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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. On 7/12/2018 at 11:36 AM, IDBillzFan said:


    It's kind of funny that while we're ALL watching leftists beat people, chase people down at their homes, throw things at people because of a hat they consider racist, kick people out of restaurants, block traffic, smear their feces on police cars, block ICE from busting up a sex ring, and light things on fire while destroying public businesses, you somehow see outrage from the right.


    That's why we call them snowflakes. That and because they all believe you literally need a safe room filled with quiet and play-doh when someone has an opinion that differs from their own. They literally protest their own campus for inviting a conservative speaker, and get upset when their college promotes that one of their graduates was picked for the highest court in the land.


    They are unable to discuss anything because they're too busy resisting. And they're too busy resisting because to discuss things would show everyone the hypocrisy of their thinking.  There are undoubtedly factions on the right who step out of bounds, but to suggest the conservatives are the whiny snowlflakes filled with outrage simply means you see only what you want to see.








    Maybe tomorrow the truckers will begin engaging in just one of the bolded activities. Don't hold your breath.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. The NFL plays one game a year where the halftime is twice as long as every other game. The Super Bowl. For this reason I've always hated these halftime productions, even if it's an artist that I enjoy.


    This year they apparently thought it was a good idea for the Rock to do whatever the hell he did on the field after the coin toss and before kickoff. Seriously, wtf was that and who thought it was a good idea?


    It will never happen, but it would be great if they cut out all this bs and focused instead on just playing a damn football game.

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