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Posts posted by eSJayDee

  1. Tara Rose McAvoy, 18, was walking Monday NEAR railroad tracks when she was struck by a Union Pacific train


    'Near' the tracks? Unless 'near' constitutes like one foot, I assume she was walking ON the tracks.


    I'm not an expert, but I assume those trains are pretty good at following the tracks & not deviating too much. :P

  2. Actually, I think it will be difficult to make ANY substantial signings due to future cap uncertainty.

    Players w/ clout will be reluctant to sign long term deals cuz of an impending no cap or much higher cap situation.

    Teams, even those that would be otherwise willing/able to spend the cash were there to be a higher or no cap will be reluctant to do so on the chance that there will be a more moderate cap and by doing so would severely damage their cap position.


    BTW, I think I know who you are/were, but I can't figure out the significance of your moniker.

  3. You will all see..and you will all feel shame.


    No, I won't.


    Although I initially took no position as to belief or disbelief in you having inside sources. It has become increasingly evident that those sources, even if they do exist, are not very accurate.


    As such, let me add ...


    Even the blind squirrel occasionally finds the nut.




    A broken clock is right twice a day.

  4. The ideal handling of the cap is to be close to it, but not put yourself 'in trouble'. Bear in mind, you need to spend $ to get quality players. (At least in theory - and let's it also requires the leap of faith that we were trying to field as competitive of a team as possible :unsure: )

    We are UNDER the cap AND in a managable situation. Sure, we're not in as good of shape as some teams (w/o looking at # & each team's FA situation I can't sight specific teams better off, but I'll guess SF.), but considering that we all felt that we should have been a playoff caliber team last year, I think our situation is/was in pretty good shape.

  5. I an only imagine that this means when intend to be active in free agency.

    Clearly, MW has as much potential as any other OL man. Since we apparently have the cap room, it would have only made since to keep around until that $3m bonus was due (IIRC, July 1st), to see if he was going to shape up (figuratively & perhaps even literally) unless we figure we need the room to pursue other FAs.

    Could be an exciting off-season.

  6. I think that it is ridiculous for people to think Nate should be "happy" to get $5.8 million for playing this year, you are way off base. If Nate does get to play the FA market he would be paid with a $10-15 signing bonus. I don't blame him from wanting to be paid what the market will bear.


    Let me clarify my point of view w/ some #s.

    Using Champ Baileys contract as a basis (let's momentarily ignore whether or not NC is worth that sort of $). I saw #s indicating CB's contract was 7 yrs, $63m, $18 SB.

    W/o the SB his contract avgs $6.43m/yr. One can assume that the later yrs are for higher salary, so apart from the SB, he'll be playing for perhaps $5m/yr. NC will be making more than that but will have to wait for that SB. Looked at another way, assume CB never sees the last 2 yrs of his contract which let's assume pay him $10m/yr (which might even be conservative). So he's playing for $8.6m/yr avg.


    Again, NC won't be making that much, but it's not like he's obscenely off. Basically all he would have a right to be bummed/upset about is that he's not getting that nice bonus check upfront having to perhaps wait a year for it (or make an even better salary the following year).

  7. What having the franchise tag slapped on does is eliminate the huge signing bonus he was hoping for. The $5.89m is not THAT low relative to what his contract would have likely paid him on avg. (Remember, later years often have inflated #s that the player likely won't see.)

    It merely delays him going into free agency, which might almost be perceived as a good thing by him & his agent, as he could potentially improve his market value. (He didn't do too well last year.)

    Also, take into consideration that if he plays under the tag this year, to tag him next year will result in at least a 20% raise. Although we all seem to be pleased that we're getting the svcs of a top notch CB for the 'bargain' price of $5.89m this year, $7.1m I don't think is such a bargain AND there's no assurances that the tag price won't go up substantially above that.

  8. I tend to think it's good to have that back loaded contract for a couple of reasons (relative to more 'fair' values) from the player's perspective.

    1) You don't know how much salaries are going to escalate, so the last thing you want to be is locked in at under market values.

    and 2) When it comes time that your contract/pay levels become prohibitive (i.e. your salary is for more than you're worth), it forms a starting point and gives you leverage in the renegotiation.

  9. IIRC, he took over toward the end of the season for the (very) substandard Arians. Again, IIRC, he was adequate in his limited appearances.

    Why he wasn't asked to training camp or even mini-camps the following season is what is perplexing and disturbing. If he had gotten beat out in preseason that's one thing, but we had what turned out to be a top notch kicker on our roster only to throw him away.

    (But kickers are a dime a dozen, so I guess it's really no big deal, huh TD? :wacko: )

  10. Bear in mind, that w/ the Exclusive Rights FA, we only have the ability to 'lock' them in for 1 year, after which they become Unrestricted, so he DOES have some bargaining power in that he can choose to sign only for 1 year.

    WRT how much he's worth, AFAIC he hasn't proven anything yet so I would think it imprudent to give him a large SB. I wouldn't give him more than $3m up front tops, and preferably around $2m. Let his salaries escalate so that if he is good, we pay him decent coin.

    I'd go for something like 4 yrs, $2m SB, w/ salaries of maybe $500k, $2m, $4m, $5m.

    I guess that works out to $13.5m, but the big factor is how it's structured.

  11. Vincent showing up right before Suns kidnapping, and then the rain. Something about those two things, but just cant place my finger on it.


    I could be mistaken, but didn't that also happen to the hot blonde that got shot (forgot her name) b4 she saw/heard something odd as I recall her telling Sayid about?

  12. Playoffs=extra revenue!


    At least in the past, this was not the case & teams actually typically lost money going to the playoffs (& SB).

    They have the same expenses as a regular season game, presumably only having ticket gate revenue, etc. to offset it (i.e. no extra tv revenue share).

    TV is where all the owners make the bulk of their $.

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