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Posts posted by BigPappy

  1. EJ has a lot to learn. They have to keep adding to his repertoire of plays. Hackett can only call the plays that EJ knows, and has executed well in practice. I think EJ (and the receivers) have a limited amount of plays at their disposal right now.

    Well said Marauder. and dead on. He is 3 weeks into his Rookie season. He's going to flounder on shore gulping to breath like a dying fish before he learns how to swim with the sharks. Let the man find his feet in the NFL, and bring him along as he gets better at running the plays our OC has developed. JMO anyway.



  2. Maybe this board is in worse straits than I had previously thought. The fact that anyone is even considering this to be anything but sarcasm, kind of scares me.


    What do you expect when you throw out a ridiculous idea like that after 3 games. not to mention the way we lost last week to the JESTS. Some have the sour taste in their mouths still.



  3. Eagles have been getting hype every year and they never fulfill expectations. Remember when Vick said that they could "develop a dynasty" before last season?

    I remember that. Not even half way through the season he was taking a lot of shiznit for it because they just plain sucked rotten eggs, although not as bad as they do right now. Chip Kelly's offense isn't much different to Marrone and Hackett's except that he runs his actually faster then Marrone does. I think the biggest thing is the QB. Vick will take off any sign of trouble and not look down the field where EJ (at least so far) uses his size and speed for escapeability to extend the play and not to just start running, Kelly's offense will work, just not with Vick! JIMO anyway.



  4. Bills on Offense:

    - Jets have a good D allowing only 241 yds/game. Their pass and run D both appear to be good.

    - They will take out the short to med routes and challenge EJ to go deep. Early part of the game will be critical - EJ has to take deep shots. If EJ wants to be respected for the deep ball, this would be a great game to start. This will ease the pressure and allow more runs and checkdowns

    - Cromartie is good and Milliner looks slow out of the gate. Stevie should be able to get the better of Cromartie.

    - IN additiion to deep ball, sideline routes should be ripe pickings also. This is a good gut check time for EJ with both these routes

    - I think Hackett and EJ are picking Pettine's brain about how Ryan is likely to think on defense


    Bills on D:

    - Jets have given up 9 sacks and I don't expect that rate to change much. We should be able to get to Geno due to his reported happy feet. As with most raw QBs, hitting him early will pay dividends

    - You can bet Pettine is fired up and will dial up exotic pressure packages

    - Their run O seems non existent and almost RB by committee


    All in all, we need to dominate in the first quarter and if EJ plays mistake-free football, we should coast in this game with a score that looks like 30-17


    I don't know if the above text in Red is necessarily true. We have some very fast receivers. It's not easy to take the short game away when your receivers are that fast. That said, they can start bringing in the safeties for tighter coverage, but then like you are saying Fan in Chicago, your risking the deep ball, but deep doesn't have to be 40 or more yards down field either when your safeties play up tight. Deep can be 15 yards down field. If the receivers get behind the corners with the safeties playing up tight there's no one down field to help the corners out. The offensive line has been playing well so it's not inconceivable that EJ would have time for the deeper throws. JMHO



  5. Good Game guys, Mario Williams was beasting today.


    EJ looked real good for a rookie and Spiller had a great game today.....


    My Panthers are now 2-14 in games decided by a TD, its so sickening......


    Good Luck the rest of the season.


    A very good game indeed. It's great to hear from a fan of the opposition that doesn't act like a complete tool. Good luck to your team the rest of the season also. Like what BuffaloBillsForever said, we know how it feels to have a bad coach and to loose in the last few seconds of a game.



  6. The D is playing really good, but if the offense don't stay on the field longer we will be looking at another loss this week, The offense is looking really bad right now. Not converting 3rd downs and EJ is looking very erratic. Overthrown balls and not taking any risks trying to force a few balls to receivers. He keeps playing it safe and he will forever be know as another Trent Edwards.



  7. Watching NFL Live and I am so sick of all the crap we have to hear as Bills fans. Firstly, the analysts are basically saying that we don't have a chance today, which is such BS! Hello, we held NE to 23, our defense played strong. Cam Newton is no Tom Brady! Can he sling it? absolutely! but is still prone to mistakes when pressured. Secondly, we are one of a few teams running a very fast paced no huddle offense and what do we see on the television???? The Eagles and how they are running the no huddle.....No love at all for our beloved Bills at all.


    I know everyone will want to blast me about it's because we aren't winning and yada yada yada, but I am sick to death from it. Today is our day! I think Marrone opens up the offensive play book today and Bills offense shows up big. And maybe, just maybe the so called experts will take notice, if but only for a day.


    BigPappy Billeve's

  8. Oh geeez, another one of those "IF" posters. "IF" they wouldn't have had turnovers. "IF" this and "IF" that, blah, blah, blah. You know what I say to the "IF" posters. "IF" your aunt had balls she would be your uncle.


    Oaky, you clearly are not a Bills fan so that makes me want to dislike you on principle, but that was funny.



  9. I am so damn tired of you whiny, b***** ass fans. STFU and get over it. It's football. It's a game. If you can't enjoy the journey that it takes to becoming a super bowl winning team, when that moment actually occurs you might find you don't enjoy it as much as you thought you would. STOP COMPLAINING




    And I will add. It's one game people. Step away from the ledge of abyss and chill The F out.It's a new Head coach, New Offensive coordinator , New Defensive Coordinator, and a Rookie Quarterback. It's called GROWING PAINS! It will get worse before it gets better. But make no mistake, with this group of coaches and our new FRANCHISE quarterback, we will get better.




    I would bet a dollar to a donut Brandon is Ralph (el cheapo) Wilson's puppet. Ralph is still meddling in the football affairs, you can bet you butt on it. The old senile goat will never let go of control. You can still smell Ralph's stench on this team, he's still calling the shots, you can take that to the bank. :flirt:


    To respond to this I feel the need to quote some Einstein.

    "The difference between Stupidity and Genius is Genius has it's limits"



  10. Week 1 - Patriots (LOSS)

    Week 2 - Panthers (WINNABLE)

    Week 3 - @ Jets (VERY WINNABLE)

    Week 4 - Ravens (WINNABLE)

    Week 5 - @ Cleveland (VERY WINNABLE)

    Week 6 - Cincinnati (PROBABLE LOSS)

    Week 7 - @ Miami (VERY WINNABLE)

    Week 8 - @ New Orleans (WINNABLE)

    Week 9 - Chiefs (VERY WINNABLE)

    Week 10 - @ Steelers (WINNABLE)

    Week 11 - Jets (VERY WINNABLE)

    Week 12 - BYE

    Week 13 - Atlanta in Toronto (PROBABLE LOSS)

    Week 14 - @ Tampa Bay (WINNABLE)

    Week 15 - @ Jacksonville (VERY WINNABLE)

    Week 16 - Miami (VERY WINNABLE)

    Week 17 - @ Patriots (PROBABLE LOSS)


    12-4 here we come!

    I don't get this Philosophy? EVERY game is winnable. If we go with this mentality why bother playing. Fan's can decide who wins each week and the players don't have to play in the games and worry about getting hurt or getting runs in their nylons. (Om age to bringbackfergy just casue I think your right about Mario and his sissy attitude.)



  11. You are all forgetting one thing. Hello.....It's Tom F'ing Brady! I hate to say it but he could hit a flea off a dog's a$$. It don't matter who his receivers are, as long as they are decent at catching the ball, this will be a tough game. Especially if he has all day to throw the ball. That's why we need to play in your face football with him. Knock him down often and get as many sacks as we can. Get him off his game with the young receivers and the game is winnable. jimho



  12. While I understand the logic of the article, the facts of what we know of both teams just don't support the conclusions. How many different coaches\coordinators with a new quarterback has Bellicheat faced early in the season when facing off with the Bills. With the exception of the game we won ( i forget the year) 35-0 and sacked Brady on the first play, Bellicheat and Brady have had our number. Until the Bills go out and prove them selves and put up some W's against Bellicheat and the Patsies you can't give 1 let alone 5 reasons on how the Bills will beat anyone with the Patsies record. Just imho, but you cant change history. Facts don't lie.



  13. I tried to see if I could locate a picture of the Patriots taking a nap in the locker room to represent a week of preparation for Jeff Tuel as the starter.


    No dice.


    While we get your point....this is the NFL. Bellicheat is not going to sleep on the job in week one. His team will come out swinging and swinging hard. Unless our beloved Bills gel literally over night, clean up all the mental error (penalties) and the defense shows up in a huge way, this game will not be pretty. I will be making sure that I have plenty of beer on hand just to make sure I am so plastered I don't remember watching this one. I hope I am wrong, but i doubt it.

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