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Posts posted by BigPappy

  1. I just don't get all this ridicule of Marrone for benching a QB whom everyone can plainly see is struggling with the fundamentals of professional football. Lets look at the facts of how EJ is playing.


    Fact 1 - He is missing wr's that are wide open, either not seeing them or seeing them and throwing a utterly un catch-able ball. (inaccurate)

    2. - He almost never plants his feet when he throws. If he look at his foot work he's almost always on the balls of his feet or on his heels when he throws.

    3. - most of his throws are a "touch pass" throws instead of a planted foot throw that has real velocity on it.

    4. - Not able to read defenses (yet).

    You add all these up and it's plain to see, he's not ready.


    He was a "project" QB when he was drafted. They knew when they drafted him he would need time to develop which was why they signed Kolb. He was supposed to sit and watch a vet play.... not start.


    If benching him now give him time to watch and learn how to be a Pro QB then do it. Orton has been around a while. Is he the answer to QB, HELL no, but EJ can carry a clip board and learn from Orton, who performs better than EJ in the areas EJ struggles (accuracy, planted feet throws, defensive reads ect..).


    I think long term, EJ could be a great QB. He has many attributes that great QB's have, size, strength, escape-ability under pressure (sometimes), and he's smart. He just needs time to fix the issues with his fundamentals. Just not while he's playing as a starter.



  2. I would not be surprised to see them drop this weeks game against the Bolts. Like Last Guy say's, They are the more mature team and Rivers is the better QB.... at this point anyway.


    That said, I hope I am wrong because The Bills are my team and I just can't not pick them to win every week for my parley picks. In the past, I would only not pick them in the parley when they played the Patsies or when ever we played Peyton Manning. I'm feeling great about this team though, and I don't see a game that is not "winnable" by these Bills!



  3. Absolutely agree. EJ isn't slinging it like Rodgers but that's not what he needs to be doing for this time


    On another note did anyone think Miami's pace at the end of each half was a little weird? They weren't trying to score/play for the win but they also weren't just running out the clock. I wondered if in the first half they were doing it to try and get some offensive momentum/cohesion but at the end of the second half I couldn't figure it out.


    The game was out of reach with 2 minutes to go down by 3 scores. There was no reason to stop the clock. The game was already over.



  4. You might want to do some of that growing up yourself. Powerful people do often have very strong wills and they do argue at times. (I wouldn't include NFL GMs and HCs as truly powerful people, but whatever.) Powerful people who run organizations don't argue amongst themselves in front of subordinates or the general public or media - and they don't do so in such a childish manner. They do it behind closed doors and present a united front to the subordinates regardless of what happened in private. Public arguing and unprofessional behavior does immense harm to the organization. Once it happens you will start to see divisions in the ranks, flight from the organization, lack of trust, etc. Any adult who has been in the workforce should know this.


    This....Absolutely spot on!

  5. The Bills picked him. It's an interesting case study in cognitive bias. Before the draft virtually no one supported trading next year's first to move up. After the move most fans inexplicably did a 180 and decided that the move was not only acceptable; it was !@#$ing brilliant.


    Now people defend a move they'd ridicule if someone else did it, not because they think it was a good move, but because they want it to be a good move.


    I agree with ya Rob! I for one never supported the trade. I thought it was a bad idea from the get go. It was way to high a price for moving up just five spots. We had / have to many needs to give the extra pick this year away, and a first round pick next year. Anyone predicting that Watkins is a generational player before he has played a down of football that counts is a moron. I remember hearing talk some years ago that this guy Ryan Leaf was going to be a messiah for who ever he played for and that he was an exceptional talent. Low and behold he was a bum.



  6. Here's a trade idea.... Lets trade rosters with the Bronco's or Seahawk's, but we have to keep our team name. With either of those rosters i don't think even our front office or coaching staff could screw up this season..... As for next season, all bets are off on weather or not they could screw the team up.



  7. If the Bills aren't going to run their regular offense, then why bother even playing EJ? I'm not talking about game planning, but running their full gambit of plays. Running the same 5-6 plays over and over again isn't going to do much for him. The whole idea of "not showing their hand" is pretty idiotic. After game one in the regular season everybody will have seen their offense anyway, so why not use the practice game to actually practice running the real offense? If they're not going to do it then just use the game for player evaluations and move on. EJ - nor any starters - need to play in that scenario.




    No kidding. There is no player more important to the Bills' season than EJ. Losing him would be more devastating than losing Mario or Watkins. The gap between him and the guys behind him is huge.


    I agree with you MDH. I think the whole reasoning of not running a large bulk of your offensive plays in preseason to not show your offense is idiotic. You need to practice all the plays in your play book in game situations. Otherwise how can you expect your players to get better at them and be successful running the plays when the games count. If your offense can run your playbook effectively, and are precise with their assignments, what does it matter if the opposing teams have seen you run your plays in game film? Coaches tweak the plays in their game plans for opposing defenses anyway.



  8. Based on yesterday's performance, if we don't pick it up 3-4 notches that pick next year may very well be a top 5 pick, setting the franchise back 5 years or so, all in an effort to save the top 3's jobs with the new owner. Bravo, gentlemen, bravo....


    Your forgetting sir that we don't have a first round pick next year, remember. It was traded to trade up for Sammy. The only way we get back into the first round next year is trading away a top tier player worthy of a #1 pick. And at this point, who other than Sammy fits that criteria? One may argue Spiller, but I don't buy it at least not the way he has been playing and I don't think any of the other 31 teams will buy it either.



  9. This is the earliest I've ever seen the sky fall here at TSW. 3rd PS game and people are jumping out of windows. And before anyone says "14 years of no playoffs will do that to you!" I'll say get over it, to the person that says that there are 31 other teams to pick from that you can root for. For every argument that the sky is falling there's an argument that it's not.


    I'm not sold on EJ but I root for him and understand he's young, I'm not sure I like the way our pass D is looking but I hope the gel and get better, I am definitely not sold on Marrone but I'll give him more that 1 season and a few PS games to prove himself.


    Let's see where this team is headed before we start "panicking". 1 season and a couple of vanilla PS games is just not enough to start blowing things up.


    Don't go using logic around here. That is frowned upon. Other than that...I agree 100%!



  10. I'm not even going to pretend to know what this team will do in respect to their record. They could go 2-14 or 14-2. and I can see the possibility of both outcomes. Is one outcome more likely then the other? Of course, but Before you laugh, let me explain.


    We all know that this team has pretty much sucked the last 14 years or so. But no one circles the wagons like Buffalo. With the death of RW and the Cancer battle that Jimbo has been fighting, this team has a few things to fight for and that "fight" can be seen with the emotional outbursts along with a few fists flying during practice. I remember in the day of Jim, Bruce, Thurman, Andre....etc, emotions ran high then and fights happened on occasion during practice then.To me, seeing this kind of emotion from our team is a good thing.


    The flip side of this argument is as what many of you have already have said. This team looks like they are lost. The starting group can score, the OC doesn't seem to know how to call a game, and on and on and on....yada yada yada. I'm not going to continue with listing the problems...it's depressing.


    The real question is this.....When the season starts who's going to show up? The team with piss and vinegar in their veins that had all that emotion in camp that has something to play for (ie RW and Jimbo), or the flat listless team that can't seem to put anything together.



  11. Not sure what your point is by showing this. It's a school, on a Reservation made up of Native American students.


    His point is that if Native Americans in a school predominately made up of Native Americans are using the name Redskins in their team name, what right do non Native Americans have being offended by an NFL team using Redskin in their own name.


    As many previous posters have stated, this country has so many other problems to worry about, yet the name of a football team and an action to try and change that name gets a congressional hearing is ridiculous! DO NOT misunderstand me...I am not say it's right or wrong to use the name.....I simply just don't care what the name of the team is. They could change the name to the "Washington Crackers" and I wouldn't care. LOL, although it would be wildly ironic seeing as Football is now a sport predominately of African Americans.

    Flame away



  12. Hey, thanks for your "opinion". others may not agree. But by all means post the link where he said FU Buffalo I am not playing until I have to! or is that part of your opinion?

    Actually i dont have to provide a link, if you payed any attention to the team you call yourself a fan of you would know he said it through his actions. He had reached the point in the season where he was going to have to play or go on ir. and he knew if he went on ir he had no chance of a big contract if he had no oppotunity of showing off his talents for next season. Thats a big F U to Buffalo.



  13. Bills would be absolutely dynamite in the secondary with Byrd, AW, Gilmore, McLovin, Graham and Robey.


    But I have said it before and I will say it again. It is no one's fault he isn't here. Not Whaley's. Not Byrd's. Certainly not Parker's. It was not meant to be the way it played out. If anyone is to blame, it is Nix not extending him early. But I don't know the full story on the talks back then, so I'll reserve judgment.


    Albert Breer@AlbertBreer 1m

    Saints coach Sean Payton says Jairus Byrd is on PUP, and expects him back "sooner than later".

    Please don't misunderstand me. I am by no means placing blame on anyone. I am merely saying that I myself am glad he is not here because if he was, his back surgery recovery would have probably gone well into the first quarter of the season because that is the kind of teammate/player that he is. I am not basing anything on statistical facts, I am just stating my opinion of how I would see this situation in New Orleans playing out here in Buffalo



  14. I think we would be a much better team with Byrd than without him. I'm sure the Saints were aware of his back situation and were comfortable with it. It sounds like he will be ready to practice soon. He is a top player in this league, people may not like him because he held out but make no mistake, he's a superstar.

    I don't disagree, he is a superstar. But like JR said, he seems to be a guy that is always nicked up, not a 100% went he plays. I probably should have been more specific when I said I found it ironic though. What is Ironic is that he had back surgery and he will be back for the start of the season. But when he was a Bill, he had "plantar fasciitis" and couldn't play for how long into the season? Total ploy on his part. It's more of a point that because he was franchised last year, he didn't want to play here. He wasn't getting the money he wanted so he said F U Buffalo, I.m not playing until I have to!


    JMO anyway....BigPappy



  15. Not for nothing, but I find it iconic that Byrd is unable to play or practice for at least the near future. After signing a contract worth 26 Million in guaranteed money he goes and has back surgery. Glad he ain't here. God know he would have dragged his return to the line up till about mid season. a great player for sure....but what a douch!






  16. I see ticket scalping is alive and well.


    Gungy, You should really understand what definition of scalping is before you comment. Since MRags (as a stand up guy) is giving his tix for FREE to who ever wants them and is able to get them , it's not scalping....If you were trying to be funny....epic failure, cause you weren't.





    ticket scalper




    an unauthorized ticket speculator who buys tickets to a performance or sports event and resells them at inflated prices.






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