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KD in CA

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Posts posted by KD in CA

  1. On 10/21/2020 at 9:12 PM, Back the Blue said:

    1st two games disappointing in that they weren’t close(1 run game or tie game) late in the game. 


    The way baseball is played today, with every guy in the lineup capable of hitting it out (especially if it's the Dodgers), I find a 2 run game feels as close as a one run game did a generation ago.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Just Jack said:

    Anyone else do this, you see someone in a store, they have something Bills on, and as you pass you just say "Go Bills" they usually reply, and you just keep walking? My wife thinks it's strange. 


    Do any other team fans do something similar? 


    It would be strange if anything different happened in that situation.

  3. 1 hour ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    2nd week in a row Hughes played a 2nd string tackle filling in and hasn’t gotten home. 

    He’s done even worse than that.  He constantly lets the QB get around the end on his side to create big plays.  That’s exactly what happened on the last 3d and long tonight, when the secondary did its job.  And repeatedly last week when Tannehill killed they running.

    Hughes is useless, a liability on the field.

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  4. Say, where you gonna go
    Girl, where you gonna hide
    You go on leavin' out your heart
    And all it's sayin' down deep inside
    From here I can feel your heartbeat
    Oh, you got me all wrong
    You ain't got no worry
    You just been lonely too long
    I know what it means to hide your heart
    From a long time ago
    Oh, darlin'

    It keeps you runnin', yeah, it keeps you runnin'


    5 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    What?  This is politics.  If you haven't figured it out by now....neither side can be 'trusted'.  But that's because they stopped trying to be trustworthy a long long time ago.


    Of course....which is why the old Biden quotes from the Bush era are relevant.  He was simply greasing to skids to do exactly what the GOP did to Garland several years later and what the Dems would have done the last two years if they had won the Senate last time around.


    Both sides are equally corrupt and hypocritical, which is why the lack of term limits will eventually be the death of this country.

  6. 1 hour ago, Nextmanup said:

    He hasn't been a special talent for going on 3 seasons now.

    He won't even be the #1 RB in KC.


    How much money has this guy lost through the terrible mis-management of his career?



    The silver lining is we can still enjoy that.   He'd be on year 3 of his 5 year, $70mm deal with the undefeated Steelers by now.

  7. 14 minutes ago, DFT said:

    Being new and in relative good standing, I do want to say that what was just 6 months ago, a very solid place for people like me to speak freely about political beliefs, has turned quickly into a chaotic, antagonistic breeding ground for trolling.  In all fairness, I don’t have the history to know what transpired before I arrived.  But since arriving, I’ve seen firsthand, that the decent conversations had between opposing viewpoints are MASSIVELY and intentionally derailed by (my guess), the same trolls that derailed and forced a very tough decision in closing BBMB.  It’s unfortunate.  

    I’ve tried on many, many occasions to have civil conversations with these folks, but their intentions and interests aren’t discussions, but rather attempts at causing disruption.  It’s become so bad, that it absolutely has caused good posters to succumb to their human instinct and react to them.  DR was a phenomenal contributor, who like many of us, grew tired of the nonstop antagonistic, multi-username trolling.  I say that not through a conservative lens, but an honest and ethical viewpoint having watched it all, personally.  
    What’s worse, is the conversations that were allowed to transpire after he could no longer defend himself, both publicly on the forum and ESPECIALLY in the shout box.  It’s very unfortunate.  I don’t fault any one person, but I do suggest a non-partial moderator for this forum (and unfortunately based on my observations, that does not currently exist with all due and sincere respect).  I’ve seen some ugliness on the shoutbox from two of your mods (regarding faith and politics) that in my opinion rivals anything I’ve found offensive on PPP.  It was disappointing for me to read and I believe honestly that Mods should be held to an impartial standard where they’re not censored, but are expected to hold back the extreme sides of their viewpoints.  

    Solid summary.   Regarding the shoutbox ugliness referred to, I have seen more moderation based on personal opinions than recall in the past.  Will leave it at that.  Maybe not directly on this forum, but overall observation.


    19 minutes ago, LB3 said:

    The others just threw chitbombs everywhere. SectionC3 literally thinks everyone that disagrees with him is a Nazi. BillStime posts the same memes nonstop. TBBills is barely literate. GoBuffalo716 is a POS ghoul who asks people to see their loved ones obits. Gary is mentally unstable.


    Tibs was cool. Crayola64 is a good contributor. Frank Reich offered some good perspective. Transplant engaged. Doc Brown was good. Kay Adams, K9, Jauronimo, Section 122 were all good when they stopped down.


    Shoshin on the other hand might be the most insufferable crybaby I've ever seen on this site. A stalker evidently too. Let's take a dive in on him. Joined in 2016. Didn't post again until March 2020. He posted damn near exclusively in PPP until recently. Still spends more time in PPP. Cried over and over about how he hates PPP and wants it shut down yet posts here more often than on TSW. After SDS gave an explanation about recent events, he played cheerleader about the banning. Actively trying to prevent discussion. Now he's searching out those members who left and letting everyone know so he can PM them about it. I say this sincerely. Shoshin is a pathetic person. The living embodiment of "taking my ball and going home".

    Accurate.  Want to start fixing this forum?  Ban the trolls listed in the first paragraph.  Somehow this place lasted for 20 years before everything went off the rails a few months ago.  Sooo....what changed?  It worked for so long because the established posters (on both sides of the political aisle) didn't tolerate idiots who started ten different "xxx = HITLER!!" threads.   But now that's the accepted norm.  Oh well.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, dave mcbride said:

    Call me crazy, but I think the Dolphins are a borderline WC team this year. They are a scary team to play. They can score and they are well coached.


    I'd be very surprised if they aren't on that 'in the hunt' graphic they start showing on TV come December.   They stuck right with Buffalo and Seattle and have blown out two teams.

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Back the Blue said:

    Bell is all about the money and nothing more.  Pittsburgh made him very good offers, and had a great winning franchise.  If winning was important to Bell, he would have never left the Steelers. 


    But now he has to prove himself again if he ever wants another contract, so he's motivated.


    Given Allen a pass catching RB would open up the playbook even further.

  10. I'm all for the free market, but have always believed there is a role for government oversight, be it labor, environmental, preventing monopolies, etc.  This situation with the tech companies falls under the later.  And yes, politicians have taken bribes from vested interests forever, but if we now have those with a monopoly on the information flow appointing themselves as overlords for deciding what is acceptable for the public to see and share, and the real political leaders who happen to benefit at this point in history silently assent to the practice, that's a big concern.





    p.s.  Twitter mods suddenly deciding to selectively enforce the rules based in line with their personal opinions seems vaguely familiar......but I can't quite put my finger on why.

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