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Everything posted by GoBillsDB

  1. Just read on the buffalobills.com message board that Wire is starting. Is it true? It's the first I've heard of it. Say it ain't so...
  2. Odomes was a good corner no doubt. But Terrance Mcgee is a gamebreaker. As a kick returner, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have. Dante Hall has nothing on Mcgee. As a corner, he is an up and comer and hasn't reached his prime yet. He'll be booking many flights to Honolulu in the future. For evidence of this all you need look at is the Cinci game last year. Mcgee practically won the game by himself. There are very few players in the league that have that kind of gamebreaking ability. Oh, and Nate is good, but he's not one of them (well in his own mind hes is)
  3. Per V-coach, Burns was not cut. He was placed on the reserved/injured list
  4. Pussies? Yes. Overrated? Hell know. Somebody has to think you're good in order to be overrated. I don't think such a soul exists in this world. Nor should one.
  5. Why not? I'm cheering for the division opponent. I want to lose as bad as we possibly can so that every damn jackass that has put the Bills in this position gets run out of town. From Donahoe to Mularkey to Gray to to the damn ball boy. This team is full of firkin losers. They find ways to lose games where nobody else could. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and doing it in the most impressive fashion - Your 2005 BUFFALO BILLS!!! And with that, another fitting Mckay quote: "Injuries kill you. I remember in Pittsburgh, we had no players and the ones we did have wanted to stay at the hotel by the fire. I was ticked because that's where I wanted to stand." -- on the Buccaneers losing 42-0 to the Steelers
  6. ooh, Jim Mora Quotes are good too. Nobody can beat Mckay though...
  7. I think a more applicable Mckay quote would be my favorite: "Well, we didn't block anybody, but we made up for that by not tackling anybody." Anybody else got some good Mckay quotes? Pretty much every one would fit our Bills
  8. This is gonna be painful... why no commercials? Not even at the end of the quarter
  9. Who cares about the damn TD. What is up with Mcgee? He's the only guy on this team worth a crap.
  10. Hey now. I'm no Dolphin or Patsie fan. I'm a Cardinal fan. That's not even a shade of grey. More of an off-white. Go Cards!!
  11. All that hate. All that frustration. I once knew that feeling. Let it go my friend. Let it go...
  12. Hell no!! I'm keeping that stuff so I can build a shrine to remind myself of the years of misery so I never go back.
  13. No... no... must fight against the hope. It only leads to heartbreak. Must. Not. Hope... Go. GO team.. Go Bi...Cardinals!!
  14. I once thought as you do young one. Clinging to the slightest hope of playoffs and... gasp... Super Bowls. I was trapped. I could not let go. But once I did... oh what blessed day that was. I now find myself steeped in an Arizona Cardinal induced suckdom, and I am free... free of the never ending pain. I no longer watch other teams score on amazing plays and think, "why can't my team do that?" I already know the answer. My team can't do it because they are The Suck. God Bless The Suck. God Bless the Arizona Cardinals...
  15. One thing I've learned from watching the Bills over the years is that there are no surprises. It's plays like that that drive me fuggin crazy. Like the Jets returning the opening kickoff of overtime for a touchdown moments after an amazing last second tying TD. With the Bills you are so high, so hopeful for that one fleeting moment until it all comes crashing down and suddenly you are in a Buffalo Bills induced haze of misery. That's why I quit. The Cardinals will never have a hopeful moment so there is no crash, no haze. Join me Bills fans!! Shake off the pain and misery of Bills fandom. Know the quiet serentity of cheering on a team with no reasonable hope of even mediocrity. Free Yourself!!! We Cardinal fans now number seven. Who will be the eighth? Who will know the peace of knowing your team will forever suck?! Will it be you?
  16. Bruce Smith... in the playoff game at Pittsburgh a few years ago. The one where Jim Kelly got hurt so bad he couldn't lift his arm above his shoulder the next day. Yet Kelly, came back in the 2nd half with his arm practically hanging off his shoulder. But Bruce had the sniffles... Go Cardinals!!!
  17. Why? Why do we do this to ourselves? We pour our heart into this, waiting, hoping for something new. Only to be crushed by a team whose year is always next year. A team which is always one or two players away form greatness. Why do we put up with it? A pass floats through Ronnie Harmon's hands. A kick sails wide. Glorious victory is stolen by a kickoff return drawn up in the dirt in some guys backyard. A Hall of Famer bows out of the playoffs because he has the flu. The refs say, "just give it to 'em." A game lost in overtime on the opening kickoff. The most spectacular kick return in recent Bills history ends with a "tackle" by a guy that plays for us and no time on the clock. I just can't do it any more. Always hoping, no... believing this year to finally be the year. Hope is a dangerous thing for a Bills fan, believing its fatal cousin. It would be so much easier if I didn't hope and believe that this would be the year that the Bills would. not. suck. So much easier indeed... And so it is, that I hereby relenquish my Buffalo Bills Fandom. I will no longer bear this burden. But I need something to fill the void. When hope is the enemy I turn to the hopeless. The Arizona Cardinals. The Cards suck. They have always sucked. there is no hope for the Cardinal fan. No belief that this is the year. No hope for next year. There is only the suck. And so, with absolutely no hope, I gladly accept my new role in Cardinal nation. The other 6 Cardnial fans and I will sit back in our recliners next week and watch our hapless warriors bumble their way to yet another embarassing loss. We'll watch the fumbles, the INTs, the missed tackles. We'll watch it all with smiles on our faces. Why? Because we, the fans of the Arizona Cardinals, know that our team sucks. We do not hope. We do not believe. So what differnence does it make? The monkey is off my back, I no longer care. Hey look!! The caddillac Cards just put a hurtin on the 49ers!!! Damn that Mcown kid sure looked good!! Maybe this year we will... Aww hell...
  18. the cowbell thing. I am on this board daily, but I didn't read for a couple of days, next thing I know is the cowbells are clanging!! I've tried looking for its origins, but I just don't have the patience. I saw the skit when it originally aired and thought it was hilarious, but whats the deal? How did it become the symbol of our season? Is this specific to the board or is it something all of Bills nation is doing? Thanks for the help
  19. If I'm Philly the only team I give so much as a 2nd look to is the Panthers. Carolina is much better than their record and the rest of the NFC is a farse.
  20. Damn the Packers. Damn the Jags. It really doesn't matter. It's December and for the first time in a long time I actually care if the Bills win or not. I actually cheer when they score and mope when they fug up. I used to say, that regular season wins were fun and playoff wins were even better, but all that was meaningless without a Lombardi trophy. That was a long time ago. For too long I've been subjected to miserable Buffalo Bills football. Now, that has all changed. Yeah, I wonder what would've been if we stop Jax on one of three 4th downs. I wonder what might be if the refs don't stick it to us in week two. I wonder what the season would look like if Henry doesn't trip over the 25 yard line. It's all pointless though, because it's December 19th and I care again. Maybe my standards have fallen. It's only a few regular season wins... big deal, been there done that.... but not for a very long time. Here's to one more win next week. Regular season or not, I haven't seen many of those in recent years. That being said... GO COLTS!!!!
  21. Am I crazy or were tehre no Bills highlights on Primetime tonight? I could have sworn I saw the whole show....
  22. I would appreciate your efforts, as would others on the board I'm sure
  23. Dude, I so want to hear that tape... any way you could upload it to the internet? My story isn't as good. I was in high school at the time and had gotten in trouble earlier that week and my parents knew how to punish me right... no Bills game. I practically cried when my parents told me I couldn't watch the game. I could do anything I wanted except watch that game... but I found a loophole. There was no accounting for listening to the game on the radio. So when Sunday rolled around there I was with my walkman going through my pregame ritual. I was exiled to my room to listen to the game because my dad was watching it on the TV. The game starts and suddenly I'm glad I couldn't watch the debacle. After the INT return I gently toss my crappy Walkman aside, stomp on it a few times and exit my room. As I walked out of my house, I passed by my dad who was sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Without a word, we exchange our, "I hate the Bills" look and I leave. I went to my friends house and we played video games for a couple of hours. The whole time I was lamenting the first half of that game. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that somehow they were going to win. With the video game festivities finished, my friend reaches over to shut off the Sega Genesis and I am immediately greeted the glory of the final score... I can't really remember my instant reaction, but I do remember my friend telling me to shut the hell up cause his mom was sleeping or some BS... I ran out the door, still screaming and jumping around like a true asshat. I then proceeded to run the three blocks home screaming, jumping, I don't think I've ever run so fast. When I got home I opened the door to see my pops with a big grin on his face, I just looked at him and screemed as long as I could, "YESSSSS! I LOVE THE FUGGIN BILLS!!!!" I may not have seen that comeback, but I would have it no other way... they won, thats all that mattered. Ever since then, I remain convinced that the Bills are cursed by my witnessing their games. Whenver I'm watching a game that the Bills are losing badly, I shut off the TV... and hope. Most of the time they still lose, but let me just say that the only game I've seen this year that they've won was the last qurter of the Jets game. All the games they've lost... I watched.
  24. Johnson started our winning streak that year. He played an exceptional game against a very good 49er's team. Of course the next week he fell on a football. Flutie mania followed. Say what you will about Flutie, but that season was the last time I was excited to watch a Bills game. Even the following year, it wasn't the same even though the Bills were a good team. That, and the way that season ended is enough to make we want to forget it ever took place...
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