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Posts posted by jaybee

  1. He hasn't started in quite a long time. Of course you give him another look. Judging him on his performance 2 years ago is about what I'd expect from this bunch. Its not like we are loaded at the position and if successful doesn't require a total rebuild of the O. He may come around and I for one hope he does. Its happened before in this league.



    I couldnt agree more with what you have said. This^^^^^^^^^ is what Im praying Pegula is thinking.I would also like to add that I am starting to feel similar about Anthony Lynn, and that for continuity sake promote him to HC. He took over this offense two weeks into the season and saved our season. He has produced great gameplans and the players love and respect him. He seems to be the disciplined leader this team so desperately craves. Just imagine what he could do with a full offseason of work. I think hes going to be a hot candidate for other teams to poach. Pegula should fire Rex monday and name Lynn the interim coach, then work immediately on signing him to a long term deal.




    Also agree with the OP. Lets not forget Sammy and Clay have been absent all year too. Those two in the line-up make a difference. Why it took them 13 weeks to utilize Clay is beyond me but he's not bad. Tyrod a "hot" franchise guy ?.......no, but he's a decent bridge till we get one with a fast CPU speed. Keep him, but for the right price. Also, even the greats have bad games. Anybody see Rogers, Russel, Luck etc this year ? They sucked hard as well in several games. Be careful what you wish for. Tyrod has played well enough to not lose in many outings, I just wish I could say that for the defense which IMHO might be the worse in the NFL. Good Lord, they are bad.

  3. The product on the field is so painfully boring that threads like this are the cats meow. All the rage.


    1) Do you guys actually care what nfl employees are on the hot seat ?


    If so, and your person gets let go.......what will it mean a month from now?


    Seriously, who cares who gets fired ? What does it matter? Is your life better when someone you will never know and has no effect on your well being gets fired ?



  4. It just totally sucks that we have to talk about a complete re-boot yet again instead of who's coming to Orchard park for round one of the playoffs.


    This chat site gets its rocks off watching people get fired. I hate it. I miss having continuity and a chance at winning.


    Probably gonna be an ugly off-season and false hopes for yet another season next year.


    Yea, I am VERY frustrated.

  5. Got the vinyl copy two records total time around 43 minutes. lol.cannot stand compressed crap.

    Pleasantly surprised on this one.


    Few people these days realize what they are missing out on. Sound quality of vinyl is off the charts good. Vinyl rules and IMHO audio has taken a huge step backwards with the compressed crap.

  6. He's late because he's afraid of picks. Can't get intercepted if you don't throw.



    Doesn't trust his eyes.


    I almost wonder if there is something to these quotes. Because, if there isn't he will probably be a career back-up. I've been saying forever that I think his CPU speed is just too slow. He's comprehending what is happening downfield WAY too slowly. A huge flaw for a very gifted athlete and solid leader. I really like the kid and want to see the game slow down for him but man its maddening every Sunday. Problem is, who do you replace him with ?


    I don't think you can blanket 50% all the time.


    In the first half of today's game, the Bills offense played terribly and it made sense to not push their luck on their first score.


    If you're offense is rolling and guys are winning their battles, then I think you start going for two and passing up the PAT. But blindly going for it all the time and I don't think you get the 50% success rate.

    +1. Besides, what if you are playing against a top 5 rated defense and they are winning in the trenches. I dont think I want to try it in that situation. You would be risking momentum loss as previously mentioned.


    Its a fair question though.

  8. No playoffs for another year, but that was expected.


    This game tonight was fun, exciting, and a real nail biter.

    And sure it hurt, but I'm coming around to just trying to enjoy the games as they come.

    My thoughts exactly. Yea we lost and it hurt...bad, but they played a damn good game and while that still tallies up as an "L" its great to watch a nail-biter that we almost had against a very good team on the road.


    Its how loyal fans respond after decades of hurt. Just show some heart and I'm all good !!


    help me understand why so many people believe this is a certainty.


    what i see is a guy with a ton of raw talent who's not mentally prepared.


    what i also see is a guy who has 'it.' dude just wins. his preseason comeback (yes, i understand the context) is a perfect example. he just finds ways to get it done. you know, the opposite of our current guy.


    i know there's no math to "it" and you can't coach "it" and for the things you can measure and the things you can coach he's probably lacking.


    but with "it" comes an extra two or three wins each year.


    so help me understand why he's such a long shot when he's got the one thing ("it") that might be most valuable

    also, i'm consistently surprised at how sharp he is any time he speaks in front of the camera. so i don't doubt his ability to absorb the mental side.



    Its a fair question. A lot of folks are just regurgitating what they hear from the talking heads. The 6th rounder QB of the Patriots was a long shot too so said the talking heads.


    I wouldnt be surprised at all to see him start at some point next year, especially if Tyrod continues to vomit all over the field.


    Why would it be close to the worst signing in the world? Who would you prefer they sign?


    Because its a 1.5 mil contract for 8 games and he is not in football shape. And..its only going to be 8 games if he doesnt get a concussion when he steps off the plane in Buffalo. I like Percy, but this deal makes me scratch my head and wonder what the folks making big money to make these deals are thinking.


    For Percy its only 2 words that matter: One Million.


    He will have little impact IMHO., and besides we have a QB that only completes 50% of his throws and many of those are dump-offs.


    Not crazy about the signing but as always I'd love to eat me some crow !


    I'd prefer making a play on that kid from Cleve. Josh Gordon I think? Could be wrong on that,having a brain fart at the moment and besides its probably a mute point because we are very shaky at best at the QB position.

  11. I think once the season is out of hand it'd be good to play EJ. Give him another shot. Maybe even sooner if Tyrod continues his confusion at the position. Yea, EJ struggled before but we cant be certain that is still the case. He hasn't started in a while. Anyone remember Rich Gannon? He became quite effective after being in the league for some years. Not saying EJ will be great but I'd hate like hell to let him go and watch him blossom on another team.


    Whatever the case I just dont see Tyrod being a guy thats gonna take you to the promised land. The book is out on him and every DC in the league knows to force him to beat you through the air which he is not able to do in most games. His 4th qtr stats when behind by one score: 40% completion rate and a QBR of 50 in that situation so he's not making comebacks.


    Never thought I'd say it but I'd be OK with EJ getting another shot.

  12. Interesting. The NFL had a really good matchup and game last night, yet it was destroyed by MLB. Speaking for myself, I was far more interested in the baseball game (although I rotated between games). I personally think it's a good thing that MLB is doing well. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/10/31/world-series-wins-big-over-nfl-game/



    Good find. Just heard this on the radio. They claimed its the 1st time in 30 years ? Football is broken. Prime time games......I tried to watch last night but the commercials did it in for me and I bailed. At least you can go back and forth if there is more than one game but not so in Prime time. I find the series more dramatic than (NFL)football. Not many beer commercials any more either it seems?

  13. He's not horrible but, well he's just not very good.


    I like:


    -his atleticism


    Dont like:


    -His inconsistent accuracy

    -Very slow CPU speed


    He does show flashes of brilliance in rare occasions but REX, your job is toast if you dont pull the plug ASAP.


    I'd even cheer at EJ taking the reins at this point. He is accurate, athletic, but has an even slower CPU speed than Tyrod. We're basically screwed either way I guess.

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