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Posts posted by PortlandiaEast

  1. Im going to make a generalization and say teams are forking over major buck$/contracts to average QBs not because of their potential to be allstars but because of the lack of potential replacement and the replacement QB being worse. See Kap, Newton, Tannehill, Cutler, and to some extent Fitz 3 years ago.


    The state of the QB in the NFL is a weird weird situation right now. It will be interesting to see how the game itself, the NFL, Draft, and College evolve in the next few years. The pendulum just keeps swinging toward the almighty QB and the gap is getting wider between the top teir and the mid to low tier QBs its IMO,taking away from how enjoyable the NFL once was. Again just my opinion, and of course I will continue to watch.


    Im not sure if that makes sense.


    Of late, people have been comparing the NFL to the WWE. I'm starting to see the similarities. I am not doubting the amazing athleticism, buts its less and less what I would consider an honest sport. - Thats a bit of a tangent.


    Go Bills!

  2. What would happen if the NFL does not reduce the suspension or other penalties and the Patriots refuse to accept the penalties? Could a team really get banned from the league? The patriots would still be a team, but they would have no league to play in.


    Also, I wanted to throw this out there... I think there is a chance that Brady et. al. have not been more cooperative because there is more bad stuff that is hiding in their closet. And a full blown investigation that leaves no rock un-turned would actually result in a more severe punishment, such as a possible banishment of the team from the league.

  3. Is cheating really so much a part of modern day culture that so many people can look at a blatant case such as this and be content with a slap on the wrist type penalty of a 1-4 week suspension?



    In my opinion, a 4 week suspension is the minimum and I would view as more than a slap on the wrist. 4 games is 25% of the season. Imagine a star in a different sport being suspended for 40 games in MLB or 20 in the NBA or NHL. Thats pretty substantial.


    Any less than that and the NFL is creating a cost/benefit situation for cheaters. .


    Make the penalty harsh, and it should deter cheating (though I beleive i have read this is ineffective but I cant cite any sources from my memory.)

  4. If the Bills do that Bill Belichick and the Pats* will snatch him up in a second. Playing the Pats* is hard enough without Fred grinding first downs out with the clock expiring. I know Fred's time will come I just think it's after this year or next.


    I know its a business, but I would be surprised if Fred signs with the patriots after all these years. Any other team fine, but I would lose some respect for the guy if he willingly signed with the pats after his long tenure here.


    Imagine if he did then won a SB... I would be numb... I think it would be hollow for Fred.. But I guess it wouldn't be much different than Revis last year... just thinking outloud.

  5. Its good to see he is excited but...


    Theres nothing more annoying when you are supposed to be going 50% in practice and one jergoff goes 100%, blows up the play, then gets praised for going all out... like wtf? Usually you're going 50% to slow it down and gain an understanding of a play or situation. One guy going balls out is counterproductive to the goal of the drill.

  6. Much like when we complain about bad media predictions... we have to earn respect. If we start winning, we'll get said home primetime games. It's not exactly a mystery.


    Buffalo is a small market team, and the team with the longest playoff drought. We're not exactly a big ticket right now.


    While I agree with the small market and playoff drought points... I would say we are a bigger of a ticket this year than we have been in the last ten+. We have many players (and coach) that the NFL nation and fantasy Followers know about and want to see. We have a billionaire owner who the league probably wants to see invest more money in team and may want to try to make him happy sometimes.


    We picked up an extra prime time game this year. I hope to see the trend continue.

  7. The back to back to back NFC East games at the end of the year look like the schedulers just forgot to spread them out, then just stuck em all together.


    I am happy to have more than one prime time game, but back to back, against AFCE opponents? I guess beggers cant be choosers.


    I dont mind the tough opening 2-3 games. Bills usually start strong and the patsies usually dont. The colts are just flat out good, so the figurative isht will hit the fan right off the bat.

  8. Sammy Woods Clay and Harvin in a two by two set. Shady and QB in the gun.


    I love this because Clay gives us an extra blocker it receiver threat. You can use either Harvin or Sammy in motion creating a trips.


    Put the defense on islands, get our guys 1 on 1 match ups, and the QB can take the one that he likes best.


    If you use these five in a no-huddle series that can successfully execute various formations with no penalties... it would be tough for any defense to keep up with the an offense that changes from a 5 receiver set to a power rushing set with no need substitutions.

  9. A opener against New England would mean...


    Back to back regular season games in New England... Wk 17 from 2014 and Wk 1 2015.


    Seeing as we won the week 17 meeting, albeit against backups half the time, an opening weekend win would be back to back home losses vs the same team... I wonder if that's ever happened in the current era New England...


    I don't believe in jinxes. Its just speculation.

  10. This is NOT cheating.


    Its in the rules.


    Just because you didnt know it was a rule, doesnt make it cheating. At worst its kinda unsportsmanlike, since BB knows the rest of you dont read the rules. But its not cheating in any way.


    Maybe we should just outlaw anything that most coaches and fans dont know about



    That said, I understand why they "outlawed" it. It makes the game slower and less watchable for the fans.

    While it may not have been cheating when it occured, it caused a rule to be made to prevent the action. The coaches came to a concensus that, though within the letter of the rule, some type of foul play was happening.


    And if you don't like people bashing the Pats any chance they get, you are probably on the wrong message board.

  11. I remember walking into work the after he dropped the would-be winning pass against pittsburgh...(remember i live in New England)... Pinned to my cubicle wall was the S.I. full page picture of stevie sitting on the ground after the drop...


    I liked him, never loved him. Same story with Evans. I never saw these guys as game changers. This signing is meh.

  12. There is 0% this will happen, but I would find the games a lot more interesting if more players played on both sides of the ball when available - Look at Watt. I know he is a rare breed, but there has to be other situations... Imagine lining up Mario as a fullback on the goal line?


    What about a backfield of mobile QB's. Vick, Edelman, McNabb, in their respective primes. No one knows whos going to end up throwing the ball. Madness!

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