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Posts posted by Section242

  1. That's actually really foolish given the resources you need to devote to the position. You're no better for passing on the next Tom Brady than you are for passing on the next Antonio Gates, or more realistically, the kind of depth you need at positions like LB and OL to survive in the NFL. You build your team and there are usually only 3 quarterback slots at best, with only one of them on the field at any given time.


    Every other year could make sense, especially given injuries, and I would probably not go longer than every 3.


    This is dated, still the value of every other position compared to QB is minimum according to guys in the business of making money http://grantland.com...value-in-vegas/

  2. Hindsight is 20/20 but obviously would've rather had Fitz instead of Kolb last year. Not having anyone to push EJ until Orton was a mistake. I have the discussion at every home game, but it seems the Bills have been afraid of any QB competition since Edwards/Losman.

  3. You're not really following my premise. Aaron Rodgers showed little early on as well. And "nothing" means you're unimpressed with anything including that scramble and hookup with Chandler. Also, are you Captain Hindsight?


    Rodgers showed very little because they had Favre. They drafted Brohm after Rodgers thowing 59 passes his first three years in the league. At that point Favre's constant retirement talk wasn't tired. Rodgers and Rivers were behind elite QB's.

  4. No to Toronto. I think re-alignment is intriguing. It works for the Bills because they haven't been good and really no intense rivals because of play. The Dolphins are the rival because of the 90's. The biggest rivalry in the NFL over the last years has been Brady vs Manning. If the NFL were to expand the playoffs like has been rumored that'd be the time to re-align. I don't see it happening. The idea of a rust-belt division would be awesome to me right now. If someone mentioned it during the Marino vs Kelly era I'd hate it.

  5. Prices on the secondary market have gone up substantially. I expect this game to have an incredible atmosphere. Win and I expect to continue no a lesser level each week. This season the only way I could see the atmosphere matched would be clinching a playoff berth at home.


    Really just a great week for Buffalo that will get even better with a win.

  6. The three best runs of the day were by Jackson and then two by Boobie. Spiller I thought had a decent game even though his stats say he was ok.


    To me the good was obviously Graham and Woods. Woods I think will lead the team in catches. Graham I think will stay on the field, it's a 3 CB league. With McKelvin and Gilmore coming back from injuries I believe they'll improve as year goes on. Graham will stay on field.


    Bad, no adjustment to Forte or Bennett.


    Ugly, that PI call on Williams was horrible. Also I get trying to get your best players the ball but I could do without Spiller returning kicks and was Jackson out on a punt return?


    I'm used to the Bills losing that type of game. Solid road win, something to build on.

  7. Well, I am thinking anyone parking in your lot is just an idiot, as do the cops.....hence the ticket.


    Seriously, what is the actual rule? We park in ECC , cross Abbott to the stadium. I always have two beers on my way to the stadium( I like to stop and talk to drunks).Last year right in front of gates I had a question for a cop, talked to him for 5 minutes all the while finishing my Genny...not a peep.


    Perhaps they thought the Genny was punishment enough.

  8. If I had to fire Marrone and take a coach from the college ranks I'd pick Sumlin and it wouldn't even be close. When I lived in Houston he did so many crazy things at UH and when he took the job at College Station a lot of people felt he was to young and to inexperienced. Look how that panned out.


    I think Sumlin is the most intriguing college coach right now. I would of loved the Bills to have gone after him.

  9. I'm not worried about the defense giving up too many points. The ST and offense giving up points are much more worrisome. I get flashbacks of the KC game. Tuel was QB so I'll take that into perspective but the offense can be to blame I think for 20 points.


    With that said if McKelvin is healthy and Gilmore puts it all together hopefully our D can put the O in scoring position 1-2 times a games.

  10. Woods was our top WR by far last year. He's now battling to be the Bills #3.


    SJ is no one's #1, and if he were on the Bills roster today he'd be #4 or #5.


    That he's even competing for SF's #3 spot is a strong indication Bills WRs > 49ers WRs.


    I think the Bucs would be saying the same thing about Williams.


    The 49ers QB play this preseason has been on par with the Bills. Watkins has impressed and looked the part of a #1 but until he does it in the regular season I think the 9ers WR are better than the Bills.

  11. Rogers game against the Jets was as bad of a game I've ever watched a player have. Manuel will be getting the criticism.


    Williams has never played well and the contract they gave him was puzzling. Rivers has never been able to recover from getting rocked I think his rookie year.


    As for guys who don't belong in the league who could matter, obviously the backup QB's. Other positions I don't think their is a Keith Ellison, Justin Rogers, Colin Brown type.

  12. Seriously, what is with this board? How about we let EJ play before we start trying to compare him or swap him in nonsense threads that can never happen? I mean how many of these threads do we need?


    EJ is the best QB prospect we have had since Kelly was drafted...literally. Yet all half this board wants to desperately do is prove he's a bust before he's had a chance to define his career. I swear most the people hating on him would rather us lose and him bust just to be right rather than be objective about him and hope for his success.


    At the time he was drafted I think Losman would've been considered a better prospect. He was a failure. Just using Scouts Inc grade they had Losman an 89 and Manuel a 76. Edwards was also given a grade of 85.

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