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KD in CA

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Posts posted by KD in CA

  1. Leaving town tonight to get married this weekend and then head out of town for 2 weeks.


    Luckily I will miss LGB and friends as they arrive in the city to cause trouble...bill, kd and all stay safe.....


    Mods, if you see a post from me here after Friday please delete it immediately....there is absolutely no reason I should come anywhere near this board for 2 weeks.....


    have fun everyone.  <_<




    Congratulations gmac and have a great time. Good timing too! I'm already planning to work from home on Monday....

  2. Never thought I would see this in Toronto.  I heard the sirens from the police arriving on the scene as soon as I left Union Station.  Glad I took the east exit instead of the north exit leaving Union Station.  This is also right out side of my office.  The media is everywhere outside.







    If that happened in the US, the focus of the story would have been about 'excessive use of force' by the cops.

  3. In case some of you missed it.....there  was a VERY VERY SLIM CHANCE HE WOULD PLAY THIS YEAR ANYWAY....and as far as him taking over next year....again, VERY SLIM! Hes not ready until at least 2006 to be our starter and to be honest, i really believe  he knows that as well!


    I mean yah he has looked good in pre-season but hes miles away from starting! Does this suck...yah, Does it set him back......YAH, but as far as learning more smarts of the game....it may be a dramactic help to a rookie in the NFL!


    Im bummed....but I know this kid was not gonna be a factor in wether we win 10 games or make the playoffs.....as long as his leg heals(which is my biggest concern) we will be fine.




    Oh and stop blaming Vincent...he did what anybody would do and thats finish the play.




    True, but it is demoralizing, especially when all accounts have this kid as being the real thing.


    On another note, who is that in your avatar? anyone famous or just some random hot chick?

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