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Posts posted by Section242

  1. Manziel makes my stomach turn. He is multiple things I dislike rolled into one person: spoiled, arrogant, cocky, entitled, obnoxious... I could go on and on. His daddy had to buy him a new car to bribe him to stop drinking in high school!


    Meanwhile, EJ is an intelligent, humble, hardworking, polite young man who is busting his butt to get better and help his team win.


    So I vote no on any swaps.


    Yeah but who is the better football player?


    I'd take Manziel over E.J. everyday. I think most NFL teams would also.

  2. He looks like the same player he was in college. He's actually a good accurate passer from the pocket and he has a rifle. The only question mark for me is, of course, can he take the pounding. No one knows the answer to that yet. He's very, very tough, but these mofos hit hard and don't play nice.


    A lot of quick throws tonight for him. He was impressive. Was decisive and has an arm. Thought he had two throws on the mark that should've been caught. One hit WR in the knee other in the hands. Hoyer is a vet who hasn't played and hasn't been good enough for 3 other teams. If Manziel isn't the starter the Browns are delaying their future. On flip side they have garbage at WR. Other things I took was he played behind a pathetic OL and West was impressive.

  3. Dixon has like 500 career rushing yards and Brown has 294 carries since high school.

    I want this thread to be locked so badly. Somebody says "could" or "might" on a sports talk show and all of a sudden it becomes gospel and inevitable?


    The Bills are not trading Spiller. Four RBs is not excessive with the way these guys get hurt.


    If I'm wrong I'll gladly take my medicine in the form of scorn and ridicule. But I won't be.


    Dixon has like 456 career rushing yards and Brown has less than 300 carries since High School. So obviously the Bills would be looking to trade Spiller because those two have proven to be capable, just ask ESPN or Bills fan after Spiller has a negative run.

  4. Wow. What an assumption. There could be many reasons a team could go 6-10 with decent QB play. Like, a bad defense, or a kicker that missed 3 game winning FGs or injuries to Fred, CJ, Brown, Watkins and Woods. Horrid kicking teams giving up points. Coaching blunders like DJ used to make (and coach Marrone did last year) costing a couple of wins. QB putting the football right in a WRs hands in the EZ in overtime only have him drop it. On and on ...


    It doesn't ALWAYS come down to QB play. Sometime it do, and sometimes it don't.


    I disagree. Manuel would have to have a great statistical year in a losing record. It goes both ways. Jauron was a horrible coach as was Gailey. If Manuel succeeds so will Marrone.

  5. It's 1/32 but how attractive would the Bills job be if they go 6-10. If they're 6-10 I think it'd mean they've had terrible QB play. No 1st rd pick and no QB wouldn't make the Bills an attractive job. To go along with what would be 15 straight losing seasons.


    I don't think he'll be fired but I could see Coughlin as a guy pushed out.

  6. Schopp was interviewing him and I apologize for not adding the link on my phone, but asked about the Bills current team and I'm paraphrasing he said "is there anyone willing to start a fist fight for the sake of winning?" He mentioned Thurman, Jim, Kent, and Darryl as being vocal and in 89 when it was the "Bickering Bills" it was the best thing that could have happened, because after that they all expected nothing but the best from eachother which ment sacrifice. This tean has talent but you need some leaders.


    They need their best players to be their leaders. Certain guys aren't vocal and that's fine. I think Aaron Williams would've had very little standing in the locker room before performing last season. Spikes and him I think add a level of toughness to the d. Jackson and Wood would be the leaders on offense. With the youth on offense I think guys should be able to become leaders. If Watkins is as good as expected then this year he's a rookie next season a leader hopefully.


    Until they win guys are bad teammates. Once they win they get in the face of teammates they're leaders.

  7. If his third ranking that you speak of made much of a difference, he would be universally acclaimed as a great player. He isn't. Spiller doesn't score many touchdowns, does he? He cannot block and he might be just a bit mentally challenged.

    Toss injuries into the mix and a third is a good deal. A 2nd would be an absolute score and let's remember, he will be gone when his contract expires, or so I think.


    They traded a 4th for a guy with 294 carries since high school. Dixon averaged 2.0 ypc last season. If they're trying to win I don't see any logic in trading him. If they wanna be the same old Bills, trade him and draft a RB with that pick.

  8. Trading CJ would be dumb. We should re-sign the guy.


    CJ is a great teammate, has elite talent, and is a lot tougher than the keyboard jockeys here and the News.


    Re Bryce Brown, do a little research on his college "career" and ask yourself who you would rather have as a teammate.


    Bryce Brown has started two games since high school so he's the answer right? Dixon did average 2.0 ypc last season. Creating holes where their isn't one is a good way for the Bills to continue striving for 6-10 or 7-9.

  9. For a 1st round pick- I trade him all day long... For a second round pick, same thing... 3rd rounder and later I use him this year and either re-sign or let him walk...


    Bills may be willing to trade Spiller. Just like they maybe willing to trade anybody on the roster. With Jackson at 33 and the 3rd string RB having 294 carries in the NFL and college combined along with a guy who hasn't cracked triple digit rushing yards in any of the past three seasons it's no wonder some want to get rid of Spiller.

  10. Stephen A. might be suspended for longer than Ray Rice. He's been feverishly apologizing on Twitter for the past few hours but keeps putting his foot back in his mouth.


    They once did a whole show on Skip Bayless being called out for averaging like .6 points per game on a high school basketball team after saying he was like Pete Maravich. Short of saying a racist comment or sexually harassment ESPN wouldn't do anything to hurt ratings.

  11. I never really viewed Spiller as a traditional RB. I have always looked at him like Reggie or Harvin. A special guy that you get like 8 carries, 5 catches and returns. He is an offensive weapon. The trade for Brown in no way precludes them from locking up CJ in that role.


    If Spiller has a big year or a year similar to 2012 and E.J. improves I think the Bills are hard pressed to let him go; Because they should improve. If they're a 9-7 or 10-6 team with that then it's "why let a key player go." If he has a season similar to last and E.J. does the same then it's "we can lose without him." Over-value players when ya win and under-value players when you're bad. With that said Marrone and Whaley I believe are just waiting to be fired if the Bills are 6-10. Not to say they wouldn't get 2015. I just think it'd be hard to get a coach or gm to come in without a 1st rd pick and no QB.

  12. Uh...no


    He did have one good game last year. Aside from that he wasn't a good. He's 23 and unproven and so are most rookies. In a league where the running back really has no value the Bills traded for a 3rd string one. I don't see him as anything more than a guy who'll come in fill the role Tashard Choice had in the past. He's not Spiller and wasn't a 1st rd pick so he's got that going for him in fans eyes.

  13. CJ has terrible vision, meaning he has a hard time seeing the holes. He’s struggled with it for a good chunk of his career. After some time in Chan’s blocking scheme, he got better and produced like the stud we all hoped that he would be. Last season was a new blocking scheme and he again struggled leaving a lot of yards on the field with many missed cutbacks. He still tries to outrun everyone to the sideline like he did at Clemson. This being his 2nd year in with the scheme, maybe he’ll start to get comfortable again and get back to his 2012 form.


    Put me on the side that doesn’t think CJ will get enough carries to put up 1200 rushing yards this season, unless someone else gets injured. Maybe he comes in and plays so well that the coaches are almost forced to give him the ball, keeping Brown on the bench. Maybe Brown has a few early fumbles and ends up in the dog house (fumbles are why Philly was willing to trade him for a mid round pick). Maybe Fred will finally hit that wall…please not that!!!!


    There are too many variables. Anyway you look at it, none of us know how this staff really feels about CJ. They may love him, they may have no desire to resign him at all. This season could change their opinion one way or the other. The one positive is that with the depth we currently have, we should finally have some leverage once the contract negotiations begin instead of having our backs to the wall like so many times in the past.


    Brown was traded because he was there 3rd string RB and the Bills overpaid for him.

  14. Bryce Brown had two decent games last season. Other than that saying he was average would be an overstatement. Dixon is a ST player and a fringe roster player. If the front office doesn't bring Spiller and or Jackson back I think the 2015 starting RB isn't on the roster.


    Maybe Brown is a guy who needs an opportunity. His game log indicate he's an all or nothing guy not on Spillers level. Even in his best game as a pro he had two fumbles one arguably that cost his team the game. I don't think he's the answer and that Philly made out in that trade.

  15. Cant wait until Pegula is announced so all the talk can end.


    Or anyone who'll keep the team here.


    Side note, while at a game two seasons ago I think it was Titans; Pegula was sitting in a suite interacting with fans. After the Bills lost the lead Pegula stated something like "I'd fire the coach on Monday if I owned the team." Just thought it was interesting at that time. Now I think it leads me to think if he does buy the team he'll be a visible owner. More like Bob Kraft at games than Jones meddling with the team. Hopefully without the leather pealed back face also.

  16. I, for the most part, agree... I can see a rare 'Trent Dilfer' like scenario where we succeed with average QB play... But as often as that has happened in years past, I would say that it will take EJ performing as a top 15 QB to get us in serious contention... 16-20 may get us a sniff of the playoffs


    I see some similarities with the Bengals. If E.J. can have an Andy Dalton like season then they could make the playoffs. At this point i'd take it.

  17. We are currently caught in an interesting dynamic... I think it's a relatively popular opinion on here, and amongst all Bills fans that this team is much different (better) than teams we've fielded over the past 14 years. It's pleasant to see "experts" recognize that, but that doesn't happen all that often. I can totally understand that the only way to get respect in this league is to win... So I can see why 14 years of futility can make it easy for the talking heads to stick with the status quo evaluation.


    It's easy to consider Jaws less than an expert based on his past evaluations of players as mentioned above.


    Forget what the media says, forget what everyone says- get out there and show everybody what's happening at OBD!!!


    Love that savage mentality!!


    It's all about E.J. if he's good the team will be good. If he's not then more of the same.

  18. This thread is funny.


    If Jaws had said something exceptional about Manuel everyone would be all over it and talking about how Jaws knows his stuff.


    Jon Gruden has praised every player in the history of the league and he's horrible on MNF.


    I get the point, guy praises Bills he's a genius, guy doesn't praise the Bills he's an idiot.

  19. What I saw was passes completed down the middle to a receiver being watched by a little kid. I think Robey ran into the guy's ass. I stand by my remarks and will be proved correct (that Robey is a matchup nickel-back only). There will be weeks where the top 3 are Gilmore, Leodis and Graham and it won't be because of injuries.

    Robey is a very good match-up, Nickel-back and I am glad to have him, but the poster is right on.

    Additionally, Leodis, had to overcome a horrific injury, a career ending bad-play and playing on a losing team his whole career.

    I give him tons of credit being able to bounce back and play like he did in college and as a rookie. What he did though, is kinda expected in a way..... because he is an off the charts phenomenal athlete. It is amazing how he can go step for step with any WR in the league in still be in his back pocket. A thing of beauty.

    And you don't dismiss an excellent special teamer. So what if he got the contract because of that? (Although that is not reason why)

    That just adds to leodis' value it doesn't take it away. He is a rare athlete amongst rare athletes.....


    I thought McKelvin was their best DB last season. Robey was a nice find. I can't get the long TD vs New Orleans out of my head and I think their was another one maybe vs TB when thinking of him as a match-up CB.

  20. It's all good and fun, but with all due respect...those three combined won't have half the impact Lebron has on his team and community.


    And as far as Patrick Kane, after seeing this...there's no doubt in my mind that if Chicago starts to slip, he demands a trade "home," especially if they end up with McDavid. And as we have seen in all sports, these teams cannot stay good forever...it goes in cycles...the good will be bad and the bad will be good.


    The Bills have been due for about 10 years then.


    Kane to Buffalo would be some what comparable to LeBron going back to Cleveland. Still no athlete is on par with LeBron at this time. ESPN seemingly had a 24 hour LeBron watch for a week.

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