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Ralph W.

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Everything posted by Ralph W.

  1. http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/22638740/2013/06/19/investigation-involving-pats-te-hernandez-ruled-a-homicide Lots of stuff just not adding up well for Hernandez.
  2. Yep, the only thing this means for us is he won't be able to get into football shape. Never know if he will play or not. Now his recovery is 12 weeks but as we all know some of these athletes don't abide by normal human recovery rules. Need to play this by ear.
  3. Very simple if EJ can't beat out Kolb for starter then we might be in trouble b.c beating Kolb doesn't seem hard to do, just look at the last team he was with. So count on EJ starting.
  4. Not for fat people. Loved the guy even in The Last Castle.
  5. They have till Aug 31st to take him off. If they don't then he is not allowed to come off till week 6.
  6. Tuck rule with the murder weapon once again Brady slips through.
  7. Shot in the eye but he's OK, he's gonna make, Hernandez pay... Bwweeeeeent Weeeeeeoooo bun nunununt neowww...
  8. He did it to shut you people up but it didn't work. The decision was going to lose him fans no matter what so who cares. The fact that you still hate is funny. They talk about heat bandwagon but what about the Cleveland/Hate LeBron bandwagon... Almost Tebow like.
  9. If you ask EJ who he resembles he will tell you Big Ben. EJ watches film of Big Ben says he plays a lot like him. He loves how Ben can escape from sacks all while looking down field the entire time to find and make the play. That is who I also think EJ is like. I don't understand the Newton/RGIII references but ask the kid himself and he says Big Ben.
  10. Ryan Wolstat (@WolstatSun) tweeted at 3:23 PM on Wed, Jun 19, 2013: RT @APkrawczynski: Bosh: "People gave up on us and they can stay where they are and watch the game at home." ( )
  11. Lol just saw how old this thread was.
  12. 50/50 Can't change it on any given Sunday. I absolutely love the 50/50 thing it makes people go NuTS.
  13. Yea b.c that is the truth Byrd hasn't won a pro bowl in 2013... Thing is this thread is talking about the future and Byrd's thread is about what he did in the past. Also the Bills roster is very different which resets the odds for us. If I was betting money then I would look at the spread but this is not that case. 50/50 baby all the way. Actually I am wrong since you could tie the game but oh well.
  14. The fact that Byrd did his job on a horrible defense makes him not that good? Byrd went from top safety in the league to "anyone can step up and do what he does" in a matter of an off season. I don't think guys who have never played safety in the NFL can just step in and will do 1/10 as well as him.
  15. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/press-coverage/2013/06/data-shows-bills-should-stop-whining-and-start-winning.html?ref=bmh Looks like people can't cry this year.
  16. The harder the better for the Bills I always say.
  17. He frees up more money for the Bills also if he gets released.
  18. You have to find it funny every year people can't help but complain about the schedule. Even though schedule is the least of the worries. Not like the Bills are like other teams who will have a Thursday and multiple Monday night games so they have less time to prepare.
  19. Yea if I was talking about betting money. I am just talking about on any given Sunday.
  20. I don't know how this will go but it is just a funny thing I noticed. Since the Tebow circus has been in Boston the pats have had more bad press then I can remember since Spygate. Tebow signs then Gronks back surgery, Kraft's ring, now Hernandez. Just funny the one team who usually has the least amount of off season distractions now has a ton. Just a funny coincidence.
  21. I am always optimistic what is the point of being a fan if you can't enjoy it. During the season is different b.c things start playing out the way I didn't want them to but I cannot change that so I don't put worry in the off season about what happened last year. Especially when the whole system has now changed.
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