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Posts posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. Oh, I thought that part about EJ was in the article. But that was just your expert opinion.

    I think the warnings were many here.


    Don't reach for a QB in a poor quarterback year


    Did anybody listen? No


    We had to do it anyway.......and its time to pay for another quarterback mistake


    Exactly. and you can see from the moronic posts above that these same folks that fought for RJ, JP, Trent etc are the same ones fighting and making excuses for another failure in EJ. One would think every Bills fan can look at a guy after a season and see he is nothing but the same thing as all the rest by now.




    Until this latest epic failure by the front office to find a Franchise QB is gone.... yes.

  2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/redskins/for-jay-gruden-the-best-place-for-robert-griffin-iii-is-elsewhere/2014/12/03/911e0cde-7a69-11e4-9a27-6fdbc612bff8_story.html


    One of the more important parts...


    "Gruden has seen enough to realize that Griffin is at best a long-term project as a pocket passer. Griffin was too deliberate reading defenses, displayed poor footwork and an alarming lack of pocket presence for a signal-caller in his third NFL season"


    EJ wasn't and isn't 1/10 th the Talent RGIII is and EJ has clearly shown he has the same issues AND more. EJ's biggest knocks were he can't read defenses, slow with his eyes, WR's must be wide open for him to make the throw. Nothing has changed since College with EJ.


    If Washinton can cut bait with a guy they paid 3 first rounders for, we can cut bait now and not waste 2-3 more years on a guy who clearly doesn't have it.


    And before the whining starts, Teams are realizing these spread, running QB's overall arent cutting it in the NFL. It is a very rare exception that they succeed at all (Russell Wilson).

  3. We finish 8-8 and I'm doing the happy dance. I want a home playoff game obviously, but 8 wins for the 1st time since 2004 would OK.


    How pathetic is it when fans are actually happy with 8-8 seasons? Mr. P PLEASE read this BS and clean house so we can start actually have WINNING Seasons with playoffs and maybe superbowls as well!

  4. Something about this story just bothers me. I remember vividly Tally working and going through the program to become an owner of a McDonalds in the early 90's, then I believe buying one? Sure I get the concussions etc. have gotten to him, but there is something more here in the fact he wasted millions somehow. As for as a failed business, which one? And what happened to the McDonalds thing?



    I'd like to know the details on this.


    Yeah I don't buy that, there is more too it than not getting paperwork in on time.

  5. I would take him IF he convinces me as the owner he understands what he did and how wrong it is. Many miss a huge point here, this guy has the opportunity to reach young men that normal folks cant. He could step up and make a difference in this issue if allowed to.


    I give him a shot.

  6. NO matter what happens this week we all know the Bills next big test is Denver.The only tough test the Bills have had so far this season was New England and we were spanked.What do you think will happen.I'll start


    BRONCOS 48

    Bills 13


    I say our Defense can shut Manning down. You pressure him and he folds like a cheap suit and no one gets after the passer like we do

  7. I have said this repeatedly and seems I need to again. When will Bills fans quit getting behind and supporting QB's that clearly do not have it? EJ is not, has not been and no ever will be the answer at QB. You have many of the same scouts still on board scouting QB's that scouted the likes of JP, Trent etal.


    For nearly 2 decades now all of the QB's that have come along fans get on the bandwagon, drink the kool aid and damn near get into physical altercations to support this guy because the "stats" show he could be something someday when clearly ALL of them are severely lacking. None have had the combination of Leadership skills, Arm strength, touch but most importantly the ability to read defenses and make the Defense adjust to them. Until this happens we won't be seeing a superbowl any time soon AND we will keep going in this same circle over and over and over.


    Mr. P needs to fire everyone. We have to cut out the "ralph" way of doing things and thinking and get rid of every damn scout we have and start over. But we won't. **** will continue to go as it does, whaley will never admit a mistake and cut EJ and fire most of the scouts and get some people in here and actually find a franchise QB.


    BTW I am sure I will hear about how hard it is and other teams still haven't found one. To that I say, !@#$ them. I don't give a damn about other teams, it is well past time for the BUFFALO BILLS to find a true Franchise QB no matter the cost.

  8. There is an unmeasurable amount of opinion, both negative and positive, from the fans, the media and I'm sure the coaches in confidental meetings as well, regarding Manual's future and rightly so.


    From a football "business" standpoint (Myself thinking like a new GM; et.al) If I needed to, or wanted to reposition my team to take a coveted player in the next draft I would try to package EJ Manuel and another player of equal value (or potential value) to move up to the first round so I could give our team a better opportunity to draft what I would consider a future franchise player.


    Is there a coveted player (QB) in the next draft that would warrant this kind of trade ? Thoughts ?

    Opinions welcome. However, try and stay civil my fellow fans. I'm betting some of you can't do it




    No one is stupid enough to part a first for the guy. Buffalo never should have

  9. 15 effing years because the same mindset has been here all that same time. If I am Mr.P I fire EVERYONE from Brandon on down to the waterboy. Cut out the cancer completely and start fresh. You have some pieces in place, esp. On Defense but I am cutting EJ right now, he isn't the answer and no reason to be on this roster.


    Go draft a franchise QB, bring in some quality GM/Coaching and lets get this thing fixed. As long as anyone from the Ralph era remains, this team won't change

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