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Everything posted by GoBillsDB

  1. I take three INTs every game if we score 38 points a game. I think I'd be quite happy with that, but that's just me.
  2. Dare we hope... 300 yards? Drew Bledsoe? Crap, I think I just jinxed it.
  3. I agree 100% This was one God awful movie. I just kept hoping they would stop monlouging and just let the movie die, but they just kept talking. I don't really have any feelings one way or the other on Oliver Stone movies. Any Given Sunday was mildly enjoyable, and some of his other movies aren't so bad. That being said, I hereby impose a lifetime ban on all things Oliver Stone. Alexander was that bad... three hours of my life and seven dollars that I'll never get back.
  4. Hands down... Kate Beckinsale. All the rest might as well be Roseanne
  5. I once asked a similar question Labbat. A wise man answered and said, "50% of the people on the road have IQ's below 100." That was all the explaination I needed.
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