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Posts posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Corbin Burnes to the Orioles for about their 8th and 9th best prospects.  Granted they’re good and would be the Yankees top 2 prospects, but Baltimore just got a top 10 MLB pitcher and didn’t make a dent in their system.  Brewers could have gotten more IMO.  See you in 2029 if you’re lucky Yanks.

  2. Although I think he is missing a few things that would point away from aliens, this is an interesting video that points out a few factors that imply that we might not be unique…..just early.


    Either way, I thought some might find it interesting.  The first part is all science but about halfway through the implications for life are mentioned.



  3. 10 hours ago, Bruffalo said:

    I guess OP falls into the loud mouth category then under your assessment. You're probably right though, the average NFL fan doesn't care, but there's enough screeching for it to be a commentary. 

    Be careful you don’t lose your balance when you’re typing.  It’s a long fall off that high horse you’re perched upon.

    • Eyeroll 2
  4. 1 hour ago, HappyDays said:

    Nice. McDermott can be an actual head coach this year, and if he fails again we have Ben Johnson lined up for next year. This is the most hopeful I've been about the future in a while.

    There will be shinier objects than Ben Johnson at some point,  For now let’s focus on shiny player objects.  Who will be this year’s “must have, can’t miss”  2024 version of Beckham, Ertz, Hopkins, etc.  Please let me know ASAP.

  5. 20 hours ago, DrDawkinstein said:




    I'm curious as to what happened in his past to make him like this. But really not that concerned.

    Realistic and objective observations of society made me “like this”.  But if you’re not concerned, that’s your prerogative.  There used to be a poster on here who essentially claimed different strains of pot as being cures for just about every disease known to mankind.  That hasn’t panned out.

  6. 1 hour ago, Golden*Wheels said:

    Jesus. Again perhaps I am simply writing badly again....locked up for simply smoking pot ("over it") which is a giant waste of time. A courteous or even common sense reading would get you there buddy.


    Maybe go smoke a joint an relax or something.  I dunno.



    I’m not your buddy, guy.

  7. 1 hour ago, Augie said:

    I’m glad the dog survived. You’ve got a problem bigger than pot if you stabbed your dog. 


    I’m not saying it couldn’t be a factor, but you know a defense attorney has to pin it on something other than the defendant. 




    Well it worked on judge pothead.


    Actually a pothead judge might have denied any I’ll effects from pot and thrown the book at her.  Potheads are highly defensive,  It’s an odd story.  

  8. 3 hours ago, Pete said:

    correlation is not causation.  Did she have fast food that day?  Did she listen to Taylor Swift?  Did she have UGGs on?  See you can link anything?

    She is obviously weak minded

    First reply: pot deflection.  Such a surprise.

    1 hour ago, Golden*Wheels said:

    100%.  Not trying to be a dick...isn't that what I implied? I meant to, maybe I wrote it poorly.


    (EDIT: I am neither a reefer madness dude, nor a "it's a harmless plant man!" dude either.  I am just pleased we're not wasting time locking people up over it. )


    108 stabs not enough to lock someone up?  250 the threshold?

  9. 1 hour ago, GETTOTHE50 said:

    Idk who had the worse hire. falcons, titans, or panthers. 


    Chargers did well and the pierce hire made sense for the raiders.


    otherwise, must have not been much to choose from for these franchises? Idk, over half of these hires seem sus 

    I’ll take shiny object evaluations for $500 Alex.

  10. 19 hours ago, BuffaloBill said:

    For everyone wanting a WR - statistics say round # 1 picks are a coin flip relative to productivity in year #1.  

    If you remove overhyped Bama receivers from that equation your chances for success go way up.

    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, Solomon Grundy said:

    Has there been an Alabama offensive lineman that has made it in the league recently? 

    90+% of Alabama draftees are overhyped.  The ones who hit can turn out to be big stars but the Leatherwoods are more plentiful.  Or the Ruggs variety.


    I’d compare them to the Yankees farm system but with occasional winners.

  12. 31 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    No because dumbasses are making comments about throwing dildos at her. Of course they’re gonna put her in a box where she can’t be touched or or else she could just be treated like a normal fan if people weren’t being so stupid.

    They are dumbasses.  Obviously she can afford to buy her own……….never mind.

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