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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 7 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I am actually curious if anyone feels the lockdowns and mandates were successful? The numbers across the board show that Florida did well relative to the number of people 70+ in our state while NY and NJ did terrible. There is little evidence that the damage done to our economy saved more lives than it cost in suicides, murders and drug overdoses, in fact the John's Hopkins estimate makes the case that it cost lives more than it saved. Finally the US number of deaths is more than India who has 6 times the number of people and did not lockdown. How has it been successful?


    I'll go with arbitrary, unscientific and counterproductive. 


    But when you successfully politicize a pandemic you will always get numbskulls to believe anything at all as long as it's coming from their side.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, billsfanmiamioh said:

    This “study” the CDC released touting the effectiveness of masks is laughable. Selection bias, interviewer bias, no blinding, etc. Middle school students could design a study with more validity. I especially like the part where they admit cloth masks showed no statistically significant difference than wearing no mask 😂. Absolute 🤡 show. 





    Wait you mean you took the time to read the actual study and understand the study design, results, data and interpretation?  Why?  We all know by now that all you need to do to "Follow the Science" is to read a few hundred characters from a Twitter blue check non-scientist "journalist" who tells you what they think a study said. 


    That's science baby and it's settled. Twitter told me so. <_<

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 1 minute ago, WhoTom said:

    Check out this young lady on the song that Neil said was the most difficult song for him to play:




    I was just watching this earlier.  More than anything you can tell she is having an absolute blast playing TS.  Alex Lifeson even had to respond and give his seal of approval.



    • Like (+1) 2
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  4. Well better late than never.  40th anniversary version of MP is being released during its 41st anniversary year.  Best part of this package for me is the first ever soundboard / professionally recorded version of an complete MP tour show.  I have some great audience recordings from that tour, notably '81 Anaheim and '81 Chicago that come close at times to professional quality but I'm still looking forward to this one.  2022 is also the 40th anniversary of the Signals album release and it will be interesting to see if there is an on time release for that or if it gets pushed back as well.



    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  5. Trubisky is a victim of the Bills losing too many games they should have won. Pitt. Tenn. Jax. They win those and he almost certainly gets a start at the end of the season and the opportunity to put up an impressive game to bolster his stock. The Rob Johnson effect. 


    I don't think he goes to the Giants. He had opportunities to go to rebuilding teams last year and chose the Bills instead. No rebuilds and a legit opportunity to compete as a starter. If nothing like that materializes then I could see another 1 year deal with the Bills and a shot at starting some late season games 

  6. On 1/22/2022 at 1:28 PM, BuffaloBill said:

    Just watched “Beyond the Lighted Stage” on Netflix.  It’s hard to fathom a random gathering of three guys who could be so talented and remain working together for so long.  These guys just left a mark on the rock world that will never be duplicated.  


    On 1/25/2022 at 8:37 PM, Nextmanup said:

    I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that they were more or less normal Canadian boys despite all the fame and money.  They remained "normal" and level headed and got a lot of longevity out of that.

    Reminds me of the guys in U2, I think most of whom don't drink alcohol and are very stable people.  Which explains why they've been around forever as well.


    Sting is another guy in that mold, and he's been around forever as well.  


    Other "artists" are a little unstable and burn out fast.





    If you haven't already also check out "Time Stand Still" a documentary about their final tour in 2015.




    Here's the full documentary...



  7. 16 hours ago, stevestojan said:

    I’ve been judged for my Bills pessimism by family, friends, random strangers, etc. But I feel like it’s somehow protected me from the gut wrenching reactions like this. Now, I pout for 24 hours then move on. 

    Same. It was blind rage and fury in the moment. The next day I was over it.


    16 hours ago, stevestojan said:

    I definitely got this Bills attitude from my dad. The last text he sent me during the game was “13 seconds and three timeouts. Not over yet.” 

    So, since the NFL season seems so fast and the off-season blows, I’ll definitely be watching the games this weekend. Rooting for the Bungles, because why not. 



    Same here. My dad is the ultimate Bills pessimist and has ultimately been justified with that view through the years.


    I still won't watch any of the remaining games though.  It's mainly because I just don't care about anything in the NFL other than the Bills at this point. I used to bet and play fantasy but haven't done any of that in over a decade.  I wouldn't really watch any of the playoffs during the drought years either. I wont watch because with the Bills now out I simply don't care.

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