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Posts posted by Section242

  1. I find it fascinating how organizations (and fans) think. A few questions to clarify what I mean:


    1. If you're the Vikings, would you trade Bridgewater for Sammy? I think we all agree that the answer is "of course not."


    2. Some fans bemoan the trading up to draft Sammy rather than taking a QB with our initial pick, or even trading down to take a QB later. The same fans agree that Sammy had a very good rookie season (particularly given the fact that he didn't exactly have great QB play feeding him), and that his star is on the rise. Yet they never consider trading Sammy for what we need more: a QB, or the chance to draft a QB.


    This is what economists call the "endowment effect." You tend to overvalue what you have, and undervalue what you could get.




    This is something some great sports GMs like Billy Beane do not run afoul of. Think you need a pitcher to finally make it to a World Series? Go get Lester and Samardzija! That doesn't work? Let Lester go, trade Samardzija, reload with some other players! If you want a QB now your best trade chip is Sammy and it's not even close. So at least consider it ... all you'd be doing is a classic Billy Beane transaction: you traded up to try to get it done in 2014, you came close, but didn't make it. Now you're stuck with no first round pick in 2015? Simply undo that by trading Sammy. No harm done. But it takes guts, which most GMs lack.


    Comparing to MLB is tough. I believe the A's get a 2nd rd pick for Lester signing with the Cubs. Would get Cubs pick in 1st but it's protected. Also can't trade draft picks in MLB. Also the A's collapsed after the Lester trade.


    I'd trade any guy on this roster for a proven elite QB. With that said the valuable trade parts on the Bills are more valuable to the Bills than they are to other teams. Like buying a new car, once you drive it off the lot it's value goes down.


    Watkins had a decent season and I think because he's good already we're also diminishing him. As a rookie with below average QB play he was the Bills best play-maker. Anything less than an elite QB then no.

  2. Keep Marvin Lewis on Cincinnati in mind.




    He's had many bad seasons in a row but the Bengals stick with him.


    Hasn't won a playoff game.


    John Fox, Bill Belicheck, Pete Carroll all failed to some extent at previous stints as a head coach. I don't think they were terrible coaches before; now at least Belicheck is going right into the HOF. All those guys became good coaches when they got great QB's.

  3. What have I been preaching ? I know the holes were not great. But Freddy and Spiller are not good backs anymore. Bryce and Boobie need more carries. The 25th ranked run D ,slammed the door in our face.Same old same old,with these two. Time to move on. If it hurts somebodies feelings.Oh well.


    Bryce Brown has been the worst back on the roster. If they didn't waste a draft pick on him he'd be bagging groceries.


    The Bills signed Chris Williams and he's hurt but he's been terrible pretty much his whole career. That move was almost as bad as the Brown trade.


    The whole offensive line has been pathetic. I'll give the benefit of the doubt to Wood and Glenn but other than that it's been terrible, and Urbik is an improvement over Cyril.

  4. I don't understand the hatred for Ryan. He has been very accurate, making good decisions since the first game against the Bills. He really carved our defense in the 2nd half of that game in Miami. Against the Jets, the same happened. They made great 2nd half adjustments and Tannehill was sharp. He does not have a good WR corp. Wallace is a one-trick pony like Lee Evans. Landry is a good WR.


    Tannehill has been good this year.

  5. i think Oakland would stick with Carr. I would. Jax is good on QB. Tampa, STL, jets look to be in that top 5 where they would take a QB. Maybe titans too if Mettenberger doesn't look good.


    Considering the investment Mettenberger would have to look great. Other teams such as Arizona and Dallas I think would take a QB if a guy they like is available. Guys like Cook, Petty, Hundley seem to treading water. Even with the monetary investment less I think teams will be cowardly and waste picks early on lineman.

  6. Tampa, NYJ, Titans, Houston, maybe Oakland are teams I think will be looking QB early. Carr has decent numbers in Oakland but a new coach may still want to get his guy.


    Marriota has the tools but every time I watch Oregon he's throwing to guys who are wide open. Winston I think will be a good player. I think if you don't want the Jets to take either one of them you're hoping Oakland doesn't want either one and trades out.

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