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Everything posted by Kent14

  1. I've been talking with them and they seem to have the best deals.
  2. Since many of the posters here seem well traveled I was hoping some of you could recommend a nice all-inclusive resort in the caribbean. I have been researching resorts like Sandals and Breezes but I was wondering if there are some gems out there that aren't easily found on the internet. Thanks in advance.
  3. Found the original picture. It tells a little more of the story. http://editorial.gettyimages.com/source/se...0%7c0&p=7&tag=5
  4. Yeah, she could easily be a plus size. I was looking at the cute blonde and realized that the brunettes ummm "melons" were bigger than the blondes head.
  5. Is the girl all the way to the right in the picture on espn.com's home page as "gifted" as I think or am I seeing things? http://espn.go.com/
  6. I found it entertaining. Just my opinion. Not to sound like an a$$ but what defines a chick show and what are acceptable shows for guys to watch?
  7. I don't know if it will be my favorite, House is locked in that spot, but it was pretty funny imo. Hannigan is always good and ever since "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle" I've been waiting for Neil Patrick Harris to show up again. Plus you gotta love Bob Saget(sp?) narrating.
  8. Thanks for the advice guys. I set my roster Fri when I left work and since I have dial-up at home I didn't change it or see your responses until today. I ended up starting both Holmes and Johnson just on a gut feeling and while Johnson wasn't great or have two TD's he did get me more than Dillon.
  9. Of the three which two should I start this week? I went with Dillon and Holmes last week and did fine but Johnson has gone six straight games with two touchdowns/game. I can't decide. Thanks in advance.
  10. I'm pretty sure I saw a graphic up during the game that said all 64 games will be carried in HD on ABC, ESPN, or ESPN2.
  11. I dumped 2 inches out of my rain gauge this morning. I figure there will be at least that much in it when I go home this afternoon. Filled my cistern though
  12. I have two DVRs through DirectTV that I hope will get the job done. I thought that might be why I needed to use the phoneline. Nodnarb, sorry to hijack your thread for this but if I get this hooked up you are more than welcome to come out if you can find the place.
  13. This is my first try at DirectTV. Only ever had cable before. I moved from Byron and somehow found a spot even farther out in the boonies where they don't have cable. They need to put the dish up and run the cable. I could do both but I don't know if I have enough cable to reach from where I want to put the dish to my house. I also don't quite understand the need to have the boxes hooked up to the phone line. If I don't hear from them tonite I might just have to try it anyways.
  14. I'm in LeRoy but if the DirectTV people don't get here today or tomorrow and hook me up I'm in the same boat you are.
  15. My wedding is in three weeks in the thousand islands. Since most of the people that are invited are from WNY it's a decent trip. To add to that most of the hotels up there are requiring a minimum 2 night stay since it is pirates weekend. I understand that most of the people I invite can't afford to make a trip like this and I don't expect them to. The following week we are having a reception/cookout back in WNY for those that couldn't make it up there and those we couldn't invite due to number restrictions. Guys I asked to be in my wedding party are missing one but coming to the other. It's something I understood could happen when we decided to have a destination wedding. Your buddy should understand that as much as you want to be there for him you can't afford that. Throw him a good bachelor party and wish him luck.
  16. At least he got half the name right.
  17. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8648980/ Item number 7. and their preview. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8642953/
  18. 1 cat -it lived many squirrels-they didn't 1 fox-didn't 2 deer- 1 lived the other didn't 3 possums-nope 1 raccoon-nada many many woodchucks- if they are on the shoulder they are fair game 1 friggen idiot on a bike that tried to beat the light. Tried being the key word.
  19. Here ya go http://vancouver.cbc.ca/regional/servlet/V...c_bison20050524
  20. "Beer is proof god loves us and wants us to be happy" - Ben Franklin (I think) "I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's the best they'll feel all day." -Sinatra "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "Press On" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." - Calvin Coolidge
  21. I can't remember why but my doctor told me not to do this. I am very allergic to poison ivy, I can't go a summer without getting it. Now the itching doesn't bother me so much anymore but before it was awful. If she does have it bad have her go to her doctor. They can prescribe some steroids that will clear it up pretty fast. I had it covering one side of my face one summer, swelled my eyes closed and all. It was ugly. Got the steroids and in like 15 mins it went down to almost normal. If it isn't that bad get some Calamine lotion or some caladryl (same stuff but clear) and leave it alone. As for killing it round up should work as does a little gas but that isn't real great for the environment. Mowing it down will NOT kill it. You must kill the roots or it will just grow back. One more thing, just because you haven't reacted to it yet doesn't mean you won't in the future. Be careful, wear gloves, long sleeve shirts and pants. Good luck.
  22. Hoegaarden if I can afford it but usually Blue
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