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Posts posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. Fans, media, everyone wanted Johnny Football to start. They had to beat Cincy to keep playoff hopes alive! Manziel looked awesome on the one drive against Buffalo. Hoyer sucked. How much worse could JFF be?


    About as bad as bad could be. And now Cleveland's season is over. I feel bad for Pettine.


    Damn I thought you were going to address the real truth that Johnny football will never be a quality NFL Starter.

  2. Marrone, Hackett, Orton and EJ should be cut loose asap.

    Promote Schwarz to HC , and let him hire a professional offensive staff.

    Our quarterbacks are incapable of making plays, and that isn't gonna change.

    Not for Orton.. not for Manuel. They aren't any good. Period.

    Marrone and Hackett have been blessed with a defensive and special team unit that can wreck games.. while their timid offensive schemes do nothing to challenge and threaten the opponent.



    Get a guy with some balls to play QB.. and coaches with the balls to turn him loose.


    What a friggin shame!

    Agreed. There is a ton of firings that need to happen, if we had a QB and offensive staff worth a **** we are THE team in the AFC this year.

  3. I agree but I also think Marrone's pride won't let him go back to EJ. It would be admitting that Orton was not enough of an upgrade.


    I was all for Marrone when he got hired. College guy and it was different. He promised a lot of things and he seems like every retrend coach we've had. But he acts like he is Belichick when he is a guy who's best accomplishment is the Pinstripe Bowl.


    Whaley >>> Marrone and it's not even close. This is a very attractive job with the talent we have. Get a real offensive mind who has a track record of developing QBs and getting the most out of his players. We can do so much better than Marrone.


    Actually common football sense is what keeps him from going back to EJ. He knows EJ isnt ever going to be a quality starter, why waste anymore time on him? Whaley >>> Marrone? How do you figure? The guy was a major factor in drafting a QB bust (EJ), traded away next years first for a WR who from a talent level we could have gotten comperable staying in our current draft spot. Traded away and ran up our cap on a WR that was just "cut" and then traded away a 4th for RB that hardly ever plays.


    Sorry Whaley needs to go as well


    Dude, I'm done. It isn't worth it. You make every excuse and fail to concede any different viewpoints.




    So says the biggest EJ homer in the Universe! Pot....meet kettle.

  4. "Sadly, he's a major upgrade over first-round bust EJ Manuel."




    And why isn't Whaley on here? Drafted EJ (but now tries to push it to a Buddy pick), Traded away a 1st round pick next year (could have been used on a QB) for a WR who we could have gotten a similar talent in the draft spot we were in, Trades a 5th rounder for a WR that is now going to be cut but still eat up more than 5 mill in 2015 cap room, trades a 4th rounder for a RB seldom used.


    Whaley should be gone.

  5. If there was a better option. Orton at best is a slight upgrade. There's no question we ran the ball better with EJ and took less sacks. Also, turnovers have become an issue.


    I don't think you learn by sitting on the bench. But at the very least, let's see what he can do now. We are gaining nothing by playing Orton.


    Are you EJ or related to him? I swear to God that is the only way you can keep backing that worthless POS so hard. The kid will NEVER amount to **** in the NFL as a starter. He is a failed, bust of a first rounder. Just add him to the rest of the Trash the Bills have brought in at QB. I would rather just see him cut after the draft and be done with it

  6. I just don't get it. I'm so sick of the whining and crying and nitpicking every little thing.


    Fire Marrone: The guy who has the Bills playing the best ball in the last 15 years? The guy who has the team competing in every game? The guy who wins all of the games he is supposed too? The guy who has had this team in position to win every single game late in the 4th quarter save for 2 games? The guy who has this team playing unified ball? The guy who has the talent on this team actually producing?


    Why? Because you don't like that M Williams is on the bench? Because you don't like his punting decisions?


    Hire Harbaugh: The guy who is an offensive genius right? The guy who's team is the 24th ranked offense behind the Bills 22nd? The guy who's team is scoring the 26th most points behind the Bills 18th? The guy who just lost to the Raiders yesterday?


    Fire Hackett: See the stats listed above and step back from the ledge. THis offense isn't great but it isn't the worst we've ever seen. Add in the fact that he has been hamstrung by 1 qb out of the NFL (Lewis), 1 qb on the practice squad (Tuel), 1 project qb (EJ), and 1 career backup that shouldn't be anyone's starter (Orton). If you are paying attention instead of trying to fit your preconceived notions, the Bills have been using the screen game much more effectively, hell they even got the ball to Watkins yesterday to appease those fans.


    The Losses: Very very few people predicted better than 8-8 this year. Some said best case scenario 9-7. Rose colored glasses had 10 wins. Now that we are staring at least 8-8 in the face the sky is falling and everyone needs to be replaced. This is the best Bills team we have seen in a long time. This is the first team to not be under .500 before week 16 since 1993, this is the first team to have 7 wins by december since 2000, this team is still in the thick of the playoffs going into week 15. Legitimately in the thick of things too not well if these crazy things happen we are in. The KC game? 2 backup rbs, one untimely fumble, against a team that went out and beat the defending super bowl champs the next week. The Miami night game? The home teams are 7-5 in those games. Not one game this year should the Bills have dominated a team on paper and lost. There are very few teams that can say that any year let alone this year.


    Get over yourself and stop trying to fit every teeny situation to your already determined narrative. I feel like I'm not watching the same games as other people. This team is the most competitive team I have seen in a long while and we should blow it up?


    Yes. From the top down fire them all and start from scratch. This "retooling" BS that has been going on since 1996 is pure BS. Blow it all up and do it right.

  7. I can't say the Defense is great. Front four got NO pressure, I don't see one sack in the stat column against one of the greatest statues at QB in NFL history. DB's lack a lot to be desired as seen this season. Get Kiko back and the LB's are really solid.


    We are a good defense, but far from Great.


    That said, see my post on season record. I hope Pegula fires EVERYONE.

  8. Oakland tore up SF so that team is not an automatic win anymore. No offense still, no pass rush today out of the front 4. No way in hell we beat GB and NE at NE with home field on the line. I can honestly say I think this team finishes 7-9.


    Will say it again....I pray Terry Pegula completely cleans house. He won't...but I can still pray. We must get the old way of thinking at OBD out of the building for good. Brandon can do marketing only, but no more can he come near working with the rest of the organization. Whaley, all the scouts, all the coaches, all the trainers I mean all the way down to the Waterboy....all gone. Start over fresh.

  9. Exactly Bandit, I am not budging on my stance as its correct and no need to. The guy doesn't have it just like the many before him since Kelly retired in 96'. Why would I change my stance when the facts and evidence are clear and history has done nothing but repeat its self in Buffalo?

  10. Some folks seem to believe that it's virtuous to pick a stance on a player and then defend that stance with fervor. I find it to be mostly silly, given that predicting a player drafted in the 1st round won't cut it in the NFL is playing the odds a litle more than 50% of the time. What's even sillier is when folks claim that they "know" whether or not a guy is going to be successful. That's just dumb.


    Actually its not esp, when you have seen the same **** for what 18 years now? Yes many fans these days can tell if a guy is going to be worth a damn or not. The NFL wants you to think its some big assed deal, when in fact they out think themselves most of the damn time and spend millions to do it.


    "well if you know so much why are you an NFL scout, GM blah blah blah". Um its a good ol' boys network. It doesn't matter what you know, its who you blow to get jobs there. And if you can't tell I am not great at kissing ass and I am not blowing anyone. Besides, who says any of our scouts were really sold on EJ? Scouts get asked opinions and over rode by GM's all the damn time.


    But, to sum up, yeah its not that hard to see EJ has the same issues as in college and try as he might, drink his milk, read his playbook, say his prayers, Little EJ is an average Backup in the NFL at best.

  11. It must be awful to be you. To take an article that has NOTHING to do with EJ, and you have to turn it into something to further your crusade with. And mind you, your crusade is against a guy who took his benching with class, and has done nothing but be a supportive teammate and someone working hard to try and get back to where he was as the starter. Do you get some sick pleasure of kicking people when they're down?

    Ok let me try to clarify, I don't give a rats ass he is a good team mate, supportive, working hard, saves kittens, blah blah blah. He just doesn't have it period and I am damn sick and tired of this inept front office and many fans (like you) trying to make excuses for a ****ty QB.


    Nearly TWO DECADES its been the same Bull ****. Trade for or draft a clearly lesser talent that is no more than a back up in the NFL And fans for YEARS will back this assclown when its clear he doesnt have it. And billions of excuses like its the line, he needs time, you dont know you are guessing blah blah bull **** is said over and over and over and the result is the same.


    I posted this to show if a clearly greater talent in RGIII can be benched and odds are cut this offseason there is no reason to keep a much lesser talent who had greater knocks against him on our roster hoping against hope (you know like Collins, hobart, RJ, JP, Trent, Bledsoe, Flutie, and on and on and on) that EJ will somehow buck his entire playing DNA and magically Get it.


    Not gonna happen. Cut his ass after the draft (at least TRY to BS teams we aren't taking a QB in round 2 or trade up to round 1 to get one...) and lets move on.


    But don't worry, this front office is too egotistical to admit they clearly !@#$ed up and EJ Will NEVER amount to **** as a starter in the NFL. But hey, I will be here to remind you next year of the same thing. Granted he will have half assed stats which might show some slight glimmer of hope (like those listed above) so you will still be trying to make more excuses to keep him here further putting us behind in actually getting where we want to go as a team.


    Oh and just so I was clear, I don't give a **** he is a good guy, I would rather have an !@#$ who is a top 3-5 QB and gives us a chance at a Superbowl and maybe wins one or two.

  12. Bottom line the NFL catches up quickly, but then again nothing has changed. Other than Wilson the scrambling QB's haven't won superbowls. Big Ben did it from the pocket, John Elway learned to stay there and hand off to his RB (Granted minus one really cool run/ helicopter flip).


    Football overall at the NFL level will never change. Drop back, make reads, deliver the football.

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