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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Like others said you need an attorney yesterday. I was in a serious wreck last Septemeber that was not my fault. I suffered a bad break to my tibia, and I'll likely end up blind in my left eye. The adjuster was trying to call my wife while I was still in a 10 hour surgery to likely attempt us to bite on an unreasonable settlement. Since my family was quick to get an attorney to represent us, we knew better and just referred the adjuster to him. Yes the attorney will get ~1/3 of whatever settlement you might receive, but you just won't get a reasonable offer otherwise.

  2. Again numbnuts, who the fugg swapped teams?


    You did, numbnuts.


    We went down there to root on Ronny Francis in 2002, with Penguins jerseys on. We liked it. When our team wasn't in the playoffs last year, we went again. And rooted for the home team.


    I still call Pittsburgh "home", just like you. LOL. Unreal. We went for the atmosphere. The atmosphere in Raleigh was good. Instead of sitting around picking our ass in 80 degree heat in May, and heading for a local bar or Hall and Oates concert....we went and watched hockey. Low and behold, we actually let ourselves and had fun. We also rooted for the home team.


    I haven't paid attention to them any this year. Matter of fact, I didn't pay attention to them last year, until the playoffs.


    Your philosophy isn't unique to WNY'ers.......that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. But when a bunch of transplanted Pittsburghers have a choice in May and the only sprorting events going on in the region are Nats or O's baseball, or playoff hockey......well, gee Elmer, sorry we went down to Raleigh and rooted for the home team. When this current Pens team doesn't make the playoffs again (which should be about 2022), we'll choose to go to a Nats game instead. But of course, we won't let ourselves have fun if they aren't playing the Pirates.





    I'll just let your words stand on their own as continued proof that you just don't get it.

  3. This is why (this thread) is why I ground myself more and more at SabreSpace and sorry for being such a BFLO snob... Why the Bills and the NFL's national attention (along of course with the Sabres doing well) is why I have always felt closer to the Sabres...


    If the Bills ever left, even if they were winning... I wouldn't give a flyin' phuck... Now if the Sabres left, even if they were losing... I would be MORE hurt.


    The Sabres in so many ways historically are the anti-BFLO team... True they never won the Cup... But, there is so much more pedigree in the team...


    And again, sorry for being such a BFLO snob... It is clearly "our" team... That is those of us that grew up in the Southern Ontario/WNY region.


    Elitist to the BFLO region I am sure... But, who ever accused me of NOT being elitist AT times...





    Thank you. It's not really about being an elitist fan though. Heck, I know that I'm no super fan. I'm just a fan who can't fathom team swapping. I have center ice and get to watch maybe 75% percent of the games and I read Sabrespace. That's pretty much the extent of my support of this team. It really does boil down to a different philosophy that I believe is unique to WNYers. Living in Raleigh, many of my neighbors and co-workers are transplants from different parts of the country. People from cities with NHL teams like Chicago, Boston, Philly and Detroit. These people are all Canes fans now and they have just as hard of a time understanding why I'm not a Canes fan as I do understanding why they bailed on their hometown team. I think it boils down to what someone else brought up in a thread a few days ago, transplanted WNYers are the only ones who refer to the region as "home" no matter how long they have been away. The Sabres and Bills are a little piece of home that we can bring with us and we refuse to let go.

  4. Oh give me a fuggin break. This is about the dumbest post I've ever seen. Even though this post wasn't about the Pens vs. Sabres and Superfandom as you have made it........you've chosen to make it that way.


    If you must know, aside from being a Bills season ticket holder......I am also a partial plan Pittsburgh Penguins, and a partial Pittsburgh Pirates season ticket holder. I will hopefully be at every Penguins playoff game this season (barring a few), since I purcahsed the playoff package, which is the main reason I am a partial season ticket holder. Same with the Buccos. That means I'll most likely also go to some on the road......especially if they end up at New Jersey, Buffalo or Carolina along the way.


    Don't lecture me on how good of a fan I am of Pittsburgh teams. As a matter of fact, if you'd like to know, and make this about how fiercly loyal I am to the Pens.....why don't think back to 2001, as that was the last season I was able to see MY Pens in the playoffs. Aside from attending game 5 of the Eatern Conference finals in New Jersey, I seem to remember the round before between the Pens and Buffalo.


    How does Mario Lemieux, with about a minute to play ring a bell? Martin Straka in OT, how's that sound? Or let's move on to the next game......Darius Kasparaitus??????? Sound familiar. I attended every game of that series from game 3 on. And I will say that we had ZERO trouble getting tickets for any of the games in Buffalo. ZERO. As a matter of fact, for the last two games of that series in Buffalo, we sat 8 rows from the ice, where the Pens shot twice......with our MOOSE antlers on, only to be outdone by a couple of thousand Pens fans in the upper deck...........esp in game 5.


    So, take your super fandom and stick it up your ass.......you're barking up the wrong tree. And if the Pens are ever out again, I will most likely go to Carolina and have a great time again. Just like my other 4 friends from the Burgh, who did the exact same thing. It's a fun time down there.


    Now, let me know if you need any tickets for the Pens - Buffalo series, should one happen. I'd be happy to find you some at about 10 times face value.


    Relax. I never questioned your Pens loyalty, you clearly stated that you have that. When they are winning. If they aren't then you'll hop on another teams' bandwagon. Your kind is plentiful in these parts so you fit right in. No big deal.

  5. Now, is that enough of a justification?


    Nope. Not if you want to consider yourself a life long Pens fan. I have been to many Canes games over the years when they weren't playing the Sabres and merely enjoyed it for the competiton of NHL hockey. I had no rooting interest in the outcome whatsoever because I'm a life long Sabres fan.


    I have had this discussion too many times with team-swapping neighbors and co-workers, I guess the fierce loyalty is just a Buffalo thing that others can't understand.

  6. Hold on a second, and correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you a huge Canes fan last year? I may be thinking of someone else. Not surprising if you are that guy though, the Canes had tons of fans last year who were "life long fans" of some other team.


    Outside of that I do agree with your take on the upcoming playoffs.

  7. OK, here's the "I Hate Everything" snob report you've all been waiting for:


    In Flames: Again...the hair tossing is just stupid. The video is cheesy...but, I really like the production style. This is metal at its most mediocre, IMO. Where are the blistering guitar solos? The short, 7th grade riff at about 2:30 just isn't metal worthy, IMO. This is more like a punk/garage band with a metal sound.


    Porcupine Tree: The opening of this song was AWESOME. Very Captain Beyond-esque. I thought, "Holy S#it! This is going to be great" (I had heard so much about this band, I was very excited to hear something this good)...and THEN, the vocals came in and the song turned fairly lame, IMO. What the hell happened? I really don't like the lead singer at all. But, because of the quality of the intro, I'd give them another listen. The ntro had elements of meta, but, of course, this was not metal.


    Mastodon: Very fun video (and I generally don't like videos). This is fun metal...but, it's still missing the displays of instrumental power i like to hear in my metal. How about a great guitar solo or two and/or some flying guitar work under the vocals instead of just power chords?


    Murderdolls: Standard metal. I've heard worse, that's for sure. Decent vid. Again, where's the senseless display of chops? And what's with the stupid Billy Idol-esque snear?


    All in all, not a bad selection, boys. Now for the snob link. This is not metal, but has elements of metal. The album on which these songs originally appear is one of the great albums of all-time, IMO. What we have hear is a VERY rough, and poor quality recording of a live performance in 1971 or 1972. The singer, Rod Evans, sounds like his voice has just about had it from a long tour. Nevertheless, you should be able to get the idea of the quality of all the musicians in the band. The drummer, Bobby Caldwell, may just be GOD:






    Good stuff, Dean.


    Steven Wilson (guitar, lead vocals) basically is Porcupine Tree. I agree that the vocals are the weakest part of PT's music, but he is such a phenomenal musician and songwriter that I can overlook that. PT also wrote what should be the anthem of all music snobs, The Sound Of Muzak. Not the official video obviously, but it's the album track.


    Hear the sound of music

    Drifting in the aisles

    Elevator prozac

    Stretching on for miles


    The music of the future

    Will not entertain

    It's only meant to repress

    And neutralise your brain


    Soul gets squeezed out

    Edges get blunt


    Gives what you want


    And if PT isn't heavy enough for you, check out the work Steven Wilson did producing and contributing to the band Opeth. It's not my cup of tea personally, but this is probably more along the lines of what BlueFire was asking for originally.



  8. I'm annoyed by people who respond to critcism of our government (a government, mind you that is VERY deserving of criticism) (and a criticism, mind you, which is fundamental to being an American) by calling PARTISANSHIP! PARTISANSHIP!




    okay I have to stop now


    You were being critical of our government? All I read was anti-Bush talking points. You'll have to forgive me for misinterpreting that as partisanship.

  9. I was only 16 when Bush took office so was I adamant about Clinton? not really. But, we weren't at war when Clinton was in office ...we also didn't majorly flub the recovery from a natural disaster under clinton...we weren't $11 trillion in dept under Clinton...the Clinton administration actually cared about the environment...at least Clinton never made false promises to Christians (of all people)...the American middle class still had its neck above water with Clinton...do I really need to go on??


    As far as the sources, yeah, okay, you got me. I'm at work and didnt' really feel like doing extensive research to prove common sense.


    I'm annoyed by partisan lemmings from either side of the aisle.

  10. It has been suggested many times here (usually when the Sabres are coming off of a loss) that the team is too "finesse-oriented" and that in the playoffs, guys like Grier and Pyatt are the guys you need. You know, slow lumbering forwards with bad hands are the guys that win games. Grier was a good player here, and filled a role well. However, I don't think it's any coincidence that Drury is having the best offensive season of his career now that the offensive drain MG is off his wing. Last year, Drury had 30 goals (16 on the PP) and 67 points in 81 games and had a +/- of -11. This year, he has 35 goals (16 on the PP) and 60 points in 67 games and is a +3. You could also say that the PK has struggled without Grier (or McKee) and you'd probably be right also.


    Grier and Pyatt were fine players who you pretty much knew what you would get out of them. However, I think a lot of fans looking for a reason why this Sabres team doesn't have "it" are overstating the importance of players who are no longer around. If not having Mike Grier or Taylor Pyatt means you're in trouble, your team wasn't going anywhere in the first place.


    Playoff success for the Sabres, much like the other 15 teams who make the playoffs, will revolve around goaltending. I have no worries with Miller and would take him over just about everyone else. As for grit, the Sabres don't seem to have much of it on paper, but when has a Lindy-coached Sabres team NOT played gritty in the playoffs??? He has a way of getting his players to step out of their comfort zones in the post season.


    I'm very excited, and other than getting the team healthy, I couldn't be happier with the roster heading into the playoffs. Would you trade places/rosters with ANY other team?


    Excellent post. You know what is even more important come playoff time than this perceived lack of 'grit' that a lot of people keep harping on? Luck. The teams in the playoffs are just too close in overall talent, often the victor in a seven game series simply comes down to who got more breaks (see last years Cup winners). The Sabres playing at the top of their game with grit and determination will not equal a Cup, they also need the bounces and a healthy line-up to really stand their best chance of binging it home. Either way I'm going to enjoy watching it, which is something a lot of other people just can't seem to do.

  11. The Aud - Rush 1992


    HSBC- Saw the Hip there twice and that's it. Decent shows, but the Hip need to be seen at the smaller clubs.


    Darien Lake - Big Head Todd & The Monsters at 1994 Horde Tour.


    The Tralf - Spirit of The West about six years ago


    Nietzsches- Southern Culture on the Skids


    That place on Abbott Rd that used to be the buffalo brew pub - The Lowest Of The Low around 2000-2001.


    Ogden street music hall - Sloan


    Thursday at the Square - 54-40

  12. They have new CD coming out in April and US tour starting then as well.

    They are starting to play bigger places (like up to 1200+ seats) here in the US and Canada.

    Overseas in Europe they play to much larger crowds.

    But it is still cool to see them catching on here.


    When their last CD "In Absentia" came out, is was actually number 1 on Amazon's sales charts for a few days.


    Yes, I'm eagerly awaiting the new Porcupine Tree release 'Fear Of A Blank Planet'. Unfortunately, none of the already announced tour dates bring them anywhere near NC.

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