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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Wow, check the holding on SUH on the TD play; See it does go both ways! The officiating just sucks, as someone pointed out in the first half thread!
  2. Of course he does! They should be throwing it at him as much as possible every game.
  3. That's about a 58 yard flick of the wrist for Tyrod!
  4. I enjoyed that; dropping F bombs right through the ref's open Mic.
  5. What was that about Hughes being manhandled! That was a huge play, especially his ability to scoop the ball up with 1 arm!
  6. Oh come on man. You're moving the goal posts here. He doesn't stare down 1 receiver all the time, that was my point. We don't even know what he was looking at downfield (off screen); it may have been a great play to eat the sack. Who knows!
  7. Tyrod clearly looked at 3 different receivers on that sack for anyone keeping count.
  8. Issue: Effectiveness of "New Look" D vs. "Old Look" D. Conclusion:
  9. I just want to start off by mentioning that our D is the softest, worst coached, and most penalized D in the history of sport.
  10. Hey, who you calling "Common man?" But since you did, here's some halftime entertainment...love this version.
  11. I commend Miami for going for it. Not something you see very often in that situation.
  12. Tyrod flicked that ball 55 yards in the air and it didn't even look like he stepped into it. Reminds of that video someone posted weeks ago where Vick was amazed at Tyrod's arm strength.
  13. Fede obviously watching too much Bills special teams film.
  14. Yep. Tyrod actually does a pretty good impersonation of a good QB while we continue to try to find the real McCoy.
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