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The Frankish Reich

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Posts posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. I was stupid. I waited till the last minute to get my supplies. 6 people.

    Wound up going to Whole Foods ($$$). Hot dogs, you know, all natural and all that. $7.99. Rolls 3.99. (skipped the more expensive pretzel kind, best reserved for brats). Found an big old can of baked beans in the cupboard. If I bought it now probably $2.99.  6 ears of corn. Good USA (south Texas) sweet corn on special for .50 each. So $3.00. Already had the condiments. Mini watermelon $4.99 (bad deal, but no fridge room).


    $23.00 or so. 6 people, so less than 4 bucks apiece, not counting booze (already had enough on hand)


    Maybe you guys eat filet mignon for holiday cookouts?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. The Libertarian Party has always been at odds with the political philosophy known as libertarianism. 

    But it is now officially intellectually kaput.

    Inviting Trump? Then nominating another nobody? There isn't even some minor former governor or congressman ready to abandon the two main parties and their awful candidates?

    I'll give people here the benefit of the doubt: many (including me) have a strong libertarian streak. But there is now nowhere to go for us. A true lesser of two evils political environment.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    Agreed. It's a decent compromise bill, and will improve the situation at the border (and in our cities receiving these immigrants). It's not perfection. It is called governing.


    And nothing in the bill would stop Trump, if lawfully elected, from doing the so-called "mass deportations" discussed in the other thread. Trump's opposition is about the election, not about policy.

  4. Here's the official ICE numbers for the fiscal year that ended September 30, 2023:


    This year, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) nearly doubled immigration enforcement arrests and increased removals for those with no legal basis to remain in the country from the totals cited in last year’s report. ICE ERO’s 142,580 removals and 62,545 Title 42 expulsions to more than 170 countries worldwide in Fiscal Year 2023 reflect increased capacity and agreements to conduct removals and returns – particularly after the lifting of the Title 42 public health emergency on May 12.


    As a reference point, Obama's ICE Director implemented prosecutorial discretion saying that ICE lacked the capacity to execute more than 400,000 removals per year.


    We don't need to do any "round ups" or build "concentration camps" to raise the number of removals by almost 200%. And obviously more resources could allow for more than 400,000 deportations, still done in an orderly fashion that is respectful of due process and the law.

  5. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Really? Creating sprawling camps to concentrate the illegal ones is not "rounding up" people?

    I think the estimate is that there are well over a million people presumably still in the US who are under orders of deportation. I don't think it's a "round up" to say that there will be a plan to find and deport them in a systematic way. "Round up" is both wrong as a policy (and really not doable even if it weren't wrong), and offensive as a statement since people are not cattle.

    2 hours ago, Wacka said:

    Hey snowflake

    My pretty little snowflake

    Ooh, ooh, the change in the weather Has made it better for me.

    Hey snowflake, my pretty little snowflake

    I take it you didn't read anything I said other than that "round up" is not a helpful term.

    If you had, you might have noticed that I may just agree with you.

    But that would be no fun.

    2 hours ago, phypon said:

    Listen to you talking all dirty like.  I didn't know you're name was Banal.  How you doin?

    I know you are but what am I.

    Insult comic, meet Pee Wee Herman

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. I hate having to be the self-appointed Voice of Reason. But here we go again:


    - the language is needlessly offensive. Not sure if it's coming from the campaign, from think tank fellow travelers, or from so-called MSM reports. But "round-up' is simply not helpful. It's not helpful because it implies "to hell with the law, we're rounding 'em up and shipping 'em out")

    - to the extent they mean "arresting and detaining those under orders of deportation," well, then, that is the law. The fact that the Biden Administration wishes to be selective about how they enforce those orders doesn't mean there's anything unlawful about doing it. I would like to see a little bit of discretion applied here in which orders to immediately enforce (classic case: single mom, one kid still under 18, why not wait until that kid is of age?), but a whole lot less discretion than the Biden Administration has seen fit to grant.

    - to the extent that they're drumming up new infectious diseases to support a new invocation of Title 42 and a denial of the right to seek asylum or go through the mandated deportation process: that strikes me as cynical very likely unlawful. There are statutory remedies like detaining people until they clear a health review that aren't as drastic and that would probably better protect public health. I am never in favor of cheating a little on the law. The law is (or at least should be) the law.


    So there. Maybe I'm too optimistic in saying that 98% of Americans would agree with me here? (with the remaining 2% being vastly overrepresented on PPP?)

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. So I tried to watch it. Everyone's taking it down.

    If it's so wholesome, so inoffensive, why are they taking it down?


    I realize Trump's campaign didn't produce it. But Trump himself posted it on his social media site.

    I stupidly gave Trump the benefit of the doubt, saying that it was an agglomeration of made-up old news headlines meant to communicate that the world is a dangerous place and we need a strong leader like Trump.


    But no. It literally tells us what to expect if Trump wins again, then zooms in on the headline about industrial production increasing under a "unified Reich."



    So that would be a new Reich, the Trump Reich. Which you could, I guess, say harks back to Hitler's First Reich (which I think was the Holy Roman Empire, which didn't have any industrial production, being a feudal realm that was neither Holy nor Roman), or some Bismarckian Second Reich (which did happen in the industrial revolution, but isn't exactly the best example that comes to mind when economic historians think "provide an example of the industrial revolution").


    But really: it's right there. The new unified Reich.


    Who talks like that? Who has the German fetish other than the ancestral Drumpfs?

    What on earth was this meant to communicate other than associating Donald Trump with some kind of new (Fourth?) Reich?


    Some quick comparisons:

    - "What will happen under a new Trump Administration?" [cut to headline: "Napoleonic Empire Expands]

    - What will happen under a new Trump Administration?" [cut to faux Italian newspaper: "The Trains Now Run On Time"]

    - What will happen under a new Trump Administration? [cut to faux 1941 headline about "Emperor Declares Japan the New World Power"]


    It speaks for itself. It is so stupid, so offensive, that I assumed that people were unfairly jumping all over Trump for posting it.

    No. He should be jumped all over for posting it.


    Verdict: Not a Hoax.

    • Eyeroll 1
    • Agree 1
  8. 46 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    JFC, we don't?  Are you really this pathetic?  (Stupid question - you are beyond pathetic).


    YOU WISH Trump had these accomplishments:

    • Is Infrastructure still two weeks out?
    • What about the CHIPS acts?  
    • Oh, Veterans, you know, those folks you call suckers and losers and the true patriots who fought Nazis in WWII, Biden signed the PACT Act - an expansion of benefits for toxic-exposed veterans to improve their health and lives.
    • Inflation Reduction Act? You know - lowering drugs costs for Americans - caping insulin costs - every single cult member voted against it.
    • Protecting Social Security and Medicare
      • How's TrumpCare? Oh, that's right - doesn't exist. Meanwhile, Biden signed a law to protect ACA.
    • Job Growth = all time high bro! More people working now than ever before...
    • Stock Market = all time high bro!
    • How's NATO looking these days? Stronger than ever.
    • Democracy - Biden is protecting our DEMOCRACY with honesty and integrity.






  9. 9 hours ago, BillStime said:


    I love how the flag code brigade is always up in arms about some alleged disrespect to Old Glory, but they're perfectly fine when a Supreme Court Justice('s wife) takes to flying it upside down to make a political point.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Bleeding Bills Blue said:

    Ball spotting i guess can be an issue but it feels rarer and far less likely to have a big influence on the game results

    I think it's a huge impact, but we don't notice it. That favorable spot on 1st down? That extra foot? It can make a big difference. I just think we all understand that spotting errors are pretty much unfixable.

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