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Posts posted by BarleyNY

  1. Eight years old and living in Cleveland. Bad snow, but the wind creating drifts was what made it so terrible, I remember riding in the car with my mom (front seat, probably a seatbelt on) and BOOM! There'd be a six foot drift in the middle of the road that we couldn't see because of the horizontally blowing whiteout snow. Have no idea how many times that happened to us. People trapped in their houses or having to get out upstairs windows due to drifts against all of the downstairs doors and windows. Crazy.



    You're right I will try again.


    Okay, so you've determined after 2 preseason games and 10 regular season games that EJ Manuel does not have the potential to be the Bills "franchise" QB moving forward?


    Since you mentioned that a veteran "re-tread" would not suffice in bolstering the QB position, would you like to see the Bills draft a QB every year until they find a player who demonstrates (during their rookie season) that they are immediately ready to be a NFL "franchise" QB?


    Looks like I did a nice job paraphrasing your earlier post. Is this accurate in describing your sentiment with regard to the Bills' QB position?


    That is very reasonable. I have not made the determination that Manuel is not a franchise QB. He should get more opportunities here. He has potential and it would be great if he reaches it. I think we will know early next season if he's made strides. What I think must be mitigated is the risk that he doesn't - be it because he doesn't raise his level of play or because of injury issues. I don't think any of us want to be midway through next season and have no other options. That doesn't mean going all out and trading up or even using our first round pick on one. I'd say it depends on value and who is available but somewhere, somehow a QB with potential to be more than a backup needs to be acquired. The probable place for that is the draft in rounds 2-4, but I don't have an issue with the right kind of retread. I'd take a player that might be miscast or still has room for development. Someone young would be preferable. I'd only go with a veteran at the end of their career as a last resort. QB is just too important and there is too much talent on this team to put so much on Manuel working out. If the Bills were in total rebuild mode then fine, but not as we sit now. Manuel just has too many questions unanswered.



    Okay, sooooo we should draft a QB every year until we find one that plays at a pro bowl level during their rookie season?


    Framing the opposing viewpoint in exaggerated terms is poor form, I think you want to see more from a first year QB than we did from Manuel before you stand pat and that is all some of us are saying. I hope Manuel develops and becomes a franchise QB, but I'm not betting next season on it. I haven't seen enough from him. Another QB with potential needs to be added in some fashion.

  4. One more thing: Adjustments are always made to the league base salary cap. IOW it works like this example:


    Year 1 for team A: League salary cap: $125M, carryover from previous year: $15M, equals adjusted team salary cap of $140M.

    Team spend is $120M.

    Year 2: LSA: $128M, c/o from year 1: $20M ($140M-$120M), atsc=$148M.

    Team spend is $130M.

    Year 3: LSA: $131M, c/o from year 2: $18M. Atsc=$149M


    The mistake some make is that they keep adding unspent cap space to the adjusted cap number from the previous year. That is incorrect. The carryover is added to the unadjusted team salary cap as determined by the league.


    It can be misleading especially when a team has a big carryover. You'll hear things like "So-and-so has $30M in salary cap space!" But that can be the result of a wide range of things. A team with no carryover might have very low obligations moving forward whereas a team with a huge carryover would probably already be spending at the league limit moving forward. Or a team could be in between.


    I try to think of carry over in terms of that being an effective contract that could be spent on a player, not an amount that could be spent annually moving forward.

  5. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/02/12/new-cba-gives-teams-the-right-to-carry-over-cap-space-automatically/


    This article cites the league rule. They read it the same as I did.


    If you are going to lose cap space money because you can't re-roll it, wouldn't it be better to extend/rework a few player contracts before this season ends so you don't loose it? Or does that not make economic cap sense?


    This is exactly what the rule was meant to eliminate the need for. No more BS mechanisms to bring cap dollars forward. Just ask for it.



    So you agree with him that despite the fact that EJ Manuel has had three games above a 100 QB rating, that he didn't look remotely ready in those games? If you do then you are the one who is being biased towards your opinion of EJ Manuel. Because those are real statistics that have no relevance whatsoever to an opinion describing Manuel being a QB who's not even remotely ready to start.


    I read the "not remotely ready to start an NFL game" comment as the writer actually giving Manuel an excuse for a bad season. Thinking that what we saw this season was a prepared and ready EJ Manuel is wholly depressing. If one was to give him the benefit of doubt and say his very uneven - and overall very poor - performance this season was largely due to lack of preparation it would at least give one hope.


    Though I am fairly certain that a team cannot re-roll rollover monies into subsequent years, I am still uncertain on this....



    Teams can roll additional cap space forward indefinitely. They must request the amount they want to roll forward every year. The unadjusted cap maximum is adjusted by the amount approved from the previous year giving an adjusted cap maximum. The amount of the adjusted cap maximum unspent for that year can be requested for the following year. Cap floors are calculated on unadjusted cap maximums so there is no incentive to waste unspent dollars.

  8. I've watched a little of Garoppolo including one video that was a compilation of all of his throws/scrambles/runs/sacks for one entire game. Admittedly it is a small sample, but I liked what I saw overall. His biggest knocks seem to be his hand size (which would be a consideration in cold, windy climates) and level of competition (FCS). From what I've read 2nd or 3rd round is his range.


    FCS playoffs are well underway. EiU plays Towson at 8pm on Dec 13th. If televised it would be a chance to see him play.

  9. This arguement seems to be devolving into a "You're with us or you're against us!" format. That isn't what I believe. Manuel should get is chance to develop and to try and prove himself - and I think he'll get that opportunity. But it shouldn't be without competition, whether that is from free agency, the draft or even a trade. He may prove himself, but he hasn't yet and putting all of the team's eggs into that one basket looks very unwise at the moment. Besides, a starting NFL QB should be able to handle some competition. If they can't, then that tells you all you need to know about them.

  10. Am I the only one who still believes in him? I believe that next year he will take a huge step forward and we will be in playoff contention. He has the body, leadership, mind, legs and arm to be a great QB. Somewhere along the line at FSU, someone seriously messed up his throwing mechanics. It affects his accuracy, and everyone can see it. But WHEN, not IF, he figures it out, this Bills team is going to be good. Its hard to see now but bright things are ahead, put trust into Marrone, Manuel and Whaley.


    No. EJ is the Bills QB and we HOPE he turns into the Bills franchise QB. But saying he is that now is not reality. EJ really, really, really needed to sit this year and work hard at his craft. He didn't get the chance and that's on the FO much more than it is on bad luck. Kolb being the only thing between EJ having to start was rediculious. He'll get time to see how much he can improve, but if the FO decides to do its job this offseason there will be some degree of competition.



    He'll be at worst the 2nd rated QB coming out. His play from last year to this year was different. Last year he ran around more, this year he stayed in the pocket more. His arm strength is fine, he'd be the top rated QB if he were an inch taller.

    We are going to just have to disagree about where Manzel rates. He is a playmaker in college for sure. A special one. But I don't see him translating to the NFL at all. I see a weak arm. I see a QB who is far too inaccurate and with a very small build. I see a QB who isn't up to NFL throws and NFL windows.


    Nothing, but that's new thinking which people can't accept in the NFL. Manuel is a ~$2M cap hit for the next 3 seasons. That's cheap even by backup standards. There is no reason to avoid having a QB competition, even if Manuel was good.


    If you can draft a QB that you feel great about, you do it. Period. They're that valuable today.


    Of course, there's a 1% chance this Bills staff does so, so this is pedantic. But, one can hope. I always do. I'm a Billiever.

    I couldn't agree more on all counts. If a team isn't sure they have a franchise QB (or the one they do have is old) they need to be focused on getting one. This offseason I think our only shot is getting lucky with a mid-round QB though. I don't see this FO pulling the trigger in the first or second though.



    Ya he's probably going to be gone before the Bills pick unless they lose out.


    Some team will pull the trigger way too soon on him, but that will be later in the 1st round or in the 2nd I'd expect. Ask yourself how many of the plays he made in college he can make in the pros. I don't see the translation.

  14. If he came on the market I'd have to ask myself why a team like the Texans, which is trying to win now, would trade a WR who has been so very, very good over his career. I'd need a good answer before I'd considered trading for him because the only reasons I can think that Houston would be willing to trade him are that he is overpaid for current production or that his skills are declining so fast that they are trying to unload him before he's not tradeable anymore. In short, if Houston is willing to let him go the Bills probably don't want him.


    The only valid reason to look to trade for him is if he's so unhappy there that he forces a trade. In that case he'd probably be looking to go to a playoff team with a proven QB so the Bills would be out of the running anyway.

  15. I'm glad that the people saying the Bills should have taken Geno instead of Manuel got to see this game. I don't even like to compare them. There is no "every draft must yield at least one good QB" rule. I'm not sold on Manuel, but I'm not writing him off yet either. I never wanted any part of Smith though. The Jest almost had to take him where they did due to their need at QB so I don't blame them too much for it, but he's not the guy I'd want. He is a pretty classic example of a highly gifted bust. Physical talent to spare, but he's yet to prove the mental side. I'm not saying he's dumb or anything. It's just that there are only a handful of people in the world that have both the physical and mental ability to play QB in the NFL well. That is an incredibly high bar. The odds of any player developing that mental side are very, very, very long. It's easy to get caught up in the "he's so physically gifted that if/when the mental side comes together for him he'll be a top 5 QB in this league" line of thinking. But it so rarely happens I think those are the kinds of players that teams should use day 3 picks on and allow to sit and learn. Smith got shoved out on the field right away and that is only going to hurt him. He's got some very bad habits developing. Pressure up the middle equals throwing a floater off his back foot almost every time. That's a tough habit to break.



    Thank you for the correction on Montana, my mistake...



    Geez. It's like no one has ever seen There's Something About Mary.



    I'm of the opinion that if a team isn't reasonably sure that they have a franchise QB (who isn't at the end of his career) then they'd better be looking for one and taking reasonable measures to acquire one. EJ is a sunk cost as of now. If another QB is available, then let them compete. That doesn't mean the Bills have to give up on Manuel. It just means he's got more competition.


    I was listening to a Freakenomics podcast about failure and they discussed both common and effective practices regarding it. People typically look highly upon those that persevere at something, even in the face of certain failure. They also look down on those that fail. But it turns out that neither corresponds to people who succeed. Those people aren't afraid to fail. They often do. Repeatedly. But they keep trying new things (a different type of perseverance and resilience) until they do succeed at something. They also realize their failures early in the process and give them up quickly. That is key as it gives them the time and energy to pursue their other options. They don't get bogged down with things that aren't going to pay off and they can usually tell the difference between what will and what won't.



    I would suggest that every draft pick made by every team is an example of "we know something everyone else doesn't." Nothing is guaranteed -- particularly not at the QB position. It is simply too soon to make an assessment on EJ.


    This kid -- and yes, EJ is still a kid -- has played 6 games of football against NFL pros. He had a bad day against one of the greatest defensive coaches in history. Time to throw that baby out with the bathwater all right.


    The Pop-Tart mentality of so many on this board is frustrating.


    There is truth here, but I'm not optimistic. Here's why:


    Lebeau has had incredible success against rookie QBs. Did anyone catch the stats put up about that during the game? It just shows how good he is at his job. (And why I can't wait for him to retire.) But I digress. Lebeau is so good, in part, because he figures out weaknesses in teams and players. His plan against the Bills seemed to be to load up and bring heat to stop the run and move the QB. Then take away deep and intermediate routes leaving the short game. Contain the run, make the QB move and dink and dunk. Wow, did that work. The Steelers with their 5-3 alignment are well suited for that game plan, but I'd expect to see other DCs doing similar things. Watch how much Manuel gets moved now. He's going to have to learn how to throw on the move or it's going to be a long couple of months for him and the Bills.

  18. This is nice.... but I guarantee he has no idea TBD exists and is working on preparing for the Jets.


    Pretty sure he wouldn't spend time on message boards...


    You'd be surprised how many NFL players do check boards like this one out. Some do. Some don't. There are different reasons for it, but NFL locker rooms know what fans are saying. Teams monitor them, too.

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