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Ralph W.

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Everything posted by Ralph W.

  1. If you can't beat a team b.c of a bye week then you don't deserve to make the playoffs.
  2. Now you look bad trying to pull at strings. Just stop lol I won't play this little game with you if you want to talk off topic then message me. If not then just stop, starting to get less fun and more childish. FYI he isn't on the team still hasn't signed his tag. Thought you would know that. Wait why am I even talking to a guy who doesn't even know the rules to what he is arguing. Be gone with you till you learn!
  3. They brought out the trophy lol then the Spurs collapsed. Probably the biggest Collapse in NBA Finals history for a team.
  4. pot meet kettle Signing Byrd would make this defense just that much better.
  5. That's OK just go back and make sure you learn what you talk about before you try and converse with us.
  6. Kobe! No but seriously LeBron haters are the funniest people to mess with. They have no real reason they hate LeBron other then he wanted to choose who he played for.
  7. They went a different route escaping on Belicheats boat from the Cape.
  8. Just another triple double for LeBron. Poor guy has to carry the team on his back quarters at a time.
  9. Their was but Miami was able to come back from it. In this instance the refs almost put game 6 in the bag but you can't count out the Heat.
  10. Sounds like every other game that looked like a win for the away team... You just jealous of LeBron? Yea that's it.
  11. Atlanta knows if you want to host a Superbowl you need a new stadium.
  12. Lol excuses are already piling up for the BBills.
  13. Eric Woods has shown me he is good at getting injured
  14. Amendola went to the perfect place he can play 6 games for Brady and safety get put on IR after another injury.
  15. I have had this happen. Thankfully I am not large enough and the seat safely swung by like a hand trying to grab air.
  16. Someone said they have batting practice with the Jays tomorrow.
  17. No you keep saying most all time b.v you want to fantasize the offer being over the top amount to justify your answer.
  18. What? When someone is uncooperative it usually means they aren't answering questions. My common sense tell me that he is smart and wants his lawyer around for when they ask questions innocent or guilty.
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