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Posts posted by PortlandiaEast



    The one game that stands out for me was the home game a few years ago (the Spiller fumble game?) The Bills were handling the Pats and led at halftime. The Pats came out of the half with like 3 plays and guessed correctly 100% of the time and scored a TD on like 6 straight possessions. It was either a counter run to Bolden or Ridley, a seam to Gronk, or a quick sideline or slant pass Welker or Lloyd. They "guessed" right every single time and scored 45 second half points. It was uncanny. I have seen halftime adjustments, but nothing like that. Come on.

    What about their game against Denver/manning. Pats were down by 28 at half, came back and won...


    But the reality is the comebacks do happen. Bills did it down three scores to the pats.

  2. I wonder if the giants had lost those two super bowls to the Pats* (I am so glad they won)... giving the pats* 6 rings in the belichick era, it would make them look even more like cheaters and force a real investigation. That would have made it 01,03,04,07,11,14... with an undefeated record the year after spygate... it looks fishy even with 4SBs, but with 6? man... add a few more asterisks.

  3. Rex's reaction - grabs microphone, says "We gotta get a fuc*** kicker in here. This is bull****." Get whaley on the phone. "Whaley you gotta get me a fuc**** kicker."


    Good week for a prank caller to phone Rex and claim to be Tampa Bay's general manager. "Hey you need a kicker up there?"

    This true? Please please link a vid, thats classic.
  4. The CBA is a collection of allot of different rules and rights. One of the rights is the Commisioner has authority to make changes to discipline but he can't arbitrarilly decide what can be disciplined. Meaning he can't change on the fly the NFL Integrity rule as written in the CBA already on who can be punished. He can petition the owners, NFLPA to make the change to mean players but can't just decide this himself. The commisioner also doesn't have the right to convict someone when there is no direct evidence then claim the player impeded the process. Believe me, if Roger won this case the NFLPA would go to court stop this CBA for allowing a dictator ship to be laid in place against individual rights given in the constitution. A employee can be fired but not disciplined arbitraily outside of the constitution rights of the 5th amendment. The burden of proof for discipline comes from being found guilty beyond the reason of doubt. Roger Goodell has not been given the right to take away legal action against the NFL when it violates federal law and constitutional rights. Brady has a right to defend himself from arbitrally being called GUILTY and punished. The team however isn't afforded the same rights since they are a franchise of the NFL and are held to a higher "NFL Integrity". The Patriots as a employer hold more of a right to discipline for Integrity since they pay his check but still rules are in place. If a individual violates the NFL Integrity rule that is on the team first, the NFL has no rights to discpline a individual for this. The team was fined and disciplined, they can punish Brady if he had a part, not the league.

    Serious question that can be applied beyond the scope of this case: Does laying down a punishment on a violation with no real precedent constitute making it up on the fly?


    Rodger made a decision that he thought was in the scope of the power he had. NFLPA said no this is outside your scope. Courts agreed.

  5. Very well put. Brady never deserved 4 games for this even if he did it. Goodell took this way too far and its going to bite him in the ass.

    The CBA gave goodell a very broad direction that he could punish players for conduct detrimental to the integrity of the game.


    My opinion is total two-faced...


    Do I think Brady deserved 4 games? Hell no. The team should have gotten the 25K fine (per ball) and end it - even the draft picks are nuts. FAULT - NFL/Goodell for not laying down the proper punishment.


    It should have ended there. But it didn't. An "investigation" was launched. During said investigation (that should have never even happened), Brady & co were not cooperative enough and the NFL and from Goodells perspective, Brady & Co were taking part in conduct that (at least on its face) appeared to be detrimental to the league. As such, he laid out a punishment. The NFLPA agreed to adhere to punishment laid out by the commish in the CBA.


    Well they received a punishment they felt unjust. Unfortunately... You agreed to it. The NFLPA negotiated with the NFL for the terms laid out and a contract was agreed on. Wait until the next CBA or go on strike like any other labor union. BUT the investigation should have never been launched in the first place. I am going in circles...



    I am not calling anyone out here. I love this board and I think it facilitates (at times) intelligent conversation. If I got any facts wrong please correct me (nicely).


    Go bills.


    Roger needs to let it go. As a taxpayer I am a bit pissed off about anymore tax dollars being used to litigate a soft football.

    Agreed, but at this point in the case, the courts are deciding on whether or not the NFL & NFLPA has to comply to the agreed upon procedure or not. The NFLPA (union) agreed to give the commissioner(management) authority and are now saying they dont like it. Its a labor relations matter more than anything and it may have a precedent reaching to other industries.


    Except that he doesn't launch himself (if you go through it frame-by-frame, his feet never leave the ground), he doesn't lead with the helmet, he doesn't seem to go headhunting (even frame-by-frame it's hard to tell). But he'd still get the flag, suspension, and fine anyway, nowadays.


    Hell, a full third of Bruce's sacks would result in penalties and fines nowadays. And Leon Seals' pancaking of Hostetler in the Superbowl doesn't even bear thinking about.


    I've seen that clip a bunch and this thought never crossed my mind, but I think you are right on the flag, maybe a 2 game suspension, and at least 50k fine. If you slow that clip down, he doesn't "launch" himself, and it looks like the hit is with his shoulder. But 1) its TB12, 2) Helmet comes off means the NFL wets themselves and does everything to protect Brady in the future.


    Looks like a sweet hit to me. Worth the penalties all day long.

    Yeah that's what I said. I did slow it down frame by frame. And as I stated - He doesn't launch himself. Its clean. With that said, I think it would be a fine. I dont agree with it, but its the outcome I would expect.

  8. In general though, its getting harder and harder to take professional sports seriously, NFL in particular. I really like the new NBA commish and the way he handles himself and the NBA.


    Roger is nothingness in the NFL after this, the court system just neutered his authority. Every decision on conduct violations will now be challenged. He should step down. His reign was a failure.


    If this took place in 2015, Clements would have been flagged 15 yards, ejected, suspended the remainder of the season and fined an ungodly amount of money.

    I've seen that clip a bunch and this thought never crossed my mind, but I think you are right on the flag, maybe a 2 game suspension, and at least 50k fine. If you slow that clip down, he doesn't "launch" himself, and it looks like the hit is with his shoulder. But 1) its TB12, 2) Helmet comes off means the NFL wets themselves and does everything to protect Brady in the future.


    Looks like a sweet hit to me. Worth the penalties all day long.

  10. So the FO makes a move people dont like and people start a petition against said move? I like Fred a lot but jeez... find a better cause for your efforts... half tongue-in-cheek but this trend of "crying until we get our way" is sickening and it reaches far beyond this "petition".



    Going to what, form a fake union?

    Why would it be fake? If they form a group of like minded individuals, skilled at what they do, who are difficult to replace and refuse to perform their duties in order to make a change. The stars would have to sit out games. You can call it fake or not a union or whatever, but if that happened, I'm sure some poo would hit the fan for the ncaa.


    Their product is the student athletes. No student athletes, no games, no money. The athletes would have to be willing to put their future on the line though, and that is a risk that many, especially NFL bound stars, would most likely not take.

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