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Posts posted by BigPappy

  1. So, they have trouble stopping the run, and Grahm may not play. Sounds like some good news for us Bills fans!!

    Yes, these are good things for the Bills, but the Saints are still a 5-1 team. They know how to win. The caveat to that is that they appear to only know how to beat weak teams this year. If you look at their schedule, all of their wins are against weak teams. Their one loss was to the Cheatriots. As much as I hate them, they are a good team. I guess what I am saying is, when it comes down to it, this is a winnable game. Do I think we will win? Mmmmmm, probably not, especially with Spiller and Jackson hobbled. If we are to win, one of them will need to be close to 100% or D Choice will need to come up with one kick a$$ of a run game! I think the game will be close, just like the last 7 nail biters. But I hope I sure as hell hope I am wrong and the Bills win by 20.



  2. That article bases the entire argument on one stat only, actual number of flags thrown for roughing the passer.


    So much more goes into it, such as calling or not calling holding calls on the offensive line. If say Brady's

    and Peyton's lines are allowed to hold more, give illegal shots to the face and helmet, and generally get away

    with more, then fewer defenders are going to be getting to the QB on a consistent basis, therefore the lower

    the oportunities to get a roughing the passer call. So, that stat does not even come close to telling the full story

    of the gripes about protecting star QBs (particularly Brady).


    As the Jets player said, you can't ignore that the NFL did instate the below the knee rule right after Brady is out

    for a season due to a knee injury. And yet when Wilfork nailed JP in the knee on purpose, he doesn't even get a flag.

    I stopped watching the NBA about 10 years ago because of the star treatment and unbalanced calls. And I hate

    seeing the NFL go in that direction, but it does look that way despite the apologists.


    I think for the most part the officiating in the NFL is pretty good, even in most Bills games. But one or two calls a game

    can make a huge difference in a game or season. Say a star team is down in the 4th quarter, they have a 3rd down that

    if they don't convert they may lose. A lineman gets away with a blatant hold that the announcers don't even comment on

    and the QB completes an 11 yard pass to continue the drive. They may not score and still lose the game, but they're given

    that one extra opportunity. Even one missed or bogus call a game or every other game over the course of a season may

    allow a team to pull out a few extra wins.


    You can see that type of thing every Sunday, especially for the star QBs and star teams. It's not blatant, but its pervasive.

    No doubt those guys (Brady/Manning types) win because they're damn good and future HOFs but they and they're teams

    definitely get the benefit of the doubt more often than other teams/players. And they do get more protection than non-household

    name QBs.

    I don't think i have ever agreed with a post as much as I agree with this one, Well stated Folz!



  3. Happy Birthday Ralph !!!


    What could be a better birthday gift then a good squashing of the fish this Sunday!!!


    Lets Go Buffalo!!!!!!!




    Happy Birthday Mr. Wilson. May you see many more. Thanks for the great Bills memories and staying loyal to Buffalo and all of the fans by keeping the team in Buffalo.


    Big Pappy :)

  4. Truly sad. Like many others have said, he deserves a long and painful death at the hands of AP or the child's mother. If they are unwilling to stoop to the level of scum this piece of trash is, through the mother *&!@#r in jail and let the criminals deal with him the way they deal with child abusers.



  5. not sure how I feel about this :cry:




    I don't think he looks to bad here RayRay. He had been with the team a little more than a week when he played in this game so it's not like he had a ton of time in the offense. He was playing against scrubs, but he was also playing with scrubs, with the exception of Easley. The Kid has got an arm, I will give him that, plus he sure as hell can run. If Brown is playing, he will need to be able to run.



  6. It's a discouraging outcome, IMO.


    I really REALLY hope I am wrong, but I just don't think Thad Lewis is getting it done. You can't consistently start CFL caliber QBs in the NFL.


    I don't see how anyone can have an opinion on whether or not Thad is getting it done. He has yet to start a game for us and you can't see how he practices. When he first came in, he barely knew the offense. It least let his start a game and see what he has before you label him a failure.



  7. Wondering if Tuel showed nothing in the last few days of practice. Imho, doesn't bode well for Tuel

    With all the speculation on signing White. They could demote Tuel to the PS and sign White as the backup. Seems to be a stretch considering he wont know the plays, but I guess he could learn just this coming weeks game plan plays and move on from there.



  8. I will start by saying I could be wrong.....but i doubt it. There is no way the Buffalo will bring in Freeman and here are the reasons why.

    1. They are not going to risk a QB controversy if he plays well. (I know it's a weak reason, but it's still a valid one)

    2. They are not going to pay him the money he wants.

    3. He isn't going to sign with us even if we try, because he will want to be a starter. Even if he plays well (if we did sign him) he would still sit on the bench when EJ is healthy again and he won't want to be on the bench after being a starter the last 2 seasons.


    I just don't see it happening. I think they will use Thad for next week if Tuel doesn't look good in the first practice for the Bungles. Even bringing in a new QB they won't be ready in 10 days.


    JMO and I hate to say it, I think there going to try and bring in Timmy T or Thigpen. Tebow's more mobile then Thigpen, but Thigpen's arm is slightly better and he has some mobility.


    Flame Away!



  9. My ninth birf-day is just around the corner. I figger I'll be kind of mature when #10 hits.


    So...you dont have to worry about me.


    But yea....seriously....I dont spend much time here any more. A lot of young pop culture fans. And....Fantasy geeks. Not a lot of fans of the game of football. Knee-jerk "hey lets cut everybody" kind of fans.


    The place sucks hard. Unfortunately. But...during the off-season you will know what is going on around the league by being signed up and that to me, is the value of this site.


    If you believe this, I think your missing the point of the site and the message the OP is trying to get across. This is supposed to be a place of open and meaningful discussion between adults (mostly anyway) about Bills football and football in general. One's individual assessment of value in this site is based on what you (any member) take out of it. If you want more value from the site during the season, visit more and participate on the meaningful and polite discussion. I personally agree with the OP and many of the other members that have said to ban the members that are being mean spirited and just plain hurtful to others. It will send a message to the others that it wont be tolerated.



  10. I don't root for injuries, but that's a huge blow to them (or should be). In my estimation, after Brady, he's their most important player. I hate the guy (on the field) for some of the crap he's pulled over the years, but he's a great player, probably one of the 2-3 best NT's in the League. Off the field, believe it or not, it sounds like he does some good charitable work, so I'll give him props for that, with an asterisk (of course) for the stories of him and that booster at the U--from a story I read on that last year it sounded like Big Vince squeezed that guy for all he was worth when he was a 'Cane....


    Interesting take by a Pats* fan over at their forum. May be seeing the end of an era:


    Originally Posted by RI Patriots fan viewpost.gif

    I hate to say this but looking at the facts, this could be the last we see of Vince Wilfork in a Patriots uniform if this injury is season ending.


    "No way", you say.... but I'm sure you would have said the same thing about Seymour. Here are some of the facts:


    1.) Wilfork has not played well this year....not at all. Maybe he was injured maybe not, but he hasn't been listed on the injury report other than "foot" and he was listed as probable.


    2.) Wilfork seems to be very out of shape this year. During the 2012 season he entered the season in much better shape. This year he looks much heavier.


    3.) In his career, I don't remember him ever having to rehab from a major injury.


    4.) Wilfork will be 33 years old next November.


    5.) According to "Over the cap", Wilfork will count $11.6 million against the cap next year. Of that, $8.0 million could be saved, if he was cut or traded.



    » Over the Cap- New England Patriots 2014 Salary Cap and Contracts



    Forget your homer-fan love for Wilfork for a second and look at this like a cold hearted Patriots executive.


    Wilfork will be 33 years old next season. He will be coming off a major injury during which he can't work out (at least with his legs) but he can eat.

    Do you see him being more explosive being a year older, coming off a major injury, and being out of shape...or less explosive?


    Is the Vince Wilfork of next year at 33 years old worth $8 million???


    I say no....and I was thinking this before the injury.


    Unless he is willing to take a major paycut I don't see Wilfork playing for the Patriots....again.


    MattM, I would have to agree with you 100% on this. As a play I hate the guy also, but as an off the field human being, he's a decent person. I too never root for injuries, no matter who they are and how much I hate their team. This will be a huge blow to their defense even if he is able to come back this year (which I seriously doubt) he will never be the same player.



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