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Posts posted by K8prisoner

  1. The big plantation boss has spoken to all the owners of the the other plantations .. Little dougie finally realized if he ever wanted to work for any of those owners he had better pucker up because failed power plays will not be tolerated by the help . Unbelievable .



    I still want the jets draft pick for tampering because Woody started all this .. Even though it did help us in the long run by exposing this moron .

    That conversation w Doug is truly priceless . I almost feel bad that they castrated him ..


    Latest news from (Siberia) : Unsullied Doug leads jax into battle .. Well at least he leads five men into battle with the permission of two other men above him but anyway . Go (away) Doug !?!.

  2. There is the problem, anyone that takes that guy could be drafting Ryan Leaf Ver2


    Too big of a gamble, no way I draft him if I'm a GM.




    Winston may pave the way for a new style contract that is agreed upon by top five picks w issues .


    This may not be heard until that fifteen minute clock and all the lights are shining on the latest meat up for sale at the auction ( which should always be held on the docks in New Orleans not NYC , just to prove the nfl has a sense of humor .


    Anyway ..


    The phone call at the draft might sound like this ...


    We will take you with our pick .. if you sign this paper we happen to have ready (as spoken to him live on the espn draft phone). So jameis, did I pronounce that correctly?..we will make you the face of the franchise if you agree that every penny can be voided and you will be billed for every aspect of your possible replacements contract down to interview expense should you be arrested in your first two years on the team or if you test positive for substances or are involved in any sexual misconduct investigation ... Blah blah . . We don't feel like this biut the damn lawyers are forcing us because we like you ..


    You see , It's all standard and we would need you to sign ... IF really you want us to pay you top five money? .. Your choice, but you should sign just to say screw you to all your detractors .


    The all new qb , ryan leaf inspired pre nup .. Do you love us (you immature little prick) ( you and Johnny (art schliester) manziel ) should work out together in the offseason with Brett Fabre to mentor you in public relations, Vince ypung will offer some financial advice and Michael Vick will of course be., Available to mentor you in establishing honesty and trust with the owner that purchased you . ( sorry , hired you)


    Like the challenge flag each team get input into three franchise wrecking guys that the agents agree to push the clause league wide ..


    Much like black balling a coach that has to take a demotion or never be hired again to prove his penitence ..

  3. Mr KtDog ... I don't write on these threads because I simply cannot understand the insanity and perseverance behind the pats apologists that inhabit a buffalo bills message board .


    They actually deny the patriots repeatedly taped bills games and practices (despite a bills game tape handed over in 2008)

    They deny there is a culture of cheating that has flourished around an intelligent man .morally sociopathic , that has self justified stealing games by cheating creating the stellar careers of crennel, Weiss , McDaniels and Mangini .

    When caught (McDaniels) or ratting out their former mates they all curiously defend their success saying the admitted cheating had little effect . This is beyond embarrassing to all involved for two reasons; 1 , why risk doing it if not an advantage (includes lying about not taping walk thrus etc.) 2 , why try to stop patriots from doing it to you (Mangini) if there is no advantage gained.

    This is the NFL' s dirty little secret and it led to another false result in a false win by a team that deflated balls , stole a Baltimore game with bs subs the d had no chance to cover resulting in a couple free first downs and a illegal td in the colts fake blowout . Bonds and Lance proved cheating can have a big difference but who knows what success can occur in a team sport when the morally bankrupt steal play calls for second half adjustments for fifteen plus years .. There is no way to tell..


    The pats apologist here are so lame because they get off on riling up a loyal fan base by being ignorant or willfully defending a team that has proven it cheated the bills out if at least a game or two .which questions their commitment to buffalo or their belief that pats cheated at all.


    I participated in arguing the point in the past because the players and coaches have to be bigger than this discussion by trying to earn a w without saying what we know . I just want them to realize this will always take place while bellturd rules the moral compass with kraft at NE.


    I just challenge the team and our fans to do the extreme work necessary to turn this cheating crap to our advantage .. By doing extra work and faking plays and calls specifically for each NE game .. and the fans getting pissed by constantly reminding the pats we know they are cheating pu$sies .. It's not been easy because coaches don't want to believe the opposing team could be so lame and it's the fans job alone to expose this much like Oleary did and Rosenburg did with his SI article .. The league won't help to de legitimize it's lame wwf champion . This isn't about hate , I just hated that sll of the cyclists took drugs to compete and now the best halftime cheats are the teams that will get in the playoffs next year . Used to be about players competing with minor play stealing with lip readers not an entire team devoted to cheating that supersedes any talent on the field .


    Give it up arguing with trolls .


    If you are a bills fan .. Wake up and help fight New England by shoving that sideline cam and computer sync up the turdhoods ars when he comes here . Like Mangini did by winning a couple as a lame head coach .. Winning division games is probably where the cheating started after we beat them so much .


    I would truly like to know if the pats are any good without taping .. We may never know .. It's a shame/sham .

    Don't complain just urge the team to act and sterilize the pats cheating.

    Now F off pats lovers til the summer .


    After this ackowledgement post, yes you can.


    Who really cares now? It looks like sour grapes, and it's obvious the NFL has nothing on them. Let's just turn the page to where the good guys start winning!




    And more and more


    A mediocre team continues to get lucky .. Or not .. It's a personal decision...



    Fwiw .. They were the better team in the sb , and their cornerback won a Fair (as far as we know) game despite despite all the pick plays and ...the fact they didn't belong in the game at all..

  5. Congratulations to our fellow posters on tbd victory of your team the New England patriots


    For weeks you have defended the honor of your mistress. I am happy to give hofWat, alphadog and mrWEO their due. Apparently, It truly does pay off to do any unethical thing you can do to get to the big game . So , congrats on your victory. You all must feel quite proud tonight .


    Since I and anyone else who cares are unable to retard the growth of the new footbsll template for success . They say this is a copycat league so I will be curious if you all will feel as proud when your kids and your friends kids emulate the winning ways of the team which is yours and many others' shining example of success .

    Will you be proud ? ...when little jimmy bugs the other teams lockeroom or sneaks over to the opposing high school and tapes their walk thru and picks the lock of the other coaches office and photocopies their playbook . Maybe even planting a key logger in their computer to see any new emails before that big game or something small like deflating balls to help your small hands qb to hold onto the ball


    . Your patriots have taught the league and all the kids watching Anything goes( if you have no personal honor ) .


    Brady will be many a child's hero as he whined and lied his way to avoid any trouble .remaining eligible to play in the big game . Thst is all that seems to matter, so, Awesome job. You guys really came thru for your team as well , condoning the innocent hijinx of the science dept in NE by fooling those moronic officials into letting your boys play with illegal balls since November to honorably give your guys an advantage not unlike all those cool pick plays that the entire league has already adopted . You have all proven it just doesn't matter what sneaky lying , low down cheating play stealing etc that you did to get there as long as .... You don't get caught again .. You guys learned a lot since 2007, you made it very hard to prove and you also showed the world your fans truly don't care if you win with honor as long as you win . Bellichick may truly be the father of this new league as the rest must adapt if the league allows this mentality clearly entrenched in New England and the coaches that have littered the league from there .


    I'll give the pats some real praise as well.


    . With such a glaring light on you guys Your team seemed to play well without any obvious advantage on such a big stage . It proved that on any given Sunday even mediocre teams can fight and claw and raise their level of play to win in a seemingly straight up game ( give or take a few harmless picks ) Don't let anyone tell you different, that rookie truly made the play of his life and when you consider the outcome , I am glad that a spectacular play on the field by a player overshadowed all of this horrible crap that led up to this game .. It was truly anyone's game and your team stepped up and won this game with a great play that won it with execution. We will never no if running wins and it doesn't matter. On this day a player from the patriots won this game by a play on the field . I seriously doubt any of that had to do with coaching . The pats defense won it in a fair game tonight ..


    Was it fair because Carroll has the same research as Bellichick .. We will never know .



    That said I still believe they probably didn't belong in the game . We will never know where lance finishes without epo taken by him and his opponents . That sport suffered as much as baseball as the men who had talent and cheated the best to hit 73 ruining that year in baseball .. Football is similar now as stealing plays and walk thrus has an unmeasurable effect like illegal subs in the Baltimore game and illegal balls and taping at Gillette . Hopefully this crsp ends instead of infecting the entire nfl.. Either way all this attention will make it more equal as others teams catch up to new England's high level of cheating .


    Congrats on the win .


    Go buffalo .

  6. When the investigation is concluded odds are that nothing much out of the ordinary happened. You are so invested in your conspiracy theory that you keep manufacturing changing scenarios that buttress your imaginative conspiracy concoction.


    There may have been some minor inappropriate handling of the balls or maybe not. What appears (to me) what happened is that the balls were filled to the lower end of the PSI range (which is legal) and then there was a miniscule loss of pressure in almost all of the balls which can happen under normal circumstances.


    When the investigation is formally concluded it would be very appropriate for you and many frenzied others to apologize to alphadog because he was most right and most mature with his respones toward this very bogus issue.


    Winners win and losers make excuses!


    No .. Cheating is cheating .. Apologize to patriots apologists on a bills board .. When at least one tape of bills signals used to gain advantage in the second half (presented by Walsh ) still exists in patriots library .. Unbelievable .

  7. Weird, I recall being flamed by a certain poster for pointing out that we don't know the real information and that reports keep contradicting themselves. Now another report suggests that this is far less serious and even suggests that intentional cheating may not be the culprit here.


    We still don't know what's real and what's not, but the more info that comes out seems to suggest that people need to calm down lol.


    But keep telling me that no reports have been wrong yet. Oh the horror, maybe the Pats didn't cheat to beat us and we really just sucked the last decade and a half.


    If the Pats are proven innocent, this still won't die, it will just be blamed on a cover up because the NFL let this balloon out of control and the media and fans ran with it.







    No ... There isn't a culture of cheating " that has no advantage". Hilarious



    I can post tons of these but pointless if you want to believe they want to compete on the field ..

  8. Oh good. Another thread about the Patriots on this Buffalo Bills message board. We almost had 10% of the front page talking about our team.


    !@#$ing pathetic.


    What's pathetic is actually having to talk about a repeat offender cheat in a professional sport...


    And having waste space on this board or waste our time in order to not stick our heads in the sand and actually deal with it since the league won't ..

  9. Josh the offending coordinator taping walk thrus is still not banned from the league .. Belliturd is a league wide virus and choice of character .. The last scandal will be my favorite if we actually can stop rewarding cowardice and play some ball.


    good one! added to poll[/quote


    I thought that was just a ballsy move because it was one time and not systemic .

    The snowplow guy. Ballsy .didnt take my quote .. Sorry




    Just when i thought it couldn't get better. Every single sentence in this post belongs in the sig......it's impossible to choose.


    Cool .. I didn't think you guys were capable of a meaningful debate .. Should you change your mind .. I don't have to say a word, simply post article links . The lack of substance in defense of NE gets better and bolder. It is funny, I agree.

  11. k8prisoner's insanity is encapsulated in that post. In a fit of perfect incoherence, he has captured all of the intellectual wattage of all the other NE truthers here.


    there are a few others here who should read that and bow to the master.....

    Should I edit it more clearly to make my pints more valid ? Any and all points are obvious .. Just read the articles about Mangini and McDaniels if you can't stomach my stream of consciousness .. I can talk slower and debate any point with actual facts .. Are you saying that the patriots success has come solely on good play on the field .. That idea would be the true winner of all delusions . I'll check back to see if there is any coherent argument .. It would be do much easier to just talk footbsll that have to deal with the scum of insecure cheating. I wish you could prove prove me wrong, so I can have confidence we see football not theft on the field . Talking about this is as distasteful as knowing that there are coaches low enough to base their careers on tainted "success".



    I left pints . I don't drink much anymore ,that was a gift if you have no real argument .


    Yup. I'd agree with that analysis.


    We would have a complete team. Even ej would have a real competition which he would have to take risks and get better .. If Bradford went down we would have an improved back up as well .. To good to be true but that would be a season to look forward to. Especially since the pats are exposed and it will be harder to steal the division .. Each team has to earn it next year . Bradford would send the message to the team to get ready for next year



    You are insufferable ..


    I could more likely suggest you are taking anti psychotics in order to openly defend the team that actually was proven to have tapes of bills signals during games.. And the new offending coordinator josh "loyal" McDaniels was the only mfl coach actually busted for taping a walk thru .. The same offense, he and the turd, vehemently denied the suggestion of doing something do vile .. You are either so painfully gullible to defend your mistress team since they appear successful or you are ignorant with a learning disability from sniffing glue during your formative years to believe two men so committed to unethical advantages have changed or you food stamps have a patriots logo .. Your position is indefensible , if you oth had the same passion to defend the team you claim to like ( the bills ) .. Buffalo might get a fair game against New England for the first time and actually get to see which teams might win in a football game instead is the cowardly pussification of front office spy vs spy . Run along to momma for a new argument .. Best of luck ..


    All together now , let's go buffalo .. Remember that right? Hilarious ..


    Ps .. Maybe Seattle will stomp on their lying cheating asses if the puspats fail to film their walk thru or whatever lame advantage their insecure franchise will sell their soul to do ...instead of actually playing their opponent straight up ... Ya know .. To test themselves to see who is the best .. Like , every other final or championship on the planet . No player on the patriots would want to win with an unfair advantage .. If they are really an athlete .. As their fans how do you know if they are any good if Bellichick manufactures new ways to cheat ..


    Once again with feeling .. Let's go buff al o ..


    Well you can learn it .. If we taped and cheated I would be more upset than I am currently , as it reflects poorly on all involved and makes the sport itself invalid like a joke , and a joke out of anyone willful enough to defend the demise of a sport into just a spectacle .. Way to go .



    I don't agree to disagree ..I thought all this was behind us in 2007 .. Fool me once .. You must not know the rest ..


    We are different .. If I caught someone chesting me for years . I would add it up and if thru paid up and offered and apology things would go better for them ..


    You would let em keep your cash and being too afraid to defend yourself you Apparently tell the. It's cool and tell all those who found out that you were bad at whatever game they cheated you out of the money . Since it seemed to difficult to get your money you tell everyone that the chesting didn't make any difference as they eould trounce you anyway ..


    That seems as lame as the agree to disagree on an indefensible point . Whatever . A flock of you and I could start a religion



    Yeah. . Those balls didn't make any difference in that game in the outing rain .. So they had to use all the signals they stole in the second half .. Yea cool .



    All I am advocating . Is awareness ..


    Is Lucy going to let Charlie Brown kick the ball?


    Hell no . We aren't delusional like the people that believe the pats don't cheat .


    We advocate the patriot wsy with the Aaron Hernandez twist ( nah , shooting her is even more cowardly) . This time we either prepare properly for tge cheatyboys and their cowardly leader and this year Charlie Brown gives the league some justified domestic violence .. The peanuts hold Lucy down as peppermint patty beats Lucy within an inch of her life so we can all go on with our lives and never talk about the stupid rules of a sport where only the lowest human brings would ruin one of the few cool things to see on a Sunday ..


    I bet we all disagree (I could be dead wrong) with you that Charlie should line up to kick the ball pretending nothing happened in the past. while actually singing her praises as being the greatest of sll time as he approached the ball .. Yr so funny ..



    My last reply to the foolish ( applause) who wilt at the thought of standing up for your rights against a boring tedious lying group of individuals that we have given the benefit of the doubt for too long ... Any one against the patriots must feel and end up like Gary Webb trying to prove the ridiculous charge that the CIA funded itself w crack .. They may all be wrong but they are incredibly persistent in their lies . Cut to a disgraced Josh McDaniels fired in Denver after really taping a walk thru ( or finally getting caught) that amazingly got a job with the patriots after getting caught at something worse than Pete rose got banned from baseball... Who now is smiling big because he probably blackmailed his pal bill for a job or he might spelling his name out during his appointment at league offices for his very own lifetime ban and return a few trophies by saying one word to bill in a call to head trolls office .. Can you spell Mangini ? Now there great again . Without cheating at all .. Straight up just kicking everyone's ars . I'm impressed aren't you as this league rots .. But I bet they get the best rating ever .. Will they have to play this straight up after cheating .. It will be tough .. Everyone's pissed so Seattle makes whittle tommy look avg at throws over ten . Am I. Dumb enough to bet when the league realized that it needs the patriots to win to justify everything doesn't matter . .. Not a chance .

  15. From today's offering at We Want Marangi, found its entirety here:


    Thankfully, we live in a country where we possess the inalienable right to believe only in science that reinforces our previously held beliefs, and put more weight in theories that do the same -- especially those spoken aloud on television or thumbed out on Twitter and/or Facebook -- than in evidence that disproves those same theories.


    So feel free to continue hating Tom Brady because he's a lousy cheater and NOT because he's been better for longer than any quarterback in NFL history, and certainly not because he makes more money each Sunday than you and I will combined in the next five years, or because his wife is hotter than everyone's but mine.


    The same goes for Bill Belichick. Go on thinking his teams haven't made the playoffs 12 times in the last 14 years or reached six Super Bowls over the same span because he works the draft, salary cap and even New England's practice squad better than any of his peers and deftly adjusts his schematic approach from game to game and within each contest. It's because he's Lex Luthor in a hoodie.






    There's more, including a little actual football stuff not involving psi. Fire away ...

    Let me guess.. Trying to politely get people to argue a point in another website ..I'll bit on one condition .. Your great qb and coach turd .. Did or did not benefit from the verified tape that Matt Walsh cherry picked from a larger library, of the bills signals ..? And .. Does any team have a chance if the other teams knows their plays and relays them to their players ? Finally is the scientific ball trick to play with 10.5 psi balls just more evidence of the same advantage .. If so .. Do you vacate wins just like lance weak arms because their is no way to tell the real outcome .. This far fetched but I'll read your web page if you put the stats of buff vs the pats from 1994 to 2014 and against the rest of the league for the same time .. Ppg to ypc et. Etc .. If the still look great then I'll crown your patriots. .. It's just hard to tell if they are any good at all . Please tell me how they are good .. The only game teams have two weeks to prepare for cheats or even a week they lost all ten after exposed . McDaniels fired after he taped walk thru .. Mangini no good at coaching. . It's easier to believe than having to talk about this disgusting crsp.. I never hated the dolphins just wanted to beat the best in our division . Period . No one is whining . We just want the damn truth . Why don't you ? I want proof that the same advantages Mangini ratted out his pals because he actually said their was no real advantage but ratted em out when he played against em because he didn't think he could win . This is so sad . Come play poker .. We will signal and take your money .. I'll tell you I don't of it again .. After 15 years .. Are you a bad poker player or am I dirty cheater ?


    Well I told you I stopped so you must suck,

    right ?


    Wtf .. It blows uncovering this crap but my god , what makes you believe a liar has stopped?


    So by your thinking I am a great poker player . Wow .



    What about you hof and alpha .. Wanna play poker .. I promise we won't cheat .


    Im not defending them...I am providing reason into this storm of over exaggeration of what happened. I am a football fan, a very big football fan. Just because a team is a division rival doesn't mean I am going to over exaggerate and go on a witch hunt because it makes me feel good for my team sucking for a decade and a half. The Pats beat us because they are better...period. I am not going to manufacture data to somehow discredit what they have accomplished just because they are in my division.


    Its that simple. The alleged infraction had no impact on them being in the SB...lots of teams, if not all, do it and many other things to the footballs. Its the NFLs fault for both letting this story get so exaggerated and out of hand and to have even occurred in the first place. If it was such a difference maker, the rules would not be so relaxed and loosely enforced. ITs been going on at every level of football since the game existed. But because it was the Pats (even though it had no impact on the game in hand, in fact they played more dominant with the fully inflated balls) its now Armageddon.


    Its all good, to each their own...I get why people want this to be so much more...I am just not that guy. I try to stay as unbiased as I can and evaluate the information for what it is or isn't, not what I want it to be. If hard evidence shows intentional manipulation outside the rules, they should be penalized and deserved to be penalized for the incident. But given so many past and present players have stated that its commonplace, how they penalize them will be tricky as it really isn't that big of a deal and they aren't the only guilty party.


    We just agree to disagree...no big deal :beer:

    Ok bills fan .. Did the tape Walsh had of our signals help them in the second half? .


    No way to tell really but the fact remains they didn't do it for fun .


    Wake up .. It blows to have one put over on you . Just make sure you do the work to sucker punch them before they get you 15 years straight , Charlie Brown . I am convinced cb is like you to chicken to admit we have been cheated for years. .. We may suck but no way to tell anything .


    If we cheated on one play in the oak game and one in kc or Miami what's the outcome then smart guy bills fan..



    I just want us to point scoreboard camera on their signals and openly bully them .let the fans call out their plays .. As you say it will make no difference in their greatness . A little do unto others .. That should make you happy as fans


    Wanna buy a few yellow jerseys from another great one

  16. You had to stop betting on NFL games??

    Just the patriots and two other teams w similar anomalies ..how do you factor in the Bellichick influence .. Would you want to bet against a team with a possible tape of a walk thru even if they had inferior talent or match ups ? Could you bet the sb? It's a coin flip if it's possible the pats won't have the same advantages they enjoyed to get to this game. There is no way to tell hence no way to wager with confidence for or against (if they do have info on Seattle). It certainly isn't about any sports matchup .

  17. I think it's funny .. It would be even funnier if the league actually enforced the rules that it clearly deems essential for true competition. .


    It's easy to come back with a make ur own hitler video as a response all the bandwagon baaahstoners .

    . It will be interesting to see if the league preserves the integrity of the game or if Bellichick is the father of a new modern era of a new front office CIA and mi6 counter intelligence offices for every team in order to actually be assured your team gets a fair shake each Sunday if the league doesn't care ..

    At least it's the focus of a discussion that will shine a light on every single game the pats play until the turd retires .. Hopefully any teams including ours can't complain about being sucker punched because they were warned by the saturation of press coverage and opinion around the league that this is TRULY business as usual for the pats in every meaningful game which is obviously includes the division .

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