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Posts posted by badassgixxer05

  1. 3 minutes ago, mannc said:

    I watched the game.   The Patriots ran at will and Brady had all day to throw.  We were extremely fortunate to be in a position to tie at the end, which of course we failed to do.  

    I watched too. We sure weren't dominated. It was a one score game. People on this board are so delusional at times. lol

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  2. 1 minute ago, Motorin' said:

    I think the Bills should work something out with him.


    I don't understand why people in Buffalo can't allow other people's grievances to be heard without this "your dead to me" attitude. 

    This is the city of good neighbors. You help the guy next door unbury his car because you are a good person, not because you think he will leave a case of beer on your porch the next day. That's the attitude most prefer around here. Sure the Bills should kick the guy something, but the fact that he has his nose up and expects something is what rubs me the wrong way. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, timekills17 said:

    I kind of agree with him using his likeness for the beer sales. I suppose there's technically no difference between the Bills using his likeness for "advertising"/"ticket sales" then there is for a beer company, but he tacitly approved of the Bills with the original intent of the video. 


    While I think his going after the Bills is in poor taste (I can't speak to the legality), I think the beer company using his image without approval is in even worse taste.

    Which is probably appropriate, given what I've heard about the beer...

    Resurgence said on their twitter that they reached out to him. Not sure what the outcome was. From his comments I'm guessing they reached out and he said well what are you doing for me $$$? They said, well your likeness is public, were not paying you anything we just want you to be apart of this great beer. Kinda disappointed as I was pumped for this release but they were out of stock already when i tried to get some. Kinda glad i didn't now...

  4. 8 minutes ago, CLTbills said:

    Too many people forget that Allen was the most raw QB coming out last year. In a perfect world, THIS was supposed to be his first year actually playing.


    I think he's far and away better than anybody thought he would be at this point. The biggest question is how much farther he can come. Based on what I've seen, I think he can get there. He doesn't ever look confused or overmatched. Sure, his play needs to be better. 


    If he takes the kind of jump from year 2 to 3 as he did from 1 to 2, we're going to be in for a hell of a ride.

    This^^ No one thought he would be as good as he has been this early in career. He was the long term project guy with a huge ceiling. When he hits that ceiling, he is going to be the best QB in NFL and that could be as early as next year. Get your popcorn haters, some fun ball is ahead. ?

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  5. 2 hours ago, CLTbills said:

    Agreed. If they hadn't said his name, and I only heard his voice, he is the absolute LAST guy that I would have thought of!

    Could you imagine Dick Jauron going for it on that 4th and 6 at around the 35 yard line on our first TD drive?


    McDermott is, if you step back and look at it, a LOT more aggressive than people give him credit for.

    Hes aggressive in the right situations. Taking the 3 was the right call there(even though i was yelling at the tv to go for the endzone! haha). Tie it up and go play D. Then can get more aggressive on next drive to take the lead. Another turn over there would have been brutal. We have to play the same this week against NE. Don't give them the ball and put them in good situations. Make Brady work a long field against our top Defense. Go Bills!

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