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Posts posted by eSJayDee

  1. No, if for no other reason that his COMPLETE lack of emphasis on ST.

    From what I understand, back in his tenure about the only coaching that went on for ST was done by Christie & Mohr.

    What do you think will happen to the only good performing aspect of our team?

    Remember in StL April sucked; here he's great. Think that might have something to do w/ Mularky vs Martz?

  2. Mike Mularkey: At this point we are still pleased with Shaud. He's been good this year on third down and has made plays when he's had some opportunities. The other thing is when we go to two backs, Willis is in there with Shaud. Willis has had more opportunities and he caught a screen Sunday. I'd like to get him more involved, but we just have so many weapons and I like to get them all their due.


    Where's that crap throwing monkey when you need him? SPLAT.

  3. As bad as it is, no.

    A little bit of pressure is good. (If he seldom experiences it during his early learning curve, how is he expected to handle it when we expect/need him to perform.)

    Learning to play NFL QB is difficult enough w/o having the extra burden of having things made more difficult for you by having porous protection. Ideally, you'd want him 'coddled' by making it as easy as possible on him (i.e. good protection and a strong reliance on the running game & a stout defense. :doh: )

    Too much not only stunt his growth, but potentially is detrimental (i.e. 'shell-shocked').


  4. I think the best way is as soon as the season is over. (Then again, as this season is lost, there's really no reason not to start tomorrow.)

    I think the ideal situation is to get rid of the people at the top, and retain some or all of the asst. coaches. (Does anyone want to see April leave?)

    The position coaches will have a better feel/opinion of the potential of their players and it's the upper level coaches (HC, OC, DC) that dictate the direction of the team.

    Also, based on their resumes (too lazy to find the character for the accent ague or whatever it is), we've assembled a top-notch group of assts.

    This has been touched on elsewhere b4, but one asst I'd like to see replaced is our Strength & Conditioning guy. It may very well have been a serious loss when we let Rusty go.

  5. If by 'core', you mean 'foundation', from which you build, then we are sorely lacking as I would consider that the line.

    We have one undrafted converted TE that shows potential to develop into an excellent player. We have another T that is a phenominally gifted athletically but due to a combination of factors, is riding the pine. Other than that, we have 3 2nd tier FA pickups and what I would consider a 3rd tier, the later of which, last game outstanding is debatably our best O-linemen.

    As for our skill positions, Evans seems to be a keeper. I'm hopeful that Everett has something, although w/ our current scheme, Kellen Winslow (Sr.) in his prime wouldn't contribute much. (I happen to think that Campbell is an adequate TE).

    W/ a decent O-line, McGahee has the talent to be very productive.

    As for Roscoe, it's too early to see what he has, but IMHO, a 160 lb WR is not the type of player you count on building an offense around. (I do think he has the potential to be a productive spot player.)

    Losman seems to have the potential, but right now, he's playing like you would expect a rookie to play - generally poor. So, w/ respect to him, who knows - might be great, might suck.

  6. Those players are at practice though and are privy to the game plan, even if they aren't practicing.


    That's correct. Since Moulds hasn't even attended practice, how is he to know his assignment on the Tackle Option pass where Peters rolls left (I assume he's right handed, so of course you have to have him roll to the left as NO ONE would expect that <_< ) w/ Parrish as his lead blocker w/ Shelton running a fly route.


    Seriously, I imagine it puts you at a considerable disadvantage trying to assimilate that game plan w/o adequate exposure to it. (Perhaps almost as bad as if you don't put your best players on the field. :angry: )

  7. I wouldn't think that a flood of underclassmen entering the draft would result from this.

    Except for 1st round and to a far less extent 2nd & 3rd rookie bonuses are quite reasonable.

    It might persuade a few top notch prospects to enter where they might otherwise opt to stay in school for another year, but I wouldn't imagine it'll make the total talent pool more than maybe a round better. (i.e. you can pick up what would normally be a 3rd round talent well into the 4th round.)

  8. What your payments are is really irrelevent. What counts is what are you paying in depreciation and financing (&/or lost income).

    One advantage of a lease is that you know EXACTLY what this will cost you, whereas w/ buying it (assuming you're only going to hold onto the vehicle for a relatively short period), you have to make a realistic guess.

    Often leases are not what I would consider 'fair value', that is you're paying a substantial premium. This is one thing you have to be careful about as far as I'm concerned.

    If you think it's likely you're going to get rid of the car relatively soon, if you can get a 'fair market lease', that's the way to go. If they're overpricing the lease, your only prudent option is buying (or opting for a different car).

    Just my 2¢.

  9. That's somewhat insightful, thanks.

    And the conclusion that one should draw from these #s?

    We should start putting one of our best players on 3rd & long - Moorman!

    Actually, based on that kind of performance, as sad as that is, I think that would yield better results.

    Seriously, I'd be curious as to how we compare to other teams in this regard.

    I've gotta assume it's pretty abysmal.

  10. W/ respect to the 'best 5' I think the only doubt is that Peters might be included (If anything, I'm upset that Preston isn't being considered.) Considering his level of experience at the position, and what appears to be the learning curve, it's quite possible that in training camp he wasn't among the best 5, but after a couple of extra months, he's now at least worthy of consideration.

    IMHO, it appears that we have 4-7 players that when considered individually are 'okay', but together as a unit are sub-standard.

  11. I was optimistic and yes, I thought there was a very good chance we would make the playoffs, but didn't expect us to get too far.

    I was concerned about our aging Dee not playing up to the caliber that they established last year, but this meant they'd be top 10 rather than top 5.

    I was hopeful that particularly by the end of the season the offense would play to a level of mediocrity. (We almost made the playoffs last year w/ them being bottom 5.)

    Assuming we didn't revert to Martz-ish play on ST, that might've been good enough.

    Right now, we have a bottom 10 team in both O & D; that makes us bad.


    (Remember, 12 teams make the playoffs so you don't have to be THAT good to go.)

  12. Looks like McGee will make it as the returner. He's leading the league & is the incumbent. I'd be very surprised if he didn't make it.

    Moorman won't make it as it largely boils down to stats, & although he's a superb punter, worthy of going (I'm not saying he's the best), he won't make it.

    As for McGahee & Clements, of course they'll go. Their the best at their positions, right? :D (Seriously, I don't think so. McGahee might, which wouldn't be so bad. Clements making it would be a worse travesty than R.Brown making his last one.)

  13. Stat speaking, for the past 2 yrs, we're among the best at returns AND coverage.

    Many of the contributors on ST can't even break the starting line-up.

    This year, we have one of the worst Ds & for the last 2 years, a bottom echelon Offense.

    What conclusions can we derive from these facts reagrding our talent, schemes & coaching?

  14. The difference between Shaw & Reed is that Shaw ran wrong assignments & I got the impression wasn't as prepared as he should be & perhaps wasn't as diligent in blocking as was desired.

    AFAIK, Reed prepares well, gives an all out effort and unfortunately sometimes gets open. Problem is, when he gets open, QBs are inclined to throw him the ball thereby often leading to an incomplete when a better option would have been to throw to someone more inclined & capable of catching it.

    The situations are totally different. Canning Reed would likely be a poor motivational move. However, sitting him on the bench, or only using him as a decoy...

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