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Posts posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. Obviously, Orton is a much better passer at this point. I would hope when EJ is in his tenth year, he will be better. The fact that Orton has become a better QB with more experience is why you continue to develop EJ. Look at Orton's first 15 games: http://www.nfl.com/p...ogs?season=2005 51.6%, 5.1 ypa, 9 tds, 13 ints, 59.7 qb rating and a game where he threw 0 tds and 5 ints.


    I still believe anything less than a winning record and this is a mistake. But so far, especially with the first legit win, it looks good. Hopefully, EJ is learning in the meetings and from Orton. I think we finally have a team good enough where we can sit a 1st rounder on the bench and not be forced to play him.




    Except Big Ben can break out of sacks. As bad as I think Hackett is, Orton can make some negative plays on his own. They are drive killers (and it's not all on him). It's the reason we struggle to score against the Lions and Vikes despite moving the ball.


    EJ won't have a 10th year. At some points his personal fans need to realize this guy doesn't have it. But then again it took JP, RJ, Trent fans years after they were done to finally get it

  2. Hackett called running plays on 65% of his first downs, and 68% of his second downs. The vast majority of these running plays were runs up the middle. He called pass plays on 84% of third downs.


    The Bills ran 13 third down plays, or 13 opportunities for Hackett to call run, run, pass. Of those 13 opportunities, Hackett called for run, run pass eight times, or 62% of the total. Another of those opportunities was used to call run, run, run.


    Booby Dixon averaged 2 yards a carry, and Bryce Brown averaged 2.1 yards a carry. Kyle Orton averaged 14 yards per pass attempt. Granted, that average was inflated by some long passes to Watkins. Prior to the Jets game, Orton's season average was over 7 yards per pass attempt. That's more than triple what the running backs averaged as they uselessly banged the ball up the middle into a pile of bodies.


    The Bills' passing game can typically be relied upon to produce over 7 yards per play. It was doing even better than that against the Jets. On the other hand, the running game wasn't doing anything. Especially not with the kinds of running plays Hackett called! So why would he use 2/3 of his first downs, and 2/3 of his second downs, on a running game that wasn't working?


    The Bills had ten conversions the whole game. (A conversion is defined as a play which resulted in either a first down or a touchdown.) Three of those conversions were off of Jets penalties. That meant the offense created seven non-penalty conversions on fifteen possessions. That's a little less than one non-penalty conversion every two possessions! That lack of conversions is what you'd expect from so much run, run pass.


    On a day when the Jets didn't have a quarterback, and when the Bills' defense created more turnovers than a French bakery, it was easy for the Bills to hide their weaknesses. Hackett's playcalling is a very serious weakness indeed!


    I see what you did there in the title :thumbsup:

  3. I was surprised Coach didn't pull Orton with 3 minutes left and let EJ mop it up. Kind of risky to leave your starting QB out there with the game in hand and thing getting a little "chippy". Would have been a nice bone to throw EJ too.


    No. EJ shouldn't ever see the field for us again. Cut his ass in the offseason, draft a guy worth a damn in the 2nd and let him sit. EJ has shown he does NOT have it in the NFL. Same issues in HS, to College now to the pros. Is issues you just can't change


    At this point of his career EJ should just be content to mop up the sweat off his brow after several intense study sessions with the playbook.


    To finish your post...."on another team"

  4. Bottom line, this kid isn't good at his job. He now has a pro QB who is an outstanding leader and has more than enough skills to get THIS team to the playoffs and maybe win a game or two. The guy still sucks ass at playcalling. It seemed to me yesterday Orton was getting ticked at the calls coming in. Time for him to audible.

  5. http://espn.go.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/14680/early-celebration-costs-sammy-watkins-an-89-yard-touchdown


    I really hope this is a 1 time thing. He was the last person I thought would be stupid enough to do this. Now I am sure everyone is gonna whine, and bash and say something stupid, but before you do did you expect Sammy to start hamming it up well before the endzone pretty much any time in his career? He didn't strike me as someone who would. More of a Barry Sanders "just hand the ball to the ref" type.


    Again I presume this was a one time FUBAR.

  6. This is a really tough topic to discuss. But today, for sure, Schwartz's philosophy of rushing four worked as perfectly as it could possibly have worked. We rarely blitzed and the pass defense was fabulous. We got good pressure consistently.


    Like all fans, myself included, we always want our DC to blitz more, especially when we give up yards, or the QB has all day, or whatever. But several times this year Schwartz has basically not blitzed at all, and we have had great defensive games.


    Sure, the Jets QBs sucked. But at least this week, anyone has to admit that not blitzing at all was a tremendous decision.


    Yeah the front 4 alone just isn't getting enough pressure on a constant basis.

  7. Remember him?


    At one point yesterday, during the final drive, I kind of wished he was in the game. He has lead some successful game winning drives. I am glad we had orton though, because he was clutch and made a great throw under duress. Very cool under pressure. I am not sure if EJ would have completed that throw to Sammy.


    But I felt great about the fact that EJ was very involved on the sidelines with Marrone and orton. His energy was good to see. I think he has been a class act.


    EJ was in the game we lose by 24. he is worthless and never should have been picked by the Bills. IF This front office has any guts and integrity whatso ever, they cut him this offseason and admit they made a mistake

  8. this team is still plagued with below average QB play.



    Orton Passer Rating: 20th (EJ 28th)


    Orton Total QBR: 31st (EJ 33rd)




    Orton is playing better than EJ, but that ain't saying much.


    Orton better take advantage of the upcoming so called easier games.


    Yesterday they were plagued with absolute **** for Defense. NO pass rush, M williams is the one needing traded and NO secondary help at all. Gilmore = another Nix bust.

  9. He has been completely misused by Hackett. CJ needs the ball in space where he can use moves and breakaway speed. It's that simple. The Freddy worship is over the top. Fred is not a threat to score from anywhere on the field. Both backs have unique gifts and if we had an offensive cooridinator he would exploit them.


    Spiller non trade talk is Absurd. He is a part time weapon, he is nothing more than Percy Harvin. If I were HC or OC he would do kickoff returns and be a WR on special plays for him and 3rd downs or multiple WR formations, NOT our starting RB.


    Trade him and get something for him.

  10. Its irrelevant if we lose to the lions yesterday. You can throw for 500 yards but if you don't make the key passes at crunch time its all for not. Drew brees has thrown for over 5000 yds the last 3 years and has not won a super bowl. Back in the 90's if you had a qb throw for 3000 yards you were all but guaranteed a playoff spot. Now your qb throws for 3000 as a rookie. Point is stats can be misleading and if a qb throws for 150 yds and wins the game I'm fine with that.


    Ok so if its so damn easy to throw for 300 yards in a game these days...why hasn't EJ ever done it?



  11. I love it. I'm a giant homer, now I hate the Bills? Haha.


    Trust me, I'm very happy. I said it in the thread that I'd love to be proven wrong.


    But to act like Orton just didn't his best Fitz impression is wrong. I'm happy the Bills won and I'm done with this. If you think one offensive td is a great performance, more power to you.


    His one performance is greater than EJ's entire career. If you can't see how well he ran this team with one weeks practice, on the road, against the #1 Defense in the NFL you need help. Stop with the man Crush on EJ And realize your boyfriend will never be a quality starting QB.

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