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Posts posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. My priorities:


    - Focus on the offensive line

    - Develop a competent running game (either the OL upgrade, new run scheme, new backs, or some combination)

    - Pick up a vet QB to compete with EJ during the early pre-season

    - Likely ride EJ for better or worse, hope an improved line and run game, combined with strong defense, takes pressure off him.


    Go into 2016 probably looking at a first round QB draft pick again.


    Hell no. EJ is crap and NEVER should have been drafted by Buffalo to be a starter. Some guys regardless of hype or where drafted are not ever meant to be starting QB's in the NFL....EJ is one of them

  2. I love Polian. Genius almost.


    But I really love Whaley too. The next generation Polian maybe.


    I'm all for Polian coming, as long as Whaley remains GM. Whaley has a plan. He has built a strong, hungry, young team. He has no QB, but I dont think Polian can come here and magically find one either.


    Come to think of it, since I love Whaley so much, I'm actually NOT on board with Polian coming in. Your time came and you did well, but your time was long ago. Stop trying so hard to prop up your son. He will sink or swim on his own merit.


    In today's NFL, Whaley has shown that he has it. Chris Polian, notsomuch.

    Whaley is a freaking idiot and needs to be fired Sunday Afternoon. Please bring in Polian and have him find a QB

  3. @RQUINN619: #Bills Must Prioritize OL Over QB in 2015 Offseason (vines&adv stats) http://t.co/GaNgzGvrYH via @TheBillsMafia http://t.co/bVOGmaE7Cd


    Good read. A lot of research.


    Alot of stupidity is what it is. Bottom line we can have the best OL in the NFL we still have no QB which = No playoffs. At some point all this Bull **** needs to stop and this team finally find Jim Kelly's replacement. They have failed to do so since 1996 and until they do, this team sucks

  4. I know, they didn't make the playoffs and I'm as bitter as anyone else. It's beyond frustrating to see us waste such a great defensive performance and see our offense under-achieve with this coaching staff.




    For the first time in a long time, I can honestly say that we are a playoff caliber team. It's not that we are going to finish close to a playoff record. It's that, we all know that the Texans and Chiefs games were ones that we absolutely should have won. In fact, if we played them again 10 more times, I believe we absolutely would have.


    We lost, I get it. We aren't in the playoffs, I get it. But this team, absolutely could have made it in this year regardless of all the crap we saw and it wouldn't be a stretch. It's not like previous years of, well if we could have just had 2 more wins or something like that. We not only could have had two more wins, we absolutely should have those two wins.


    Maybe this is coming off stupid, but it makes sense in my mind right now. And it's something I haven't been able to think or feel in a long time.


    With that, fire Hackett. If Marrone won't, then fire him too. Trade for a QB or sell the farm for a rookie in the first round. And resign this defense with whatever it takes.


    We are there. We really are.


    Not even !@#$ing close. Both Guards aren't good, we do not have a QB on this roster worth a ****. We wasted next years 1st on a WR that was clearly 3rd in his draft class. And yes Hackett sucks as a play caller. This team over achieved big time due to the Defense

  5. Orton is >>>> than EJ will ever be and Orton sucks. Why start EJ, if Marrone is here he won't be on this roster and shouldn't be regardless of coaching staff. Drafting him was ANOTHER Major mistake by this scouting staff and administration


    Rather see The wildcat all game then see Orton attempt another pass


    I would rather see Orton pass than EJ in a Bills Uniform and I can't stand seeing Orton passing

  6. When will it end?!


    Last week, the Bills beat a team they weren't expected to beat. This week, they lose to a team they were expected to beat. It sucks to see such a good defense go to waste this season.


    It will never end unless Pagula cleans house completely and he won't do that

  7. I have been reading some kool aid drinkers that are so happy we will most likely finish 8-8, how we have so much talent and how marrone has them on the road upward... pure bull ****.


    Here is the reality, Pagula needs to fire everyone from Russ Brandon down to the waterboy Minus our Defensive Coaching staff. Can we break this down logically and realistically for a change?


    Brandon is an idiot and a freaking clone of Ralph Wilson and he flat sucks. Maybe he is ok at Marketing but this "MoneyBall" bull **** being played at OBD has to stop. Fire him now.


    Doug Whaley? Mr. Moneyball himself? He thought EJ Manuel was a Franchise QB, that alone should get him fired. But no there's more!! For 19.95 you too can have a GM that trades away a WR thinking that ONE WR was going to be THE piece to get the team into the playoffs. When in fact a BETTER TALENT could have been had at our draft spot. One that coming out was more pro ready etc. We traded away a 4th rounder as well which we got back...then traded away again for a Backup RB from the Eagles that hasn't hardly seen the field. He also pays decent money to a crap Guard and traded away another pick for a WR who had bad history with our HC and hasn't hardly seen the field AND still eats up 5+ mill of our cap next year.


    Whaley is NOT a good GM period. His moves have cost us now and in the long run much moreso than not. Fire him now.


    Doug Marrone? Saint Doug? Fire that smug !@#$ today. HE doesn't have this team playing tough, Jim Schartz and the Defense plays tough. The Special teams plays tough. Dougie and his buddy Hackett both need to go back to college and stay there.


    There has just been 15+ years of ineptness at OBD and yeah I'll say it from Ralph on down when it comes to building a football team. They keep "retooling" by bringing in people that somewhat fit the mold of what Ralph was doing. The only way to finally get this team over the top is to cut the cancer out completely. Get the mentality, way of doing things out of that building 100%. I mean fire Brandon, Whaley, Marrone, Hackett, anyone else on the offensive staff and each and every scout. Pagula needs to bring in his own people and start fresh including cutting or trading some of the alleged "talent" on this roster.


    Until this is finally done, this team will always be a 6-10 to maybe 10-6 team and nothing more and I am sorry folks that just isn't good enough period.


    For the koolaid drinkers and cool kids that will try to play cool and offer up some pure crap saying I am wrong and what they are doing is great blah blah blah, don't worry....nothing will change at OBD. The same worthless assclowns will be there next year and we might win 9 games. Then the homers will talk again how we are so close..we are "right there" and again, they will be wrong.

  8. Heard something on the radio this morning about good coaches. Can't remember who the interview was (might have been Peter King on Dan Patrick) but basically a good HC is someone who can hire a good staff and people want to work for.


    Marrone has his issues, but the staff he assembled, especially on defense, is awesome. Get this dude a decent QB and we are right back at the top. I really believe that


    HUH? Hackett is the worst play caller in the NFL hands down. Marrone wants to really improve the team, do what he can to get a QB worth a **** in here and fire Hackett

  9. Chicago Bears safety Chris Conte, who has suffered two concussions this season, says playing in the NFL is worth the risk he takes to his long-term health by doing so.


    "As far as after football, who knows. My life will revolve around football to some point, but I'd rather have the experience of playing and, who knows, die 10, 15 years earlier than not be able to play in the NFL and live a long life.




    well he just !@#$ed his future claim.

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