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17 Josh Allen

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Everything posted by 17 Josh Allen

  1. I did not say dump E.J. What I said was if he is playing bad he needs to be pulled and a Veteran QB should come in and replace him. Just like the steelers did with Terry Bradshaw For 4 seasons. Bradshaw was benched lots during his first 4 years.
  2. The Redskins may have a problem on there hands. Kurt Cousins is looking real good And RG3 is not looking so good. Is it possible RG3 could be had in a trade. If he could I would do some back channel talking with the Skins. How about Spiller and a 2016 number 1 pick.
  3. This team has not done anything in 14 years. So no one should get a free pass and That includes E.J. Manual. I recall Terry Bradshaw the Number 1 pick in the whole Draft getting sat down and benched many times over his first 4 years with the Steelers. at one point it looked like he might be a Bust. The steelers had Jim Gilliam and Terry Hanratty come in to play QB. Bradshaw would get benched for 2 or 3 games at A time. Even the first year the Steelers went to the Super Bowl Bradshaw was riding the pine because of poor QB Play. This GM and coach need to get there head out of there you know What's and bring in a Veteran QB. My vote is Kyle Orton. He has almost 100 TD and only 68 INT and almost 15,000 passing yards. We can not waste another season not having A decent Back up QB in case E.J. Craps the bed. It's not fair to the Fans or the other Players on this team. The Same goes for Hacket if I was Marone I would take over the play Calling. This whole coaching staffs jobs are on the line. I Like Jeff Tuel and we should keep developing him but he should not be the back up QB.
  4. Kyle Orton, Christian Ponder when he gets cut, Raiders Matt Mcgloin if he gets cut, trade for Redskins Kirt Cousins. That's are only choices As I see it.
  5. It's really obvious that the Bills are worth more in Toronto or LA so this will have an Effect on the final selling price. The team can't be sold to groups or individuals Who have plans to move it. So hence less bidders and lower prices. I would be surprised If it sold for more than a Billion dollars at this point because of all the restrictions. If this was a open bid where the team could be moved I could see the price going North of 1.5 Billion. But that won't happen thank god For Ralph and his for-site.
  6. I don't see why Mary Wilson doesn't just fire Morgan Stanley. Get a lawyer or Banker And Negotiate the sale with Terry Pegula. Just simply say the Bills are for sale for 1.2 Billion and let's get the deal done. Why pay Morgan Stanley 50 Million To do this for you. They've screwed the whole process up with leaks and Manipulation. This really is a circus.
  7. The game is officially sold out per the Buffalo Bills. The game will be shown live On local affiliates in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Erie PA. So enjoy the show. I can't remember the last time the Bills sold out a preseason game. I don't think It ever happened in the Super Bowl years.
  8. This is not good news at all and if this happens As reported in the article The best thing NFL commissioner Roger Goodell could do right now is convince the Wilson trust to fire Morgan Stanley and start over. There is no economic reason why the Bills must be sold during the few months. Let the Wilson trust hire a banker that will not require potential bidders to sign an ultra-restrictive non disclosure agreements, so that people interested in buying the team could speak with each other and the NFL. Then this could turn into a fiasco. With fresh bidders and a new way of getting a owner. I already see the NFL trying to manipulate This process. I warned everyone this is not Over don't count your chickens before they hatch. If the NFL wants the Bills in Toronto or LA They will find away to do it. So if it ends up That there will be no bidding anymore. That means the highest bidder doesn't matter the NFL Will help find the right owner for the estate. Too me this is bad news and a potential problem.
  9. Go back and read his post he mentions having His booty touch her booty. I call that touching. It just shows what type Of person he is.
  10. Just so you know I reported him to the mods he is a bully he also is a mean Spirited person. All he can do is just criticize. Then He talks about touching Other guys wife's butt with his butt I just try and stay positive his kind won't drag me down
  11. John from Hemet said Easily the best post you have written on the forum.....perhaps because it is one of the shortest This was Easily the biggest waste of time post you have ever made Note that's my opinion. Please stop wasting your time. I will post the way I want to to. Simply stop reading it if you don't like my posts. Again the PC police are at it again.
  12. I have been part of the group for over a decade and enjoy this site Very much, but lately the English Police and grammar police and How to type or format a post police have been out in full force. Look I'm not perfect. I type these posts on a iphone. Sometimes The auto correct screws my post up. I am a hard core fan. I've had season ticket's 1989 thru 1996. So I would ask the mods To warn other posters. That grammar and format of a post should not Be called out in the open to demean posters. If your doing this it Should be against the rules. It's just wasting time and space on the server And getting away from the conversation were trying to have about the Topic I started. That's my opinion about it. See now were talking about other stuff instead of why halftime artists Have to pay to play and give up some or there tour money.
  13. Cheese and rice...... All the English professors on TBD get annoying. I could read it. No problem. Was it good for a term paper, military memo, legal finding or physics dissertation? No. If it really bothers you that much, don't read it. If you can't read it, you may want reasses you're own intelligence. Or you like the view from you're pedestal so much, it doesn't matter that you're BLOGGING with people of various backgrounds and education levels. Some people can't help but be Richards. Thanks for your support. The PC police And English police are getting more bold by the day on this site. If you don't like The way my posts look then please don't Read them. Your request for me to change My style will have no effect. I will keep posting The way I want to. So your really just Wasting your time. My posts are done on a iphone. So the box to Type into is small. Maybe that's why I use the return key a lot. So please Just enjoy the site and good banter between Fellow fans. Life is too short. The OP makes good points. However, his frequent, unnecessary use of the return key gets in the way of his intended message. Are you telling me you can't read down to the next line as I write What I have to say. So if a guy posts a 1000 word message and it Has 100 lines you won't be able to read it or move down to The next line to continue reading. I don't get your thought process on this.
  14. Excuse me the NFL is getting the money From the Commercials. The performers Keep more eyes in the TV. In my opinion This is just plain wrong. To ask for money From the bands post half time appearance tour dates is wrong.
  15. The issue is until this year bands or performers Did not have to pay to play. They just donated There time and band to play. Now not only does the nfl want them to pay to play but they want Money from there tour dates after they preform At the halftime show. You don't see a problem with that.
  16. If you don't like the way I write my posts please don't read them. Thanks,
  17. Can you believe the the gull of this bunch Of billionaire money grabbers. How can this NFL be a non for profit orginaztion. I'm talking about the league offices. Not only do they want bands that want to preform At the superbowl half time show to pay the NFL to appear on the halftime show. They also want To grab some of the bands or performers post Super Bowl performance proceeds from there post tour revenue. It's time for congress to reign this group in Just think about it, they black out games in stadiums paid by tax payers, then they pay the commissioner 44 million dollars a year. Link to the article http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/nfl-to-coldplay-pay-to-play-the-super-bowl-1408465018?mobile=y Some info from the article The National Football League doesn't usually pay the act that performs at halftime during the Super Bowl. But in a twist this year, the league has asked artists under consideration for the high-profile gig to pay to play, according to people familiar with the matter. The NFL has narrowed down the list of potential performers for the 2015 Super Bowl to three candidates: Rihanna, Katy Perry, and Coldplay, these people said. While notifying the artists' camps of their candidacy, league representatives also asked at least some of the acts if they would be willing to contribute a portion of their post-Super Bowl tour income to the league, or if they would make some other type of financial contribution, in exchange for the halftime gig.
  18. So if the bon Jovi group has no shot then why do they keep getting propped up. Why is it the PR machine of the NFl sends out press releases about the Bon Jovi Group is back In the bidding. I hear radio up dates on NFL network on radio and TV ESPN reports how there a finalist. CNN even scrolled on then bottom of there news Shows that Bon Jovi group is meeting with the Bills trust today to buy the team. I've seen all sorts of Bills fans at at the pro football hall of fame protesting This group and at the Carolina Game also. His Music is not played any where In western ny. But do you think the NFL might have something to do with the Carolina Panthers playing his Music during the Bills pre-season game down there. You can keep believing that this process is all on the up and up but I don't believe it for a 2nd. If there's Away for the NFL to get a team in Toronto or LA they will do it. So keep thinking were Ok and no one is working behind the scenes to steal are team. Oh by the way I never changed my opinion. I support Pegula 1000 percent. I want him to own this team. But there's a lot of things he can't control And those are the things I'm concerned about. If the NFL will let the Colts Move to Indy and the Browns out of Cleveland. Don't think for a 2nd they Won't try and manipulate the process to the Toronto groups favor. The NFL won't feel bad if the Bills Move to Toronto. They already feel Toronto Is in the Buffalo Market. They will just say the fans can still seem there team play. It's a short drive to Toronto. They won't look at it as a city losing a team because The bills will be very close to home and kept in the same Market. The NFL only cares about one thing and one thing only. The all mighty dollar.
  19. Let me be clear. My choice is Pegula I want him to own the team. I expect him to get it. But 90 percent of you think it's in the bag. Trust me it's not there are forces at work Pushing to get the Toronto group to the finish line. Nothing is certain and I don't trust anyone. So keep drinking the everything is all right Kool Aid. I really hope I don't have to say I told you so at the end of this process. all I'm saying is we need to stay on top of this As a community and a city.
  20. It would not surprise me at all if the NFL owners Do not approve Pegula. Based on the environmental damage his company does to the earth with the Fracking. I think that this NF reporter is trying to stir that angle up To see if it will stick. All it would take is some environmental groups or activists to start making Noise about Pegula and his Company and what He is doing to the enviorment. If these groups starting picketing NFL HQ and get on the news talk shows. It might be enough for the other owners to say hey we don't want this problem or need this headache. He might not get enough votes by the Nfl owners and fall a few votes short. I still say you guys Are missing what's going on here. There are forces at work behind the seens The NFL Wants a team in Toronto that's the bottom line. How can you explain the Bon Jovi group still being in the game. They don't have the funds to compete with Pegula if Bon Jovi is the majority owner but yet there still in the game. They have nine lives. Look they will say anything about keeping the Bills in Buffalo. But when the current lease expires they will just say hey we tried to Get a new stadium agreement with Erie county And NY state and it just did not work out. They will say a NFL team in a 40 year old stadium Just does not work any more. The Bills will move If this group gets to buy them. So keep on thinking this is in the bag because it's Not. I'm not so sure the Trust will in the end Decide that Toronto is in the Bills home territory And close enough for the fans to get to the games Some how Pegula will get knocked out from not having enough votes from the NFL owners. So they will go ahead and sell to the Toronto Group. Mark my words this is going to get nasty And it's not going to make sense but some how It's going to happen. The Toronto group will Get this team some how some way.
  21. Don't get me wrong I love Johhny Football. But as time goes on I think there Going to regret not taking Blake Borttles. I think he will turn out to be the player Of this draft along with Sammy Watkins.
  22. Time to start believing in conspiracy theories I've been saying this all along. Last week I started the thread about how there is 8 groups moving to round 2 who actually get to meet with the Bills trust and see all the books. The rules seem change As this thing moves along. Most of the known groups were vetted in the media and by Fans and it made a difference. These groups Were also vetted by Morgan Stanley. We were told only 2 moved forward to Round 2 Pegula and Trump the 3rd group Bonjovi was told to resubmit there bid. Then all of a sudden we were told there are now 8 going to round 2 WTF. This is a cluster in the greatest sense. I don't trust anyone to do the right thing at this point. Bottom line is a franchise in Toronto Or Los Angeles is what the NFL wants and needs. Don't ever forget that, if they can allow The colts and Browns to move don't think for A second they care about little old Buffalo. It just makes all the other teams in the NFL more valuable with Teams in the bigger market like Toronto or LA. So for those who say oh don't worry it's in the bag Terry Pegula's got this. I almost half expect some article will come out tieing him to something Seedy or ilegal so he can't be approved as a NFL Owner. I don't Trust The NFL commissioner Or the other owners or even the Trust. We better stay Vigilant and Erie County better Start protecting this asset. We only get one shot at this. I believe there are forces at work here that don't want us to keep our team in Buffalo and they will do everything in there power to make That happen.
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