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Posts posted by IBTG81

  1. I tend to agree.  And if the BlueFires on this board think Ed is insufferable now...


    (Just kidding, Ed).


    I think that the Cards will still be suffering from post-WVU hangover.  It is entirely possible that the State University of New Jersey pulls this one out, but they will have to play out of their minds to do it.


    If Louisville gets by (and my prediction is they just SQUEAK by, something like 22-21), then they run the table and play the OSU/Michigan winner.


    Which of course, will be the Buckeyes.  :flirt:



    It's going to be insane at the game this week. Schiano is a genius. An absolute genius. 5 years ago, Rutgers was thinking about downgrading to 1-AA status, then he came along.

    At this point, he could run for Governor in two years and win easily in this state.


    I don't know if the Cards (I just realized that Cards may smash my dreams twice this season-the UL/RU game and my poor Mets) are going to have a letdown. Brohm already stated that this game is the biggest in the history of Louisville.

  2. Rutgers could really give Louisville a scare this week.


    And what happens if the Scarlet Knights actually pull off the biggest win in their history?


    For starters, suddenly WVU is back in it.  And Rutgers could go as high as eighth in the polls.  But, even if the Knights run the table, it probably isn't enough for a shot at the Buckeyes...


    who would absolute annihilate the Jersey Boys...Sorry Ed.  :flirt:



    Unless there is a monsoon, or an act from a higher being, yes, OSU would probably annihilate RU.

  3. How the hell do you ever believe that you did the math right?  It took me three seconds to find the fundamental flaw in your "simulation".  Namely, that you simulated the wrong !@#$ing thing, you idiot!  And even then, you still didn't do it right. 


    I'm laughing so hard, I can barely type...seriously...  :flirt:  :wub:  :(



    And yet, you keep fighting him on this.

    Who is having the last laugh?

  4. lol @ you getting all defensive over a joke



    It's the truth. It's not getting defensive.

    I'm surprised you're not touting wins over the powerful N Texas, Rice, Sam Houston, and Baylor. :flirt:

  5. They play Rutgers for the alternate reality championship :flirt:



    If RU wins out, they would have beaten a #3 team and a top 10 team (WV).

    Texas has beaten Oklahoma, and Nebraska.

    RU would be more deserving.

  6. What an incredibly stupid post! Health insurance won't save you from a disease they haven't found a cure for yet!!!  :flirt: No one just relies on themselves. You live in society, a complex society. You grow your own food? Make your own clothes? 


    I'll take care of my own retirement and probably accept what pension, Soc Sec I can get, but don't worry buddy, I'll be fine.



    How old are you?

  7. I don't have any ACC teams up there, do I have an ACC bias?

    Louisville won, I moved them to 6, and WVU down to 14, because I wasn't overly impressed with either squad.  Teams that allow 8 yards per play like Louisville and WVU are playing a different game from the rest of the country.  You can get by when you're outscoring lesser competition, but against the big dogs, it tends to get ugly.



    Interesting. Michigan gave up 26 against Ball St. and Texas gave up 31 to TT.

    I like your logic. :flirt:

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