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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. With as bad as this organization has performed for the past decade or so, we as Bills fans should be thrilled anyone in the national media even puts forth the effort to take a cheap shot at the Bills.

  2. no-where did I say they were stupid. Evil would be more apt, except i don't think they are willfully evil. they are simply ignorant and don't give a rat's ass about anything outside their own teeny-tiny little world.


    which, by the way, they can have. typically they lead the country in high school pregnancy, dropouts, family poverty and more. they are the first to scream for help when it's THEM and the first to scream AGAINST help for anyone else.


    seriously i just had to yuck it up a bit over hurricane ike. the people in houston were simply VILE over the katrina refugees. so was it just not divine intervention that houston got clobbered? maybe they'll be a little more understanding if it ever happens again.




    It's refreshing to see someone on PPP who forms their opinions only after carefully considering both sides of issues. You'd only be a partisan hack if you simply resorted to makng broad generalizations about people you don't agree with. Bravo!






  3. Sometimes the incredible tangents on this board drive me up a wall. Let's mention that UB - not so long ago worst team in Division 1-A, couldn't win a road game, couldn't win a home game, talked about going back to Division III - UB won their Division last night and clinched a bowl game.


    UB is going bowling!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?????????????


    Hats off to Turner Gill for trusting in his senior QB to audiblize and run a pro-style offense. If Willy gets drafted late - good on him. If he doesn't, he'll get a shot as a FA. But the story is - UB is going to a bowl game! Will wonders cease?



    Well said. I'm very proud of my alma mater today. Go UB!

  4. The amazing thing is the guy had wired the signs, had a yellow warning sign, had video cameras rolling and it looked like the kids parents may have been in the background encouraging the swap out of a Mccain banner to an Obama one.


    last night I was driving by one of the local pumpkin patches, place was closed for the evening. I noticed a SUV parked nearby with headlights pointed onto the patch. Out in the field was 2 kids maybe 6 and 8 and their parents grabbing up pumpkins. On the back of the SUV was a bumper sticker for McCain and one of those my student is an honor student stickers.


    looks like parents are setting great examples for their children.


    It may very well be that they were stealing the pumpkins. However, I do know that two pumpkin patches that I have been to in the Raleigh area with my kids over the years both had boxes where you could pay by the honor system if you showed up after hours.

  5. The point of the article is that A-list celebrities don't bother getting on the Stern show like they once used to, and he doesn't make news like he once did because of his FCC troubles. No one disputes he has more money than god now.




    They actually brought up this article on the show yesterday. Apparently some guy from the NY Post wrote a similar article a few years ago. Anyway, Baba booey had a good point, the A-list celebrities that they brought up that were on when he was on terrestrial radio were names of people that appeared over like a five year period. The guest examples they used in the article from satellite appeared over the past few months. Gary rattled off some names of celebrities that have been on the show since Howard moved to Sirius and the names were comparable to the names in the article from the terrestrial radio days.

  6. No, beat the index including all those "high" costs. And go ahead and call Vanguard for some advice on your "plan". Did your Vanguard "adviser" look at your tax return, estate plan, life insurance etc, etc? Yeah, I didn't think so. By the way, what's your adviser's name? 1-800-VANGUARD? You get what you pay for in life.


    Exactly. I'm my own financial adviser so I never felt the need to call Vanguard for advice. My accountant and attorney have advised me on tax and estate planning, but thanks for your concern. Most people feel more comfortable hiring an adviser and that's fine. I see no problem with people going to a reputable fee only financial planner if they don't have the time or confidence to do it on their own. But it ain't rocket science so there is no reason most people can't do it on their own.

  7. Get yourself into low cost index funds with companies such as Vanguard or Fidelity. With a well laid out plan based on your individual situation that includes proper diversification, asset allocation and regular re-balancing of your porfolio you can ride out the ups and downs. There hasn't been a single ten year period in the history of the stock market where it lost. Investing is about the long run. Do not try to time the market, it's ultimately a losers game for 99% of us. I said it in another thread, buy this book, read it and put your plan into action.

  8. Which is why the absolute best advice you can give someone entering the workforce is to put at least the minimum to get full company match in their 401k, and everytime they get a raise they should put part of that into their 401k as well until it is maxed out.


    If you never see the money in your pocket and never get used to spending it, it is a lot easier to keep yourself living w/in your means, and setting yourself up to actually be able to afford to retire in 40 years.



    This is great advice and is something I have adhered to for some time now. I work for a Fortune 500 company with over 25k employees worldwide. There was a retirement seminar at our site last year where we were told almost 25% of US employees do not participate in the 401k plan at all!! WTF??? I was shocked that people would be that stupid to throw away free money by not at least contributing to the company match.

  9. George: "Do you ever just get down on your knees and thank God that you know me and have access to my dementia?"



    That whole scene is great..


    GEORGE: Hey, what happened with Sandy. I forgot all about it.


    Did you call her?


    JERRY: Yeah, I did. In fact I went over there.


    GEORGE: So what happened? She throw you out? Eh?


    JERRY: No actually, she took it pretty well.


    GEORGE: So what happened?


    JERRY: She's into it.


    GEORGE: Into what?


    JERRY: The manage. And not only that. She just called me and said


    she talked to the roommate and the roomate's into the manage too.


    GEORGE: That's unbelievable.


    JERRY: Oh, it's a scene man.


    GEORGE: Do you ever just get down on your knees and thank god that


    you know me and have access to my dementia?


    JERRY: What are you talking about? I'm not goin' to do it.


    GEORGE: You're not goin to do it? What do you mean, You're not goin


    to do it?


    JERRY: I can't. I'm not an orgy guy.


    GEORGE: Are you crazy? This is like discovering Plutonium ... by accident.


    JERRY: Don't you know what it means to become an orgy guy? It changes


    everything. I'd have to dress different. I'd have to act different. I'd have to


    grow a mustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions and I'd need a new


    bedspread and new curtains I'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting.


    I'd have to get new friends. I'd have to get orgy friends.


    ... Naw, I'm not ready for it.


    GEORGE: If only something like that could happen to me.


    JERRY: Oh, shut up you couldn't do it either.


    GEORGE: I know.

  10. Jerry: There's been a big misunderstanding here! We did that whole thing

    for your benefit. We knew you were eavesdropping. That's why my

    friend said all that. It was on purpose! We're not gay! Not that

    there's anything wrong with that...


    George: No, of course not...


    Jerry: I mean that's fine if that's who you are...


    George: Absolutely...


    Jerry: I mean I have many gay friends...


    George: My father is gay...


    Sharon: Look, I know what I heard.


    Jerry: It was a joke...


    George: Look, you wanna have sex right now? Do want to have sex with me right

    now? Let's go! C'mon, let's go baby! C'mon!


    Kramer: Hey, C'mon! Let's go! I thought we were going to take a steam!


    George: No!


    Jerry: No steam!


    Kramer: Well I don't want to sit there naked all by myself!

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