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Posts posted by Captain_Quint

  1. Yeah, this will be a game where both offenses could look completely inept.

    Unless TT makes a commitment to getting the ball out fast, Sammy will be erased because Tyrod will be running for his life.

    If Woods remembers how to catch, he could have a game in the slot this week on slants and short crossing routes.

  2. Count me in as someone who feels that the whole system needs an overhaul. The technology and money is there, Im confident in saying that.


    The challenge will be implementing it in all 31 stadiums, getting a consistent and simple rule book, and finding full time, professional refs who know the rules inside and out PLUS know how to utilize the technological part of it as well.


    60yr old retirees arent cutting it anymore.

  3. With only 3.8 million dead money hit on 2016 cap if Whaley released Mario....Mario with his bad tummy and now 2 games with foot injury and 19 million....could find himself cut in the offseason providing whaley with the flexibility we may need. And worse than the injuries...its seeing Mario handled too often by 1 on 1 blocks when he is healthy and going at the QB.


    Kyle Williams with a 7 million cap hit could be a possible casualty as well due to his injury/age ...


    Rex's former Def End Muhammed Wilkerson will be a free agent this year with Jets - we may decide to make that pseudo swap of Wilkerson for the 2 high priced Williams boys

    That would be awesome, IMO.


    Wilk, Dareus, and Hughes will make a nice dline.

  4. I feel like we've progressed from last season. Its more important to have a high powered offense and a decent defense than the other way around anymore.


    And Im not saying that we have a high powered O right now at all, but it seems to be trending that way if we can eventually put it together. Last season, nobody was mistaking that offense for one that could take over a game or make plays when they needed to.

  5. I'm not saying he is an MVP candidate but the Bills are the #2 rushing team in the league. If he's playing a quarter of the plays and almost all of them are running plays he must be doing something right. Just sayin'. I know McCoy likes him.

    Take this to the positive thread, Kelly. We're piling on in this one.


    I watched Felton eating a kit kat bar during the second qtr. Guy just doesnt get it.

  6. Hello everybody. Yes there will be a night game week 17. They don't schedule one because they're almost certain to flex a different game anyway. And since week 17 only requires 1 week's advance notice there's no sense in inconveniencing more teams than necessary.


    Get it?

    Got it?


    Quit sugarcoating it, Tuco. Tell us straight up what we can expect come week 17.

  7. Every game, I have those WTF are they thinking moments. Have at it Bills fans and see how many we can list for the 2015 season. I'll start.


    NE (Week 11)

    3rd and inches near midfield late in the game. WTF!!! Why are we running a sweep with the running back getting the ball three yards in the backfield. TT the supposed running QB can't take a snaps and dive/fall forward six inches. WTF!!!


    I had the same thought durINg the game.

    Rex comes out wearing a Clemson helmet.


    I mean, WTF!!

  8. Its disheartening to see the technology get better and better, to the point where you can see almost everything in the replays, yet still be hamstrung by bad officiating. Its not just us, its every game and every team.


    The looks on those bozos faces when jackass #1 blew that inadvertant whistle said it all. Deer in headlights, and none of them had any clue how to make it right.

  9. I think the extra time to heal up and practice is going to be good.


    I also like the fact that we have two night games in a row. This was sort of a warm up for the Pats game. Both are night games, away with a hostile crowd, and both are against division rivals.


    The night games are just different than a Sunday/1:00 game and it was nice to get a win, have 10 days to reflect on it, and then go out and do it again.

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