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Posts posted by K8prisoner

  1. I hope the league comes down hard on them. Take away their first round draft pick or something. It's not so much deflating balls is the biggest deal in the world, it's that the Patriots have shown time and time again they have no respect for the integrity of the game.

    Exactly. But take care of him internally no matter the stance of the league. I just want us to prepare on the assumption he is crooked and act accordingly. The patriots and the plumbers .. Real life war simulation, eh bill? Our move should be to cut off the head .

  2. third time ???? name them (spygate & deflate-gate)

    Seriously , two bullshyt moves the past two weeks which reinforces systematic crap continuing that they lost a draft pick for and probably got much more careful hiding . Ok ,I'll ask you this. Would it occur to you to do that ?

    So , they don't do shite like this? This is tiring , cleaning this toilet is tedious. Well I don't have a horse in this race for 9 months. Forgetting the character of a cheating turd is risking your own peril . It will be interesting how the hawks prepare but I don't care. Next year we will see if we prepare properly for this crap and remember the character of who we play and act accordingly . Ostrich out , I just hope the team doesn't do the "intelligent and reasonable " thing by keep assuming they are basically on the level like you suggest.

    All I know is I can't bet this game because I'm not blind or and idiot

  3. Gg .. Great. The dolphins dominated us for ?? But I didn't hate them like this . When you beat the best you have arrived . Not sure what it means to beat a cheat. The hoodturd is smart . No question . Brady shines too but who knows how much and how much is having an unfair advantage w low character .. It's tough to argue these points without sounding like a whiny puss but over time the evidence is piling up

    I smell sulfur ..


    No .. I will not have a sense of humor . I'm sick of the turdhood.

    Really the team it is not the first time they have been caught. Nor will it be the last. It is that all teams due it. Cheat or inflated balls. But Pats got caught with their pants down.

    So remember next year and pelt em w tapes and out town hotel coupons old laptops . Just the coaches . Pull the fire alarms every hour .. Steal all their stuff and then give to em on game day . Let us be the league and seek our own honorable justice for turdyhood. I think it's much more them but yeah .. Lip readers are everywhere.


  4. I decided to beat this stupid childish drum for one reason . It's unfortunately true. I don't want the league to do anything except confirm it . Then we do our pest control and tent the place before we play them .

    Yr right I bet the giants shielded their PIN number and blue tooth from this punk. Don't forget all those tablets . Next we will hear the hoodturd has little cyber pukes stealing data from the booth instead of actually playing football. I'm sober and cranky.

    This thread is full of scorned ex girl friends, lol

    He'll hath .. But no


    It's a bout a cheating little prick I won't bet on and I'm not stupid enough to bet against because he is good at cheating and distorts the game, but that was funny. I've had my share of that.

    Mattm and nosaint .. Nice. This thread is like cleaning an overflowing toilet.


    Only on this forum would the Pats supposedly using a underinflated ball generate 278 posts. Its embarrassing how much some of you dwell on them. [/

    It's painful and I would rather not. But I believe by shoving this guy into the light maybe we will realize you have to protect ourselves every single time by changing every play signal etc so we never ever see the need to care about this hooded turd and expose him by winning. It's just a pain in the ass to police him if the league won't . Hopefully the ridiculous size of this stupid thread will make the front office anti spy leak etc. Our playoffs come down to one thing only. Putting this worm in his place twice a year . Prob ably a lot of work to assume he has everything but they have all year and are paid well . After the scandal and the draft pick we relaxed. This isn't about a little ball trick but a theme of anything goes and fock the rules that I was forced to wake up and realize it still goes on . Shula said it just fine.

  6. Ej looked promising in a few games before he got hit and hurt .. Impressive actually . This year he looked scared and slow , no confidence . Like grigs of sabres before he got sent back down to q .. Hopefully this year he has good competition and either wins the job or takes the job in relief . It's hard to predict if a guy will grow pair and believe in himself for real not just mouthing bs words . Great to have as a backup and I like ryan calling him out about being his college self and running . This backs off the rushers and gives him a little room. Some respect to use that strong arm .

    Like it or not the guy doesn't want the ball in his hands for the win. It's coaching and the hesitation he got from being injured or whatever . Whoever made him skittish and messed with his mechanics may have ruined a kid that already had shaky accuracy and a polite belief in himself . I hope he does it . I hate to prejudice but a lot of black qbs seem to have the same issue of compounding mistakes, no core belief or too confident . He seems more like Russell Wilson without the never give up attitude .. Ej like geno smith needs others approval . Luck could have the whole team hate him and still believe in himself . I think it's more nurture and socio econOmic than jimmy the Greek genetics, my apologies if that observation seems biased other than a matter of fact truth

    .. He has good character but he has to grab that fuggin job and kick anyone's ass who tries to lead His team .. I don't think he ll do it , despite his size he seems meek as a leader . He has as high an upside as anyone in the draft aside from attention to detail accuracy and that winners attitude. The press conferences alone are enough to put on the scout team . He actually believes he is good by taking no responsibility or parroting coach speak until he has to show it on the field and wilts .. It's a shame .. Has a cannon if he thru it on instinct w no doubt . He clearly has the talent.

    Well bangrang Already said all that above with the video , if I had read it . I'll read a little before I just write next time.

  7. Ok.


    Allowing the same person to continue to get over on you is way more chickenshiite than speaking the truth to wake the few left that believe that he isnt constantly cheating like a self justifified delusion. He is like a shoplifting addict .or junkie You just have to watch him all the time .

    I'm sure it's epidemic in the world

    .. He is just good at it .


    I would rather not say a word at all as long as I believed his . true character was common knowledge .. And treated him like the little child he is

  8. I'd be surprised if this didn't blow over in a week. Reminds me of the deer antler spray controversy exactly two years ago right before the Super Bowl. Unless someone proves that the Patriots tampered with the game balls after halftime, this seems like the kind of story that reporters will hype up so they have something to cover leading up to the big game. Just my opinion.

    They won't , just like there is no truth that the jets tampered and talked to marrone before he told us to F off .

    They are hoping this doesn't last til media day . Maybe they will get lucky and another body will turn up in the Hernandez trial or teddy brewskis will punch Rachel Nichols and take one for the team .. This does actually seem more petty and prankster like than stealing signals or manipulating a substitution rule to gain competitive advantage because of insecurity.

    Whining , I'm not advocating that , obviously just the opposite .. I am saying recognize you have been repeatedly wrong by a cheat and be prepared to catch him and kick his ass this time ..

    This is a thread to admit that billy b is what he is and to not let him ever do it to us again and hopefully give him a dose of payback. Or do you propose to put a yellow jersey on him like lance and pretend all the charges are delusion and do nothing but laud praise on his lying asz

  9. what's this world coming to when a ball boy can't read a pressure gauge, and I sure that under/over inflated balls have been used in NFL games in the past, But because it's the Pats it's a outrage in some narrow minded folks minds

    Seriously , taking the high road ? What crsp do they need to do ? Video tape the other teams signals and relay them during the game in illegal radio transmitters. So, human nature is basically good and we haven't been put here as a test for logic to triumph over selfish greed and our base nature?

    Well sheeit. We are just paranoid in the face of made up seemingly overwhelming evidence that doing the one thing that would help Marcia and mr sportsmanship overcome the weather on a few key plays . Thanks , I feel stupid now that you cleared that up .. Wow . Some people will never believe they were burned and .. You are also right that three or four plays with different outcomes could never affect the outcome of a game . Thanks. Reason cured me .. Hilarious

  10. NFL VP of officiating, Dean Blandino, explained that, prior to each game, both teams hand over to the league, 12 balls. League officials then inspect the balls for proper sizing and PSI prior to introduction into the game. At this point in time the balls are literally out of the Pats hands. So, how exactly is this a case of the Pats cheating?

    the pats ball boys are probably behind the will and character if their boss . They handle the balls just like they have interns film the game etc . Think that lance fooled the bike cops because he was good at more than biking . They have motive and opportunity . I'm more concerned about the whole picture . Same as it ever was ...
  11. Well adios .. I am gonna take my tinfoil hat (actually copper works better) and put it away . I hope I care enough to torture this douche and his flunkies when we play a game that is kinda like football next year. I hope rex ryan mobilizes our team to kick Lucy in the head. At least I hope they know to monitor all radio signals and film etc and stick it to them for the sake of the league . I'm hungry and I'm not getting paid millions to have our cities' back . I am afraid this is what the lame league likes now . They have the good (don't need selfish Percy ) vs evil bowl . I'm not sure i care unless someone can convince me it isn't a little bit contrived and trending toward wrestling.

  12. 14 games a year we play the game as it should . Twice we embrace the ridiculous clown in the star wars hood and plan all year as many fun surprises for him. To play a game straight against him and believe he didn't steal our signals or isn't talking to brady during the play is foolish . That's what I hope this thread does.


    That's why this small but effective trick is news because probably they are still doing the same crsp they got a first rounder taken for .


    "Tis the doom of men that they forget "


    Would you race lance straight up for all your cash or self justify the same behavior he has perpetrated or trust a third party that has nothing on the line to police the cheat .

  13. Speaking of the Patriots cheating, am I the only one who retroactively wondered about the Nate Solder touchdown reception after the Patriots were penalized later in the game for the wrong lineman reporting as an eligible receiver? If I remember correctly, the penalty occurred because lineman #71 reported as eligible but lineman #77 went down field instead.


    It made me wonder who reported as eligible during the scoring play and what the officials announced. The fact that #77 and #71 are about as similar looking jersey numbers as you can get from two offensive linemen came to mind as well. These are the kinds of things you have to worry about when playing the Patriots, it seems.

    He was smart to understand that how many penalties get the wrong number announced . It's an insecure move . But the is now reduced to WWF and I want to turn it off like I did wrestling when I was 8. It's not athletic . It's as fun as watching Barry bonds hitting home runs . Once you know the trick , who cares .

  14. This is all moronic considering a pitcher just got a 200 million dollar contract to have fun and people in real danger or are sick from exposure have to fight to get money to sleep inside at night . Taping walk thrus and deflated balls are just not worth our time aside from the fact some idiot actually does this . It's why people are still mad about fixing games and black sox movies still endure . That's why people get killed cheating at poker after they try to make everyone look like fools with the who me? Defense.

    Fock bill as he focks us . We will forget and take the high ground and get beat again if we do forget just like Charlie Brown and lucifer it's entertaining to everyone except poor Charlie ..

    Do you think yelling at Charlie to kick Lucy instead of the football will help him . It's not nice but it's fair .


    Will he listen after all these years on his back .


    Kick her in the head Charlie!


    I bet he forgets again next year, but I am truly tired of seeing him on his back.

  15. Now that I think about it, Belicheat was an assistant on the Giants in the 90. What the hell kind of ball did Norwood kick?

    This is where people think you go too far but the point is correct , in that, it's makes your mind try to connect dots . The intelligent scoff . It's the same reason lance got away with it for so long. No one wants to teach a class about the zapbruder film because being "that" guy is insufferable . It's the weakness of the intelligent . Nobody wants to fooled . I am amazed lance got caught . It took greed and jealousy on both sides to make pettiness last long enough for the truth to be exposed.

  16. It reminds of why I never liked wrestling beside the Andre the giant spectacle and Andy Kaufman I think the owners must believe that negative attention pays as much or more .. It just dumbs down the audience that gets mad when the ref misses the stuff behind his back .

    The intelligent take the high road to avoid feeling like a sucker. Make no mistake . Read the Leary book quotes if you don't believe so this at least doesn't surprise you. They do cheat and manipulate level of deception beyond the original intent . Whining makes us look weak but dont believe it isn't true and be lazy unless you are ok with another loss . As fans . They deserve to dread coming to buffalo, to the point they stay 30 min away at the motel 6 . Pegula Kelly and Rex are right . One buffalo wins. How would you bear lance .. Stick a stick in his spokes .. And that didn't work . He and the patriots are good but highly insecure .

  17. This could be a great game . I'm not sure I care anymore as it feels ... Off .


    Between officiating and little billy and it's a high stakes billionaires game . It's easy to bet on a pure game but .. I have no idea what to think anymore . Feeling foolish and a sucker . Hopefully everyone is tired of being hoodwinked . I never hated the dolphins like this . I respected them and wanted to win against them as a measuring stick . It's hard to think that way against the pats and it frustrates people.

  18. or the fact they invest their money wisely in front 7 players and get WR's, RB, and DB's off the trash heap. refuse to over pay veteran players like logan mankins. get rid of dumb players who make mental mistakes. bench players who screw up. trade down more often than trading up.

    So .. The lance defense .. Point is you just don't know how much of a competitive advantage gives .

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