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Posts posted by LeGOATski

  1. The only game where Goodwin really got a play full minutes (rookie season), he was pretty damn good. 6/81yds and 1 TD. Ran his routes really well. His curl was nearly unguardable in man coverage.

    Goodwin is definitely a bit underrated. He may not be the best route runner, but his speed gets him open. If he can be consistent enough in his mechanics to not tip off his route to the DB, they'll have to respect the go route every time. Even with safety help, Goodwin can burn both. The curl route should be a high percentage pass more often than not with a decent QB under center.


    And I feel like that's exactly what's happened when he's been on the field. DBs have given him plenty of space. Now, if he can just stay healthy...

  2. More screens to Hogan with Sammy leading blocking. We all know Sammy wasn't good at screens in college.


    Now that we can't throw it to Chandler in the flat, I don't know how this offense will move the ball consistently.


    Hogan certainly needs to step up.



    Yolo, I agree with you. The comment was both funny and true. Still if I'm MC, TT or EJ, my feelings were probably a little hurt and maybe - just maybe - it creates a little more self-doubt which isn't a good thing.


    If I'm Simms, however, I'm probably encouraged that the HC doesn't have a glowing opinion of the competition.


    If you're going to be a franchise QB, it shouldn't create self-doubt. It should be fuel for the fire.

  4. How could he turn out to be a franchise guy without leading this loaded team to the playoffs? That's why the poll doesn't work. If a QB emerges this team will be in the mix for a Super Bowl not a playoff spot. They will be competing for the playoffs even with bad QB play.


    That's why I agree that it's unrealistic, but I wan't my franchise QB, damnit!!

  5. hopefully he doesn't feel the need to add to the pandemonium.


    Give me some solid, objective articles, Tyler Dunne, and you'll do just fine.

    never heard of him.. but ok. maybe he was covering something other than the bills, or not even in the business 4 years ago.


    Maybe. Feel free to stalk him online. The information is out there...if you want it bad enough... :ph34r:

  6. It wasn't a full yard, but the odds are still in your favor. The fourth down you question wasn't that questionable. You had the option of either getting a first down and keeping possession or scoring the go ahead points on maybe a single play. Or you could kick the FG and risk not seeing the ball again or needing quite a few plays to get back in FG range. I'm guessing they felt their option was really kick a FG and then an onsides kick. I he no problem with going for it there , but they botched the whole situation to be needing the full 10 yards there.


    See the full yard in the picture above.


    Try for the onside kick with 2:30 left and all your timeouts? Why?


    The 4th and 10 on the 15 was much more questionable than the 4th and 1 at the 41. Even so, Chandler was the better option than Sammy. Orton just didn't see him.




    Both throws are makeable, but a throw to Chandler has a higher-percentage for success than trying to fit it in to Sammy.


    Statistically, based on decades on data you are flat out wrong. the book in that situation gave us a 6% advantage in % of winning the game by attempting that 4th and down. You saying that the right move was to punt is no different than the ignorance of our coach. Facts can be a stubborn thing.


    Yet, it worked out. They held the Chiefs to 3-and-out and had great field position on the following drive. The statistics are fluid. Even if they make that first down. They still have to drive down half the field against a great KC pass defense that allows the fewest 4th quarter points in the NFL.


    The chances of the Bills scoring from the 15 yard line were much better than scoring from the 50.

  7. It wasn't even close to a full yard, but that is beside the point. If you "trust the defense" then trust them to stop KC from scoring a touchdown in the (statistically) unlikely event your offense can't pick up 36 (or less) inches. If you trust our defense to hold KC to a field goal, you are not much worse off - the offense has to score a TD in either event. Yes the defense made a stop after we punted - but that took time off the clock when what we needed then was time and possessions.


    It was a full yard, man. It was a smart call to punt instead of risk giving the Chiefs the ball on the Bills' side. It's almsot giving them a guaranteed 3 points. That's dumb.


    Buffalo could've kicked the FG, stopped the Chiefs again, and kicked another FG for the win. Or Orton could've made that TD pass to Hogan.


    You're wasting your breath trying to point to this 4th and 1 punt as a mistake.




    I think they make up their minds what they're going to do during the week, preparing the game plan, and then do it. I see no strategic thinking whatsoever. Go pass happy in the RED ZONE against one of the best pass D's in the league where the field is additionally compressed? In addition, oh well, never mind.


    KC has not given up a rushing TD all year. It's easy to say "they should've just run the ball."


    The Bills would've been the first team to rush for a TD on them, if not for Brown's fumble.

  8. It was 4th and a full yard on our own 41 yard line. Down by 4.


    It was the right call to punt it and trust the defense. They made the stop and gave us a real chance to make the go-ahead TD or pull within 1 with a FG.


    The real questionable call was going for it on 4th and 10 at the 15 yard line. Maybe analytics is what told him to do that...

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