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Posts posted by bbb

  1. Did anybody do the homework? Here's some data on top 3 picks.


    09: Stafford, Jason Smith, Tyson Jackson

    08: Long, Long, Matt Ryan

    07: JaMarcus, Calvin Johnson, Joe Thomas

    06: Super Mario, Reggie Heisman, Vince Young

    05: Alex Smith, Ronnie Brown, Braylon Edwards

    04: Eli Manning, Robert Gallery, Larry Fitzpatrick

    03: Carson Palmer, Charles Rogers, Andre Johnson

    02: David Carr, Julius Peppers, Joey Harrington

    01: Mike Vick, Leonard Davis, Gerard Warren

    00: Courtney Brown, LaVar Arrington, Chris Samuels

    99: Tim Couch, Donovan McNabb, Akili Smith

    98: Peyton Manning, Ryan Leaf, Andre Wadsworth


    What are the highlighted ones supposed to be?


    I posted in another thread last night that the 3 Pro Bowl AFC tackles were all top 4 picks. I'd love one of those.


    The OP is so myopic he should change his name to Mr. Magoo.

  2. I feel bad for her.

    If anyone has seen the interviews the first three girls gave since leaving the mansion you will find out how miserable the life is; and obviously, to her this is a business move.


    I am sure she'll get min $250k for each year, otherwise, why do it? She knows it, he knows it, we know; so in reality, who cares? Hugh Hefner is douchy.


    I can't stand him and his stupid robe.


    I asked you this last week - how is a farmer also a night owl?!?

  3. It also sticks them with a higher salary and singing bonuses that, if the player doesn't pan out for whatever reason (and there have been plenty of players who would've had great careers if not for stuff like injuries...like Ki-Jana Carter), then we're on the hook for all that which will cripple us for several years because there's no way the new CBA won't have a salary cap in place...how much they change the rookie cap remains to be seen.

    A good GM, like we have now, can make a key pick at 10 just as easily as he can at 3


    After hearing them do the Twelve Days of Christmas, they need to pay singing bonuses!

  4. Went to the show last night (2nd row aisle), and it was AWESOME. Caitlin Moe on violin was great. The band was hamming it up quite a bit too. Since we were in the 2nd row, they could see us pretty well and they were posing for pictures in the middle of songs. I wish I had brought my camera -- I could've had some amazing shots with my dSLR and 50mm f/1.4 lens. :(


    I thought they did a far better job this year than last year -- in 2009 they butchered "Old City Bar" by practically making it a slapstick comedy routine. This year aside from the intro, it was excellent.


    Two thumbs up! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


    You must have the Western band, right?.......IMO, the band in Buffalo butchered Old City Bar again this year. That is such a beautiful song, and I fell in love with it the first time I saw them. But, if they played it the way they play in the last few years, I would have hated it and never known how good the original is.

  5. I'm a big Buffalo backer. I don't live there anymore but always defend the city and talk it up to anyone that says anything negative. I was in town for the Bills game and the Rangers/Sabres home opener in October. There was a pretty big buzz for the Sabres home opener. As we drove downtown on a Saturday eve it was literally empty (or a ghost town as this kid said). I literally did not see anything going on anywhere until we parked and got within a block of the Arena. Then finally i saw people with Sabres jerseys on and some festivities in the plaza. I have to say it was kind of a downer as we drove through downtown. I'm not expecting Buffalo to be a vibrant nightlife but you literally have to be on top of the action to notice anything going on. I can see why this kid made that stupid tweet. I don't like it but i can understand from his perspective.


    Thanks for your support. Which way did you take to get downtown?

  6. You ARE cheering for your team. You are cheering for them to improve for future years - something any smart investor would do. If you were on your death bed maybe watching your last Bills game thats one thing, but if you will be around for next season and many after, a lose is better for the Bills moving forward.


    Ding ding ding!! We have a winner! Could not have expressed it better myself......Anybody who wants to beat the Jets backups and draft 9th is not a real Bills fan! :devil:

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