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Posts posted by bbb

  1. "See, the smarter ones are on to your gold digging groupie ass. The smart ones can smell your money-hungry ass a mile away," the vixen posted in a three-part series, "How to Land a Baller."


    "You know the ones that can barely speak well in an interview," Official Groupie instructs. "Yes, B word, him! Write his name down. Google him!"


    "Start to focus on the ones who have criminal records, many baby mommas and plenty of kids, and have 'advisors' (i.e. cousins/homeboys that handle their business/money). They'll be easy to recognize cause they always look 'lost' and 'slow.' He barely makes eye contact. He got a short attention span and easily gets distracted. He gotta think about the words he wanna use before he speaks and still mispronounce the words. He does stupid/dumb s - - - right in front of you. Yeah, him!"






    Anybody else think of Travis Henry when they saw this quote?

  2. Public safety? More like looking for higher profit from parking and food sales at the game.. Never had a game postponed in Buffalo which routinely has much worse weather.. Not to mention viewers might be turning off a game they can't see on their screens, it's about television ratings.. You sound like a company man, public safety my ass!!


    Actually, I think people would tune into a game they can't see, but I agree with the rest. If they cared about fan safety, they wouldn't have started the practice in the last ten years of scheduling night games after November 1st in the North...........They never even used to schedule 4PM games in the North.

  3. Trans Siberian Orchestra is pretty good, I don't have a link to provide. I haven't quite figured out that yet.


    Where would you even start out - it's all good! (Now having seen them them 5 years in a row, I would say their on stage persona is not all good - they are too much like Spinal Tap. But, the music, lights, pyrotechnics, etc. are all great!)


    This is short, but I just stumbled on this the other day and love Zooey's voice (and her eyes):

  4. I remember listening to sold out championships on the radio in the sixties for this reason.


    Didn't the TV networks have more of a factor on this than Congress?


    Maybe the networks put pressure on Congress, but I'm pretty sure it's a law that changed the blackout practice.........My father, great uncle and grandmother drove to Rochester and got a hotel room to watch the championship game in '64 or '65!

  5. It was not on in the Rochester Market of which Webster is. I had a friend's dad tape in as they are in Pennsylvania. It was not on here


    Right - people to the west of Rochester were not able to pick it up, but people to the east of Rochester were. I'm still saying it was being shown in Syracuse and this is the reason.

  6. I can't make it to the game, anybody want to buy my tix? Sec 116 Row 19...just looking for face value.


    This is actually the type of thing why I have no beef with the blackout rule.....I myself very much doubt that I'll be going to the game now. Right now, my friends and I are all super stressed and busy - it's the busiest time of year for at least 3 of us.......We were all on the fence about going to the game, but leaning towards carving out the time to get out there.


    Now, since I'll be able to watch and save a lot of time by working while I watch, etc., I don't think I'll be going. So, the team loses on any concessions, etc. that I would have bought.

  7. Even Sunday when you can get a ticket for say $25 and park "off campus" for $10 and drink 2 beers for say $15. That's $50. That same $50 buys you considerably more than 2 beers and some wings to go with them at a bar showing the game. The stadium experience is always fun. But there are some (yeah, me :) ) that prefer to sit in a warm bar or on my couch drinking my beer than freezing my ass off on aluminum benches for December games.


    The NFL has the right to make money of course. And if they feel the blackout rule sells more tickets (not sure I agree but it is their call) then so be it. But while some don't go because they would rather watch on TV, there are some that simply cannot afford it. Seems a shame to dick them over in the name of putting more money in the pockets of millionaires.


    Just my opinion though.


    So, the truth is coming out! I have sympathy for any money issues, but not really for the warm bar argument! :devil: I am quite sure many of these people spent more money going to Canada, and all this other crap than if they just bought a ticket.


    It used to be that all home games were blacked out, which was wrong. If you couldn't buy a ticket because it's sold out, they shouldn't also not let you watch on TV. So, Congress stepped in and made it fair. If there are tickets available, buy them and you can see the game. If not, then we'll show it on TV. (Of course, this was before the Internet and stubhub, etc. - so back then if you didn't have a ticket to a sold out game, there really was no way of seeing it).


    Seems to me that it's not some inalienable right to be able to watch a football game. If there is a movie or a fight on HBO, and I don't want to or can't pay for HBO, do I have an an argument that I have the right to watch it on Channel 4? Why should NFL owners be forced to give their product out for free?

  8. If tickets were reasonably priced I would agree with you. But to bring my family of 5 to a game is going to cost me over $300 when it is said and done (have to get that many together from ticketmaster). I know the Bills are one of the lowest in the NFL, but there are a lot of families that can't afford a big price tag to watch a sporting event for one afternoon. It's a shame the NFL insists on !@#$ing them further.


    Being single, I guess I don't think enough about that......What made me take this stance was during the years we were good, and sometimes just missed selling out. Prices were a lot lower then, but you would drive to the game and you knew what bars were illegally getting the game off satellite, because the parking lots would be full. Then, you would hear about all the people who would drive to Canada to watch the games in bars there, etc.


    I was like WTF - you are probably spending more money doing all this stuff when you can just buy a ticket and go to the game!! And, being there is so much better, IMO.

  9. that is true. If you are a public figure like this, you have gotta be smarter than that. I personally wouldnt put stuff like that on the internet at risk of being shamed at my job, which doesnt involve nearly as much media or public attention.


    Thats the issue. This guy is either stupid or arrogant (or both. Either case, its going to catch up to him. The organization has already been shamed a number of times this season. A number of small incidents, but they add up and eventually, maybe if the Jets finish 8-8 or worse next season, The Jets are going to be sick of explaining themselves. Also, its obvious players like him because he is a clown just like a lot of them. At some point he is going to have to be an authority and discipline someone and they are going to look at this "child" and tell him to EAD. As much as players like this, Im sure it can turn the other way as well.


    Eat a digit?

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