death , but there it is the same coordinated talking points . Unbelievable ? Yea . But true? Not for me to decide .. Interesting though.


    They protest a little too much against the SI article . A little is quite the stretch . You decide .

  9. Check out:


    Eric Mangini regrets turning in patriots ..."


    Best lines of a man who lost his cheating buddies


    He never believed any if the patriot titles were tainted because there was no real advantage in taping ( paraphrase). But ,

    " I didn't think it was a significant advantage but ( I ratted em out) there was no way I was going to give them the convenience of doing it in our stadium " Wtf


    Still delusional after all these years .

  10. Sure.

    Jim , you are sticking for troll that yells in capital letters the patriots are the superior orgsnization and team blah blah .. Really obvious sll night ..gonna get some breakfast but I'm curious did you look at all or are you another patriots apologist etc . I think that is a fair question since hof watkins has been trying to discredit any negative talk sbout the superior team and organization despite the facts an he is using the exact same talking points that the overwhelming nationwide opposition to an SI article has been using exactly (word for word ). Which led me to muse at the interesting theory I was hit with .. Any thoughts.? Any bills fan would be disturbed if that was the case . Don't believe me look for yourself since you seem to not like my conclusion that the pats are still taping and are even trying to desperately sway popular opinion using their vast media resource to discredit any negative talk . As childish and petty and lame and unbelievable that any self respecting organization would actually do do something so ridiculous . Any thought on thst

  11. Pathetic whining.


    Anyway, why is everyone so quick to say Belichick is behind this? Or that the whole effing organization was somehow behind this dastardly crime? It's more likely Brady that wanted the balls to his own specs.


    "Let's strip the Hasek led Red Wings of the Cup, because his pads were an inch too wide. It's the only fair thing to do"


    "Let's disqualify the Yankees, cuz when we went back and watched the tape, Jeter's bat had too much pine tar!"...


    "Let's give Buffalo the Super Bowl, because Mark Ingram's socks weren't regulation!"


    If we are gonna find something wrong every step, and want every thing to be accounted for, let's drug test EVERY player after every game, and disqualify , or even give losses to both teams is anyone fails...that would be great for the NFL.


    I wonder how Bruce Smith would have felt about that....

  12. Very interesting .. Two or three insecure petty villains, all starting to be exposed and caught with their pants down.


    Say hello to one cbs or kraft employer here " hof watkins"


    A big thank you to him or his comments company hired by kraft for board control on the thirty two team sights . Unbelievable . Don't you idiots know by now it's the cover up that gets ya .. All these cool posters that I have read here for years deserve to have troll free board and the patriots at the bottom of the afc east .. Once every is certain all their signals are compromised rex will be quite successful in a fair fight .


    Once people know hof it's news not whining you tool. Thanks again for do promptly proving my point . See ya


    Sorry about what a lame poster and editor I am. Hopefully you will indulge with links that support my ridiculous claim

  13. This is big for one reason and because , it will be hard to make it stick .

    I don't know how to post links so maybe I could get some help .. I would never believe hall of this crsp because I don't car that much to check all of this out but for some reason I did . Ran into risenburg SI article after clicking on a patriots radio show of two idiots sucking Brady off and other difficult to listen to stulff. They kept complaining about this article and then I realized as sifted thru one paid patriot apologist after another that this much bigger than I thought . I hat sensational crap and I apologize for some seeming exaggeration but ... Well just check it out for yourself .. I can't copy paste on phone but maybe yolo eould help if made a description of how I came to the she to see the massive kraft influence maybe .. Maybe why we have been screwed more than most teams by the patriot empire . I don't think I should do this because is already hate them and I sound like rosenburg but anyway ..

  14. Really should have been the Baltimore - Colts matchup for the AFCCG

    Absolutely . Half the team eligible . What a shame

    @BruceFeldmanCFB: Patriots>RT @DanWetzel: That's 16% under inflated. A LB for the Colts, who rarely touches the ball, notices. But not the refs? Strange story

    Wtf right?

    Don't forget huge advantage to rb holding onto ball with confidence . What was turnover margin or dropped pass differential

  15. It's really hard. I'm not sure what I would do. Maybe give them a slap on the wrist, and loss of a first round draft choice, then behind the scenes , bring Kraft and Bellichick in to the offices with all the bigwigs and say, we let you off easy. You fukked up. The crime was worse than the punishment but you know we have to protect the league. You have no more chances. ONE more item like this, even smaller or insignificant, and it's lifetime ban for the culprit. Zero tolerance. No more. Nothing. And if you retire it will be the people that follow you on the franchise, so you cannot run.

    They are trying to make it nothing by Steve youngs response that it didn't help them win . No way luck has that bad a day it was pouring rain . It was a big advantage especially for the running backs holding onto the ball with confidence . Total bs . Colts went in the tank but may have been in it if things were actually equal . That is just the balls not the taping and the missed eligible call on solders touchdown .. Blah blah boring cheating bs instead of actual football . Read icculus

  16. This will be blamed on an intern but eleven balls perfectly deflated sounds like teams picking the right cleats no way that Brady the turd and whoever else didn't approve.


    Someone tell me how anyone. Nationwide could celebrate their win should they do .


    Pats* may have to play against the zebras like us or lose on purpose.


    This feels like a contrived villain story . How could they be so arrogant .


    We have finally seen the end of the NFL ... Welcome to the WWFL. All staged and fixed all the time . Sad really , I was a fan . It's just a spectacle now . Unless the pats forfeit .

  17. It's in the rule book that the balls have to be between 12.5 & 13.5. Refs check the balls or are supposed to before the game. Each team has their own balls. If 11 of 12 were under inflated by halftime....someone did it after the refs checked before the game. Who told someone to do it? Brady? If it's not a big deal, why is it in the rule book? If everyone does it, why is it in the rule book? If it gives an unfair advantage to one team, it's cheating. It's against the rules. If it's against "the spirit" of the rules, it's cheating. Why is it always the Patriots pulling some underhanded crap? Why have the Patriots been cheating since 2001? For the fun of it? The last time they got caught, they lost one first round pick and were fined. Then the evidence was destroyed. How much have they done that they didn't get caught? I'd bet they started taping again after the first half of the KC game. How much longer do they get away with it?

    He wanted another shot at sb with an ok team .. Look how much taping helps from kc to sb.. You are exactly correct.

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