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Posts posted by K8prisoner

  1. By definition a shart is messy. In order to win or capture the shart , everything should stink and unexpectedly , at least to outside observers, turn into to a ah&££¥ mess.

    Excellent job, if everyone leads by example we will be Edmonton or maybe like Chicago by 7 1 14 . Then we can fly a brown stained sabre flag that is no longer flying upside down with a collective sigh from all involved of "oops, do you have a wet nap". The fact that we don't have a collective wet napkin we can be absolved of any catholic guilt that goes with a large wry smile while we eat our teds and a beef weck in the knowledge of a shart well done. The smile may represent the league wide threat of another franchise with more than hot air to expel in the near future. Well , with a good coaching choice and egos in check there with only be one diaper flying downtown. I will try to not to drive head on over the median on 75 today even though I just bought extra insurance on my health and vehicle in celebration of the first true chl lead up to playoff victory ... And cloud that enveloped the country like messy explosion leading the charge of a new bison path of destruction where no life or career is safe now

  2. Whaley seems like he is batting .750 in personnel with big whiffs on o .. I think it takes a real pair to admit there is no qb for us if we fall out of top five and get us at least a guaranteed number one which might lure qb if we had built a line I also think my same prejudices about gms and WBA appear with Whaley but he has turned kelvin into gold.. That trade along with some great waiver activity ( Rambo Gray and keeping Leodis strictly on d with our first returner since roscoe Parrish ) should earn him another year at the helm.

    Gms and qbs .......

    Gms and qbs .......

  3. If their was a cartoon caption of marrone hitting his goto thought of "4 mil if you don't do it my way all year" or "the jets will do what I want " it's possible these might have colored anyone's decision if that person had a persecution complex . Only señor marrone knows and we won't . If there is smoke etc etc. I have to believe desperation and fear and even spite colored a few of his decisions. I am ecstatic I don't have to root or bet on a guy that punted down two In Oakland with dareus on the sideline . It's so easy to second guess but gutless or fear sticks around longer than just conservative in our perception ..

    Somewhere you have to try to win and fail other than rationalize putting off that moment by staying in the game to hope for better odds.. If Oakland and kc didn't happen he might have not been exposed or vindicated l. I am glad he's gone if he truly denigrated subordinates and manipulated this team like kids instead of making them understand what he believed .

  4. I didn't think I wanted anything to do with Schwartz but maybe my prejudice cones simply from the fact that if I went after the arrogant little tool jimmy harbaugh , I would have decked him . So despite that embarrassment he seems to have an excellent command of the intellectual concepts of football . He proved many of us wrong by sticking to his philosophy of rushing four on most downs and actually was less of a gunslinger which had more positive results than pettine.. The same consitency he had with the titans?


    I personally have to ask if we have a grass is greener philosophy thinking our leader is outside the organization.. Maybe if he can hire a competent play caller oc with a big name to lure a qb and move Donnie Henderson to dc he might be our best chance to improve on a promising year aside from the eggs laid on Miami Oakland and home against the chiefs .

    I don't believe he can lure what we need because of the seeming personality weakness that is right or wrong in the public perception .. The pegulas hopefully did exit interviews with the team to know their desires. If they are all honest and start fresh learning from this year and Mostly If he sees Whaley as an ally and truly competent we might have all the best by simply removing the guarded insecure Marrone . I am completely outside any pertinent knowledge aside from watching games and interviews but the players would have their first consitentcy at camp in years if schwartzs ran a tighter ship than Detroit and was more honest and respectful to players that deserve it than Dougie.

  5. Well , that is the dilemma for the nfl gms like ours, secretly dumpster diving , hoping for a Drew brees midget behind a religious nut with 20 kids.. The reality as they look for intel on the guys buried on the depth chart and those banished to the Siberian cfl is they all have serious issues. If you didn't suck for luck pay for the perpetual bridesmaid of Peyton or even try coddle the future second coming of Jeff George in Cutler, you have to hold onto the kitty while you pray Ej grows a pair when you accidentally slip him shrooms over the summer when happens to luck into saving Kelly and a group from the old folks home from certain death ..

    Every year ten experiments fail and one or two succeed as each little country sends out their spies for any competent leader ..it's as twisted as game of thrones ..

    I cant wait for the Blanda 6 million dollar arm project .. Jim, we can rebuild him .

    Yes, you have to hold onto the kitty until anyone else takes the reins and pray our second round pick has high learning curve and can actually think and throw or you can cure the cutler cancer etc.. It sucks . Any other position would be on the bench after that exercise in self preservation .. Maybe inject him with jack before any big game and... His balls grew three times they said, after the game.

    Even Elway had to fall to get to the promised land by not tryin to do it all himself and hand the ball off, it's slways something . I hope orton isn't yellow and proves everyone wrong. Is it that hard to play qb or does the position draw the wrong type of guys to be successful these day or are they just rushing all these kids and ruining them .. The exception if the latter is true plays Sunday after three years saying yes I'm am better than arrogant prick and I won't throw that pick six.

  6. Link or pic ..that's funny ..


    Trust me even if I sat the girl of your dreams next to you naked twenty four hours and unlimited dope or pills .. You would both get bored of the sex first and then the dope would only make you feel and my point is .. You would get bored of anything even a perfect feeling or view or whatever ..not so bored as to hang out w Peter Pan ..thanks I am appreciating my life more and more ..I like my punctuation . It is a pause in my verbal diarrhea ..much like watching orton puss out I am enjoying my abuse .. I thought or whoring her out but she hates that she gets attention for the wrong reasons from former bosses and clients already so I guess since I care I don't get to be an internet pimp .. I am answering all so answer this ..


    How do you change the psyche of the town so they stay in the game if they get behind at the Ralph ..not that it prob matters.. They seem to play better on the road except for the two games they choked .. Or were out coached or were ?


    I wish I could put fitz heart in orton even .. But fitz has slways been my favorite guy to bet against starting in cincy ..nobody , not even orton threw a more beautiful pic at the most crucial times than Amish boy ..I would have lost a lot of bets if he wasn't so predictable ..to bad I don't bet against the bills or for bob Kraft CIA hero

    Fitz another nice guy with directions and a cabin to rent in Milton's hell ..

  7. Sorry ..ran away from a fight in 1st grade not third and finally had to fight weeks later afyer I chickened out..those weeks were the longest of my life and the kid kicked my ass but I did much better than I had thought because I actually was ok with getting hit ..my point was I never backed down from a fight or getting hit again..changed my life ..those weeks after I chickened out were the worst .hiding ..changing how I walked home ..living with fear .. Being forced to fight a kid twice my size ....and later eating owsleys finest taught me the essential nature of not living any second in fear or risking something now you will regret later ..


    This team had kc Texas Miami and Denver only having to win one by laying it all out there istead of having to regret it till next September ..guess those checks can make people forget anything .. So ..I can't judge maybe they truly did lay it all out there and I am wrong ..only they know for sure .. It just looked that way on those plays and I suppose I feel like a fool for coming back for more .. The same reason you/we like Fred because he seems to live and die for it ..that's all I want to see for three hours ..

  8. Ok nice ..Peter Pan .


    Well, if only kyle orton had the commitment to playing the role of bills qb that little ole Pete has to his craft .. Don't get me wrong ..I actually agree that ko is better than a nice kid who actually ran with some intuition ..more than cj sometimes ..had his head filled and spirit killed in an attempt to fix him .. Nothing more sad than ruining the confidence of an unorthodox kid by people that can't play in the first place. Probably a waste of time to work on someone who can't complete three progression or look off receivers .. Like trying to teach someone like me to do magic on stage professionally without any real talent in front of a house of magicians ..easier to teach an egotistical tool that gives the money sign and is too moronic to know his foolishness than teach a self aware kid something he doesn't believe he can do better than those teaching him

  9. Hilarious ..

    I change my name to long winded prick but I wanted to respond thoroughly

    I read your posts ..I wish I could oblige with a photo ..that's why I get to indulge because I really care and protect her even though she happens to have the power of her appearance ..still an active athlete ,, I was afraid that was all you will focus on but it was part of the whole story of defending watching a lit box with half hearted a$$holes..

    I have even questioned myself even though I'm in my late forties my mind still thinks like I'm twelve sometimes and she knows it ..that why she does the whole look at me how can you watch the game when you have this .. I do the same and hand her a present when she is watching some show time series ..with the same low success rate .. we are both non plussed.. And we are spoiled and want what we want ..



    Anyway ..I am more interested in explaining to her why I am dumb enough to probably watch Green Bay with one guy who slides a yard before a marker getting paid 5.5 mil even if he gets injured ..guys like spiller who is learning from Fred but still runs out of bounds risking less than Fred ( like watching trey urinate in my ears the furthur he gets from owsley and Garcia ) or please explain how a coach says we will get the ball back twice if we punt on 4th and two . Help me understand these guys go home and explain why they have no balls or do their wives not watch?

    My point is I could not go home and get any love from this strong woman if I did kitty behavior in protecting us or our home or lives ..who are they accountable to? It isn't the team or they would be getting killed today in film


    I feel stupid for caring but I have to admit I do care and my wife/girlfriend wants to care she just isn't a glutton for punishment like me ..and I have finally asked the question is she right and are my fan ways idiotic..just like my girl I'll never care for another logo/team. But I don't have to like it


    I haven't gone to pornhub sites but I'll say even great sex or visual gets the attitude of .. Ehh I'll hit that later darling .and I don't feel the dilaudid anywhere near as much as I used to..


    I fairly straight and boring and completely loyal to my wife/gf .. I want to blow off the bills but I won't and my final point is about the culture of losing ..I wonder how dangerous it truly is to tank (even though they seem to be a 500 team I barely watch at all ). Is it like getting a heart transplant where they never seem the same and everyone is probably a little nervous In their presence. The bills are trying to be at the end of their 14 year tank ..do we all need yearly shock treatment so we have the patience like we had in the late 80s

    And how did that team overcome their horrible culture to build a winner beside drafting a guy that partied but wanted to win at all costs ..Kelly might play better than orton ..he is probably more mobile mr orton


    Thanks to whoever thought up the kitty slide ..it should be the picture on next years season tix ..come play with us in kyles sand box ..he will take the hit next year .we promise ..it's our time again ..

  10. I am a lurker ..a dilattante , third string reader and an undrafted poster with a question that may be obvious ..


    In order to ask these questions and maybe get a serious response out if this pit I fell in without being aware of the new rule put in place for the playoffs that allowed forward passes on fourth quarter kickoffs until right now .. I apologize for a seeming exercise in ego and expect no one to bother to read all of this and offer me some understanding as to why I can walk away from failure and stupidity everywhere in my life except for the bills and like a addict I explain and self rationalize bad behavior .. You see I have to explain in detail everything that led up to me bothering you with my first post in all othe years I have been getting news from Tbd ..the same way we get our news from the internet and the comedy channel these days..



    It's difficult for a junkie to judge anyone but looking a replays a still have nothing different to say to my girlfriend , a former buffalonian and Empire State star athlete who stumbled into the other room while I was watching the Denver game.. She came to make fun of me for taking my abuse Everytime they have a significant game . Like many of you she jokes I am a battered wife even though she is mildly paying attention like all who are from buffalo , uniquely aware of how much a football team affects the psyche of an entire region..

    As I mentioned... She is lured in to hang out with me and sits next to me with the .. Attitude ...I'm am a beautiful girl and why I am all alone on Sundays when any man or woman alive would lie and steal to pay attention to me but instead I chose this idiot who hadn't figured out the truth behind buffalo sports that all of us have figured out long ago and aren't tolerating the emotional trauma surrounding that inevitability and divested emotionally to a mild curiosity

    Without chuckling aloud at her curiosity , I smile as she sits down pretending I am not aware of the weekly challenge to ignore the game and pay attention to the naked girl next to me ..

    What play occurs..

    Well the kitty slide ..

    We both know sports so we watched stunned at the replays and could see then as well as now that he could have picked up the first if he went head first.. It would have been close . He may have fumbled upon being hit and it was 50 /50 if he would have been knocked out of the game .. Even knowing this ..how could any man actually pull up and not fight for the chance to got to the playoffs and fold by choice ..how could anyone make it that far in his profession if that choice exists ovr the instinct of winning and why am I suckered in to watching this ..

    The start of my long winded questions ..and no I don't care what you think about me or whatever ..I have be honest about truth and guilt I have been faced with and why I made my choices ..


    We laugh about all of this as we struggle for power in good jest in our house ..any one who chooses to live with a beautiful girl knows the beautiful part doesn't matter except to an outside observer but it is part of her power when they feel ignored but has nothing to do with all this except for the degree of this choice in life to ie ..to watch the game live without being bullied ( a nice problem from the outside , not so much if repeated like me trying to get laid in the middle of a show she likes but I don't ) pausing and why to give up my time watching football every week etc ..

    By some reverse miracle she was lured back in even after ortons chickens@#t . To witness her second and third plays of the day ..she kinda missed the third down play which seemed to me a set up for a make able fourth down and two .. Without paying attention at all she deduced looking at the six + minutes on the clock they had to go for it and was actually emotionally exclaiming how the h**l could they punt ..and left disgusted at them and me for actually rewarding cowardice and impending failure by encouraging this and continuing to watch ..




    My questions are these . In addition to those posed throughr the telling of my story which is maybe like all of yours .


    How does orton explain his actions in film on wed ..as well as how does marrone justify his choice of we have a better chance to get a recovery on an onside as opposed to calling time out and trying to get 2 yards and lose the game 6 minutes earlier .. Cowardice haunts you forever with what if as I found out in 3rd grade and haven't repeated


    ..does losing by these ways start an emotional expectation that is felt in the oh no not again groans that probably started in early 2000 at rich stadium that like an infection can be cured by a group that fight the opposing team ..the officials and the expectations of doom that leak out weakly from the home crowd if one bad thing happens that weren't there when we witnessed the Houston comeback where the officials helped us ..


    Do the coaches tell great but emotional players to expect to have to overcome all manner of unfairness in order to win as all will be tested in games beyond the field


    Is there a way to show the team solidarity and cheer the bad calls when we don't overreact and collectively turn fear and bad expectations afyer a fumble or intercept by knowingly getting 76000 aware of their effect their sound of oh no not again causes


    Last ..what do We say to the great smart and pretty girls who watch the kitty slide if there is no consequence for such a horrible turtle move that mentally kills all momemtum and loses all casual fan that really want to back anything they can believe will improve

  11. RE #6. IT's one thing to have bad calls, but when they happen on key plays constantly, that makes it difficult to beat a good team. They never showed the replays for the INT returns, so I don't know how legit those were, but the Robey penalty was bogus. Don't know if Hughes would've been called for a penalty if they didn't throw a flag on the Gilmore play, but don't think they showed that replay either.

    It is like they must accept three soul crushing calls every game .. No excuse .. If they capitalized on picks with points or finished any drive or went for it on fourth and two ...

    But yes .. It seems that on big games they have two opponents ..unfortunately undeniable..the sooner they accept this as fact and prepare for the daily .. "Knife in the back and more or the same .. "

    It is a shame that this seems so consistent


    RE #6. IT's one thing to have bad calls, but when they happen on key plays constantly, that makes it difficult to beat a good team. They never showed the replays for the INT returns, so I don't know how legit those were, but the Robey penalty was bogus. Don't know if Hughes would've been called for a penalty if they didn't throw a flag on the Gilmore play, but don't think they showed that replay either.

    It is like they must accept three soul crushing calls every game .. No excuse .. If they capitalized on picks with points or finished any drive or went for it on fourth and two ...

    But yes .. It seems that on big games they have two opponents ..unfortunately undeniable..the sooner they accept this as fact and prepare for the daily .. "Knife in the back and more or the same .. "

    It is a shame that this seems so consistent


    RE #6. IT's one thing to have bad calls, but when they happen on key plays constantly, that makes it difficult to beat a good team. They never showed the replays for the INT returns, so I don't know how legit those were, but the Robey penalty was bogus. Don't know if Hughes would've been called for a penalty if they didn't throw a flag on the Gilmore play, but don't think they showed that replay either.

    It is like they must accept three soul crushing calls every game .. No excuse .. If they capitalized on picks with points or finished any drive or went for it on fourth and two ...

    But yes .. It seems that on big games they have two opponents ..unfortunately undeniable..the sooner they accept this as fact and prepare for the daily .. "Knife in the back and more or the same .. "

    It is a shame that this seems so consistent

  12. Fred is the heart and soul and can pick up a blitz like no one else.. but , you are right . He needs to play on third down and in the end of halfs to limit his snap count and keep him fresh . I don't know if this sacrifices his connection to the rhythm of the game..I would rather have this problem than not have him leading prep during the week.. A smaller john riggins ..

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