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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. Sure will. The oil barons will be back in the driver's seat. That's fine. The anti-slavery people took a long time to beat the slaveholders, too. Go say that in Ukraine I know! I'm enjoying a cup gasoline right now, yum!
  2. Like Trump wanting Putin back into the G-8? This was after his annexation of Crimea.
  3. When they tell me, it kind of helps. You and him should go live in Putin’s Russia. You two would be happy
  4. Good for liberals! You are admitting Dems made the country better through social legislation? Nice. All while fighting the Conservatives who wanted to keep blacks down, women in the home and gays in the closet
  5. I bet Rand Paul would refuse to call Putin a war criminal, too.
  6. That POS! What a puke. He should be sent to Putin and not allowed back.
  7. Is this bad? Hmmmm....I never used twitter until the war started, now I am addicted to it.
  8. Is there any real meaning to all this? Or were they just real stoned and jamming? She came in through the bathroom window Protected by a silver spoon But now she sucks her thumb and wanders By the banks of her own lagoon Didn't anybody tell her? Didn't anybody see? Sunday's on the phone to Monday Tuesday's on the phone to me
  9. Enforce laws equally And black people had poverty enforced upon them in this land of opportunity
  10. Why would you expect anything different after hundreds of years of black people being told they had no choice at all but to be poor and hated? No family wealth to pass down, no jobs skills to along, few accomplishments to brag about, because they were barely allowed to have accomplishments, arrested first and facing judges that hate you, treated like a plague and scapegoated for all that was wrong with society. And still facing racism in certain important segments of population.
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