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Posts posted by K8prisoner

  1. Well as the turd says " if your going to play in the rain lets do it right"


    His monkey threw it a lot better than luck all day long .. Luck must really suck that little whiny puss.


    Somebody should put lying Brady's laugh on the radio up here as well. They are a team.


    I just hope we don't forget their mindset is do whatever it takes it isn't like they won't cancel the douche bowl . Media day might actually be interesting .. Bring out the dpygate evidence and nail to that cross they carry around. Follow thru this time


    I hope we have learned and never lose to these pricks if we have fake every play .


    Papa. Hof and the rest My apologies for my obnoxiousness . I just want you to see them for who they are and give them absolutely no respect ever . They don't deserve it and like lance we have all had just about enough .

  2. i want the pats or any team to be hit hard if they violate rules (more than financially) with loss of draft picks, players or coache


    we can argue all day on the proper severity of punishment for breaking rules.


    i do not think most teams will be deterred or stop testing the limits of what they can get away with or use to their advantage, no matter who previously was slapped down (see nascar).


    i'm only wasting time in this thread to say we have no idea if the pats intentionally deflated one or more balls, yet they are presumed guilty by most in here all because of spy gate, which is a stupid rule in the first place, that many teams were violating (doesn't make it right). stealing signs is NOT prohibited. i can have coaches and lip readers stealing signs and make a written record in a journal to be used immediately to my advantage once i crack their signal code. i can view hundreds of still photos during live games and use this info to my advantage. i just can't video tape it.....dumb rule.

    filming the signs expressly prohibited by the nfl and if I knew every defensive sign and audible because a team was to lazy to change them u might go 18 and 1 .. Just a guess . I'm pissed because .. What are the games every team must have ? The division . Ergo : if he cheats to use these advantages in close or important games then I might be looking at the past to see if games suddenly flip from a game one team is domination and suddenly the Mensa turd blows out a game dominated in the trenches and seems to be one step ahead . The stupid ball deflation which us against the fruggin rules is a tell. The visible tip if an iceberg that goes back to 2000. Maybe we suck and maybe we have sone help sucking in a few games . The doubt is what pisses me off. I'm a 68 percent bettor because there are teams I avoid like the pats and us unless we are home w 7 1/2. I want to be wrong but there is way too much smoke on the lifetime ban things and little fires like steroided balls .

    It's weak to be chested and have too . much pride to admit you were swindled and go looking for your money. . I can also be just as happy with the fact that we haven't beaten them at their place in 14 years? This year doesn't really count. I would rather they be that good than have to actually have to deal w a cheat

    I used to be you saying Bellichick devised a great plan to beat us in Tampa .no one is denying the intelligence of Bellichick . But he is also a cheating little prick and ridiculously insecure . If I knew when this started I'd be employed by the bills . Shula does not call him a cheat and tarnish himself and the league if it isn't true.



    I'll ask you the same, I scam you out of slit if cash in "a fair" game.. You are shown later that I burned someone the same as you , do you congratulate me on my cleverness and play me next week? What do you do ?

    I find great comfort in knowing that while my Bills often lose, they are honest losses. I'm sure we will go down in history being remembered as a model of integrity, as apparently in the NFL there is nothing more sacred. In fact, we should probably not allow excessively penalized players entry into the Hall of Fame, or put large asterisks on their records, for surely they were trying to cheat the sacred rules - and got caught multiple times, in attempts to win games.


    This might get me to shut up, cue do head turn.

    Cue dog head turn.


    I suck at rereading my whiny little puss posts . My sincere apologies .


    Maybe football should be like life and the best cheating fock that doesn't get caught wins . I won't care anymore but ..

  3. The high road. That's a weak move when it cones to this because it just continues or you can cheat back.

    If you you sit with us and we signal and take all your money, you will say 'great game' and take the high road .. Hilarious. We would laugh at you just like bill laughs at the league .

    I'm speaking to the condescending hid watkins.. I never post


    By taking the high road you accept this crsp and ostrich and it continues . They prob decided to go back stealing signals after their ass was handed to them by Andy Reid in kc who aren't that good .. Or Reid faked them out like the giants etc .

  4. alot of other teams and players seem to escape the vitriol


    too many players to mention using PED's and teams ignoring it's use. cushing, kevin and pat williams, rodney harrison, shawne merriman


    Miami cheated when Zack Thomas told the world that they had the patriots' audibles on tapes


    seattle pumping extra fan noise through PA system


    Chargers used a banned sticky substance.


    NY Jets eric mangini filming patriots


    pit coach tomlin entered field of play and prevented a TD


    NY jets coaches tripping gunners on punt returns


    aaron rodgers over inflates his balls


    peyton manning lied about the extent of his recent injury


    greg williams on several teams with bounty gate and drew brees pretended he knew nothing about it....twice.


    ben rothlisberger allegations


    minnesota love boat scandal


    brett farve sending jenn sterger pictures of his lil brett


    green bay packer greats Paul Hornung and Alex Karras suspended for betting on games


    eddie debartolo cap violations during super bowl years and extortion scandal


    ravens handling of ray rice


    ray lewis double murder


    michael vick dog fighting


    philly peeping tom on cheerleaders


    bill romanowski antics


    just to name a few



    That argument seriously , it never occurred to me before pats to film signals and add radio beyond 15 seconds to helmets which seem as tamper proof as voting machines

    .. None are systematic abusers or even close to turdhood. Not even close . Maybe Mangini .. Isn't that learned behavior .. Nice try .. This isn't about us other than we are stupid if we don't learn from pats modus operandi.



    So I only have one question to pats apologists or the inherently reasonable .


    Don't you think if pats are slapped down the rampant cheating will be cut back in this arms race?


    Do you want to see football or just the spectacle of spy vs spy? It truly us a choice between one or the other.

  5. http://deadspin.com/aaron-rodgers-likes-to-tamper-with-footballs-too-1680676328


    aaron rodgers likes to overinflate balls according to this.... doesnt make it ok, but might put into perspective if this is a level 10 freak out situation, or something that is commonplace. im not saying it makes it ok for them to disregard rules (if they did), but simply that this might not be uncommon, and that the nfl has a minor penalty and lets teams do what they want with them even after inspection suggests that its probably not considered a major infraction by the league or teams.


    Compared to second helmet radios , taping walk thrus and spying on closed practices the under inflation seems akin to a petty traffic violation . But still a competitive advantage violation that dishonors anyone that does it.

    it shines the light upon a steaming turd that is still trying to fix games instead of playing them . Alone, the charge has some merit because it is cheating considering the severity of the weather and would be very relevant if this was a close game .

    My point is that we shouldn't have to talk about this bush league crap in an afc championship game . Also ,a playoff game shouldn't be decided on the abilty of the refs to announce an eligible player ,it should be listed on the scoreboard with the correct number or they replay the down much like how they would respond to a game clock malfunction . All of this seems to come under the heading of if losing break glass which seems more suited to a regular season game not a playoff game that used to be about great plays not greatest scams of all time.

    I would love to believe the pats aren't cheating but I just don't believe it anymore since the abilty to catch them is harder than testing for performance enhancers . It isn't whining if you catch a cheat with aces up his sleeve .. The footballs seem to be that evidence which then begs the question . What about all the other much more serious accusations that if true would make it impossible to defend against a team that new your play or exactly when you call a blitz.


    "Faulk says the Rams installed new plays for the game against the Patriots, and that the Faulk says the Rams installed new plays for the game against the Patriots, and that the Patriots seemed to be so perfectly prepared for them that Faulk believes they must have used espionage.


    Patriots seemed to be so perfectly prepared for them that Faulk believes they must have used espionage."


    ntil these loopholes are closed the game isn't footbsll .. It's is just a bored/board game played by geeks .B word if you want but this thread should embarrass the patriots and the hoodturd not the people that rely on the league to enforce their rules and in addition the spirit if those rules . We sll may find cool ways to cheat on our taxes but applauding a dude who cheats us out of a real game is beyond ridiculous.


    The fact that the hoodturd forces me to talk about this childish crsp instead of reading about a good game is idiotic. This isn't about buff. Wouldn't you feel burned if you found out the domination of the colts was because the pats knew all the plays?

  6. Thanks for the seemingly fruitless game of nfl ..whack a troll


    Maybe 19 pages is enough for our new first family of buffalo to employ the guy who wrote the spy gate book snd a few other interns to create an anti hoodturd task force to make absolutely certain sll future games are straight up. Nice work gentleman in expressing a truly unpopular truth over and over again to remove the cards the insecure turd thinks he needs to hide up his sleeve to win . I see no new arguments which make me doubt our resolve or that don't occlude with the incredible lack of honor displayed but a head coach and an organization which actually seems to be afraid of a fair athletic competition. Much like the ussr I the 70s and 80s the patriots exemplify all the sign that the nfl is determined to take a simple game and turn it into cheap facsimile where villains and underdogs and crooked refs are all part of the merger that is the new WWF nfl. Where it's not about the athletes and the outcome but the story of an intriguing farce . I do hope to one day return to betting on real football games won or list by the athletes on the field instead of trying to determine who cheated and schemed the best to affect the outcome ..

  7. It's clear now that the Bills have just been a few deflated balls short of the playoffs. They could have turned many of these seasons around if they had just deflated the ball for even just half of the games.


    Coulda, woulda, shoulda...



    This controversy is gonna turn the NFL into a ball measuring contest.

    No one believes that but the other stuff may or may not have had an effect .. Can you quantify a competitive advantage ..

  8. Geez, some of you guys make a scorned woman look passive. Does the Pats success really impact your lives this much?

    You made the same point three times so I'll bite .

    What what you do ?

    Allow the systematic cheapening of the game continue? Everybody tapes walk thru ls and vidro tapes signs to get a competitive advantage despite it being clearly against the rules .

    You can be repetitive and cute, how about weighing in with a real opinion



    I don't ever feel embarrassed to be a Bills fan because of how poorly the team is managed or how bad the record gets. Not even a little bit.


    But to be associated with Bills fans can oftentimes be embarrassing. This thread is a good example.

    When you get cheated poker what is your response ? To accept it and pay up ? That epuld embarrass me to be around someone that accepted that act

  9. injury reports shouldnt even be a discussion.

    Aim high not low, the balls are just more resl evidence of a systemic problem with them.. Lance the honest, coming back for his farewell tour . At least lance actually competed equally and won . I don't see many coaches taping walk thrus etc. Honor, is a dying commodity.

    Sorry guys late to the party on this topic. But here is how I feel about this situation:

    • I think it was an attempt to stretch the rules in order to gain a slight advantage. The game itself turned into a blowout so the edge was not required. But as a coach, BB had to plan for the eventuality that it would be a close game
    • The only goal was to win that game any which way and get to the superbowl. If they win, the haters can put all sorts of asterisks on their win btu history will still note them as superbowl winners. I thnik BB knew that the price would be a fine or at worst a draft pick. Both are acceptable prices to pay for the chance to play in and win the big game
    IMHO, it was a calculated gamble to gain a slight advantage with a small downside.


    If wants real war .. Not football. Then give him a taste .



    I actually like the city, just hate their sports teams

    Their teams and the baaahston fans .


    There is actually genius in the fact the world doesn't want to deal with a cheat. The more petty the stuff that is exposed seems to insulate against the more obviously egregious stuff. Sounds slot like us government over the past fifty years . He's patriotic too.

    Just win so he becomes a punch line . It just takes the simple will to overcome , much easier than real life.

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