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KD in CA

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Posts posted by KD in CA

  1. Just now, Kemp said:

    I readily admit that I fear what Trump is doing.


    Irrationally so, in my opinion.


    But I remember how fearful you were for the future of our democracy when the left desperately tried rig the last election by getting the EC to overrule the results of the voting.  Oh wait....no I don't.



    1 minute ago, Kemp said:

    Tough to unsee pear porn.


    All depends how sweet and juicy the pears are.....

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  2. Just now, H2o said:

    The Dems had a golden ticket in Tulsi Gabbard. She's a woman obviously, she's smart, she more acceptably moderate to draw the undecided's, she's active military who has been deployed overseas before, and they cast her to the wayside. Instead they chose someone who will basically be Obama's and the rest of the Globalist Elite's lapdog. I'm not a Dem by any means, but I think she could have legitimately given Trump a run for his money especially if they paired her with a strong VP candidate. Instead you have a 47 year politician, with a TOTALLY suspect track record, and crony who can't put a coherent speech together a lot of times. Or when he does he always finds a way to directly inserts his foot into his mouth. You pair him with a woman just for the sake of her skin color, knowing that she slept her way up the ladder, and is about as far Left as they could go outside of a "Squad" member. It's not a good look for the Party. I know quite a few Dem's and many of them say they're voting for Trump because they can't get with what the Left is doing right now. Or many of them say they are not voting at all. The one's who do say they are voting for Biden (which is only a handful) are only doing so because they hate Trump. They hate Trump because "he's racist"/"look at how many people died from Covid"/"some people lost jobs"/"abortion"/"his personal taxes"/whatever. They can't name one logical explanation otherwise. It's all of the same jargon you see or hear pumped by the mainstream media. I truly believe a massive pushback against their Party and what they have been doing is coming in November. One that is going to change a lot of things in this country. 


    Yup.  I've never voted for a Dem for POTUS but would be 100% voting for her if she was on the ballot.   Instead they let the looney left run the shows and after they all fall off as people realized how extreme they all were, the party ended up stuck with the default option in Biden.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, HappyDays said:

    How has the NFL not said anything about this yet? They're dropping the ball. The Bills need to know what team to prepare for this weekend, or if they're going to play at all.


    Do you really believe the NFL has not been in contact with the Bills (and every other team) on this topic?


    Let's just be a little patient.

  4. 31 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    So much I disagree with here but I'm not going through a point by point rebuttal rehashing crap I've brought up before for the umpteenth time.


    For the most part you and many like you have hitched your wagon to a man who among other th8ngs, has so shamed our country that we are no longer that shining "City upon a hill" we once were.


    It's going to to be a long time to undo Trump’s damage.


    That's because your rebuttal would be the usual assortment of daily 'outrages' over a) trivial nonsense or b) outright lies, c) your own paranoid fantasies like "Trump won't leave office if he loses!!!"


    The 'damage' Trump has undone (which is mostly liberals acting like hysterical four year olds) will be 'un-done' the day he leaves office.   Oh wait, "He's making himself a dictator!!!!"


    Even you're own silly language about 'hitching your wagon' is disingenuous crap.  Trump was an easy choice of the most corrupt and hypocritical candidate in history four years ago, and he's the easy choice again over a guy who will be in a memory care unit at the end of the next Presidential term.


    And of course....we notice there is never, ever, any discussion of actual policy.  And it is there that Trump has been a pleasant surprise.   



    Why vote for Trump?   Easy.  If he gets four more years to shape the judiciary, it just might save our country from the destruction that the far left intends to bring next chance they get.

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  5. 53 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:

    Because he’s not Donald Trump.


    It's just that simple.


    This might be the worst Presidency in history. Even before the debacle of the last year he was actively working to divide our country, tear down our democracy and was overtly corrupt.


    This "anti-establishment" fervor you guys have here is misguided. Your wild mistrust of experts is silly. It's one of the most annoying things about this forum and the reason it's often identified as a cesspool of conspiracy theories.


    And now 215 thousand people are dead in our country from a Pandemic Donald Trump constantly downplays as no big deal.


    He's honestly just friggin terrible. Even before the Pandemic I had an exchange with @Buffalo_Gal explaining all the reasons he's an awful President. There were a lot.


    Since then we've added the Pandemic, an economy that's slowed down drastically in its recovery in the last 2 months, racial conflicts the likes of which we haven't seen since the Civil Rights movement, and just a general abandonment of any decorum whatsoever--look no further than the last debate for an example of that last one.


    The fear of 4 more years of Donald Trump is what determined my vote for Biden a long time ago. This last year just solidified it for most of those Americans who may have been undecided but have now swung wildly towards Biden.


    This is such a weak take.  The hysteria from the left..... "tear down democracy!!" "Russian puppet!!" "Dictator!!" "Won't leave office!!".....started at 9pm on election night 2016 and has not abated for one moment.  That's the real story of the Trump era....how the formally misguided but otherwise sane left lost their collective minds.  


    Is Trump an opportunistic bully who has personally benefited from being POTUS?  Yup.  Please explain how that differs from almost any past President?  I guess the Bushes were already rich.  How about Obama?  Nice $12mm waterfront estate on Martha's Vineyard he bought after a career of......20 years in public office.  Trump's biggest offense is that he's an a-hole and he's proud to prove that daily on twitter.


    As for COVID, 215,000 people would be dead regardless of who the POTUS was when it hit.  Blaming Trump for COVID deaths is as dishonest a take as blaming GWB for 9/11 or Obama for Deepwater Horizon.  The USA has a very wealthy, very self absorbed, and very mobile population.  And that's what spreads COVID.  To old people. Who are the ones who die from it.  The only DIRECT action an individual has taken that DIRECTLY caused additional COVID deaths is the great Andrew Cuomo thanks to his nursing home fiasco.  But I'm guessing you're not holding him to your Trump standard on COVID.


    Racial conflicts are Trumps fault??  So cops just started shooting black guys in the last 3 1/2 years?  Of course not.  So long as a Democrat is in the White House, cops can shoot all the black guys they want without Portland and Rochester and Minneapolis burning the ground.  The "protests" are more political grandstanding by the left as a means to sway the electorate.  Oops....they realized a month ago they badly overplayed their hand and were swinging the electorate back to Trump.  Notice how the news media has dropped protest coverage entirely?  Gee, I wonder why.


    And then finally, the issue of the alternative.  Did the Democrats nominate a bright, energetic, engaging candidate?  Someone who invoked the spirit and passion of JFK, Slick Willy, and Obama???   Uh.....how about a corrupt, career inside who's been a doormat in Presidential politics for decades, and is now a confused old man who can barely string two coherent sentences together?   Great choice!


    If Gabbard or someone else reasonably sensible was the nominee, you've have my vote.   But not one of the many far-left loons, and certainly not a feeble, old, corrupt pol like Biden.

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